IMHO forum sites such as t2w should not go beyond offering a platform for collaboration to its members. No point in getting involved in court cases and the likes.
Dont worry they wont.
IMHO forum sites such as t2w should not go beyond offering a platform for collaboration to its members. No point in getting involved in court cases and the likes.
IMHO forum sites such as t2w should not go beyond offering a platform for collaboration to its members. No point in getting involved in court cases and the likes.
people who got smacked by scam artists or brokers can use this forum to interact with their counterparties.
If they decide to go legal; the court is the place to go to.
These people are not pure victims, they are at least the co-authors of their own misfortune. That is an important point and one worth pointing out for their own and others' benefit. Nonetheless, I would not say that the victim of any crime "deserves" it, and their folly (if such has been committed) does not in any way lessen the culpability of the criminal, who remains wholly responsible for his actions.
Very true, you should really go and have a look at the Senen Pousa thread, that particular scheme fell apart with amazing speed. Just like with Mahmoud many of Pousa's 'investors' were well warned in advance but did it anyway, at least 3 were taken for over $100,000 each, the minimum account size being $10,000. It seems like hardly a month passes without such a scandal.
If I remember correctly one of the people who paid Mahoud actually saw the bankruptcy documents prior to paying but still went ahead.
So you're saying that because some people are easily exploited by those more intelligent and less scrupulous then they deserve to lose their money as they are blinded by pound signs? I like to think I'm a too nice a person to be able to agree with that kind of philosophy.
No at Wacky really. Should have said that earlier but Scose plays hard and lose (loose).
Hi pb,It may well be a comprehensive guide but nobody will read it, if they did how did the whole Senen Pousa thing become so big on T2W? None of these guys do any due diligence, they just see this 100% a year marketing and can't wait to hand over their money. The only thing that is effective is naming and shaming the people and companies involved. This causes a lot of damage to them, if it didn't why would they get so upset about it?
By your logic, if I decide to ignore all the hazard labels on a bottle of bleach and drink it - then it's Unilever's (or whoever’s) fault that I get ill and not mine? m.
Hi pb,
T2W is not responsible for its members getting ripped off by (name your scam of choice) as a result of them not reading information prominently displayed on the site. I accept that there was a lack of information on this front for too long - but that hole has now been well and truly filled. By your logic, if I decide to ignore all the hazard labels on a bottle of bleach and drink it - then it's Unilever's (or whoever’s) fault that I get ill and not mine? I don't accept that and I don't think it's in the interests of our members to adopt such a policy either. We're not here to offer a (free) hand maid service. Members have to accept personal responsibility for their actions; they can't blame someone else for anything and everything that goes wrong in their lives.
If you want to pursue a 'naming and shaming' campaign because - in your view - that's the only thing that works, then that's your prerogative. However, that's not what T2W was ever set up to do and isn't the objective of the site. Prevention is better than cure and, with this in mind, I'm keen to do everything possible (within reason) to provide members with the information necessary to help them perform due diligence and make an informed decision about vendors of trading related products and services. Between the numerous discussion threads, FAQs and Stickies - clear warnings are posted about vendors at every turn on T2W. But, like the hazard label on a bottle of bleach, members can ignore them if they want - that's their choice.
If they do due diligence and end up being victims of fraud (a la Bernie Madoff), then it's the regulatory authorities job to step in and investigate. If you want to wage war on specific companies because you're not happy with the response of the FSA and others - that's your decision, but it's unreasonable and unrealistic to expect T2W to spearhead your battles. If that's the route you want to go down, I suggest you start your own website, get some poop hot legal expertise on board and a truck load of money to fund your campaign. I’m sure ’the hare’ and others will be right behind you.
That is the key question, and the reason this never goes away.
I see someone else is on holiday. I guess I missed all the fun 👎
lol the hare