Got will not try it.
I like simple thing..😉
but in general you think daily ATR is effective on intraday trading?
have a look
What size is this set up ?
Like every clue or clue in trading - nothing is 100%
ATR maybe 60 -80% of the time work - GU normally moves from say 80 to 120 pips a day - but we can have 70 pip days and 160 pip days etc- and even 250 pip days every now and again
All the standard stats traders use - i tend to ignore - because the market makers know all the traits of traders - so I dont want to be with the masses etc - and end up getting caught out
I agree keeping thing simple in any walk of life is best route
In trading though - to get the results we want - ie 20 -50% gains a month on retail accounts - you have to think outside the box and tackle complex variables - to get the "edge"
Above 60 on pullbacks - still another buy with high so far 87
every candle represent 5 pips and for opposite scenario 15 pips.
if the Previous candle was green then the current candle will be close above 5 pips from the high of the previous candle and opposite scenario it will be close under neath the previous candle low and will make -15 pips.
Which size candle do you prefer - or is most profitable most days ??
I dont normally trade the AU every day - prefer Euro crosses and GU
This morning though with EA being bearish - by rights AU should maybe be bullish
And it as been from 6 00 am
Missed a lot of that action though - but a perfect one for SUN
Would be good to see your new AU chart with 450 Lr highlighted on AU Sun
Here's mine
for short term 10 = mean some around 1 hr to 5 hr
for long term 20 = mean 1 day - 5 days
GU almost about to make 30 minutes around the 4500 zone. Below 4500 will plan to sell. Otherwise above 4510 more buy.
Hi Sun
1 08 pm
I have it at 4511/12 and above 4500 on pullbacks still a buy again
News in 7 mins - yes 1 15 pm
GU almost about to make 30 minutes around the 4500 zone. Below 4500 will plan to sell. Otherwise above 4510 more buy.