The area where you marked the support. Just checked 20-30 minutes before it, it was creating lower low & lower high. Reason why I sold it. Then suddenly it changed the bias completely into higher high.
Would have to disagree Sun - and now I can see one of your mistakes
Yes in terms of a wave down from previous high at 122 75 - the 1 min candles were doing lower highs and lower lows to 122 60 approx
the higher low it needed to breach to be in a proper LL situation was at 122 47 - ie the swing up from there to 122 75
Now to get below 122 47 - we needed to drop under horizontal supports - and dynamic supports ( WHEN BOTH - STRONGER ) AT 122 60
By selling at 61 - too close = if you had sold at say 72 or 69 - no problem for a quick scalp sell - or under 55 and 47 - no problem
But you actually scalp sold at the very very worse price- sorry - its an easy mistake I dont worry - I have may have done it 100's of time in my trading journey along the way
so key supports now on EJ - say 122 47 / 50 - then 122 60 and also 73/75
Price just made 123 00 - correction 122 98
Another lesson - but part of the learning we all go through - so dont worry - just learn from it
Also really when 60 did not break - did you think about buying over 72 or 75??
If not - why not ?? - all part of getting the mind to focus and question all prices