IQ doesn't guarantee success in life just like being tall doesn't guarantee you will be a successful professional basketball player, but the anti-intelligence brigade just can’t seem to come to grip with this simple concept. Let me repeat, one more time for the dummies. Having a high IQ does
not guarantee success in life, but having a low IQ will certainly limit your choices, whether you like it or not. I have no doubt there a truck drivers with high IQ’s but I will be my life there are no Nobel Prize winning scientists with a low IQ.
Modern IQ ranges for various occupations
What I’ve found over the years that I’ve got into discussions about IQ, whether it is in real life or on an internet forum is that people fall into two main categories:
1) Those that have sat a supervised IQ test and know their IQ.
2) Those that have never sat an IQ test and don't know their IQ.
People in group 1 are generally surprised when they discover that their IQ is much higher than they thought. In other words, they are actually smarter than they think they are.
People in group 2 are too afraid to find out what their IQ is in case it is lower than they think. In other words, they like to think that they are smarter than they actually are. These are also the same people that say that IQ tests aren’t accurate, don’t mean anything..etc..etc..etc