hey gang
busy busy this week...............so no trading ...........I see the usd was bear yesterday
you guys must have cleaned up :smart:
Morning everybody,
Eu obeying a trend line isn't it? & also staying above 100 LR
Need a coffee I reckon - also missed GU scalp buy from 6 52 am and 7 00 / 01 am
Now normally i miss GU out first thing as spread can be 2+ whereas I prefer lower spread pairs for initial scalp
But - GU would have still made over 6 pips net - so shame about that
Mean while now - EJ under 55 is a sell with supports at 35 to 42
Morning Sun
The EU is bullish - but really needs above 1504 to add to any buys
I scalp sold under 95 and now waiting to see if 87 is properly breached as I would then look at buying at above 1480 again
Under 87 and 77 stay with sells and look then at 1470 area for buys again
GL and have a good day
8 05 AM
Far better scalp buy than EU at 8 00 am so far - it made 10 pips in 4 mins
EU atm cannot get over 82 - so only a 4 -5 pip move
GU - now though doing a 6 pip pullback - showing its volatile this morning
Its bullish but really needs over 5500 to start buying more
Good morning
Scalp sell at 8:08 at 1.5662
out +7.8
Morning Shacau
I can see you like the EA
You did well on it yesterday and a nice scalp sell just
Have a good day
scalp sell at 8:25 at 1.5494
scalp sell at 8:25 at 1.5494