EU 5min for 30min rule
9 20 AM
Check out a perfect set up at 9 09am
i had a cross over on 2 quickest Lrs - but with 3 others also flat and going under from a low at 9 07 am and at 5458
5461/2 was entry
So far its topped at 5479 and stalling again the other Lrs and down bias
9 20 /21 is showing a scalp sell - but supports are forming now from 5458 to 66
scalp sell at 9:30 at 1.5475
EU 5min for 30min rule
out -6
scalp buy 9:39 at 1.5552
scalp buy 9:39 at 1.5552
out +10.6, left 30% open : ) moving stop to +3
out +10.6, left 30% open : ) moving stop to +3