Why 90% of retail traders "fail"...


Hey All 🙂

New here to T2W. I have been trading for over 5 years now.

Just thought I'd (assuming it's welcome?) kick off my first post by sharing my own blog on how I depict this "90% fail" rate.

I appreciate there being tonnes of material out there on this hot topic. I am not trying to compete with other very valuable articles. This is just simply a blog sharing my experience with no hidden agenda. Feel free to have a read. If you don't like it, then that's cool. If you found it helpful, then I'm glad I can help.

We all know trading isn't easy! What's important to start off understanding is why this fail rate is as high as it is. Hopefully then, it can help you realise what you should and shouldn't be focusing on to separate yourself from the rest.

All in all, it's just some food for thought on a Monday to kick-start the week.

Hope you enjoy!

Blog: http://fx-parity.tumblr.com/
Hey All 🙂

New here to T2W. I have been trading for over 5 years now.

Just thought I'd (assuming it's welcome?) kick off my first post by sharing my own blog on how I depict this "90% fail" rate.

I appreciate there being tonnes of material out there on this hot topic. I am not trying to compete with other very valuable articles. This is just simply a blog sharing my experience with no hidden agenda. Feel free to have a read. If you don't like it, then that's cool. If you found it helpful, then I'm glad I can help.

We all know trading isn't easy! What's important to start off understanding is why this fail rate is as high as it is. Hopefully then, it can help you realise what you should and shouldn't be focusing on to separate yourself from the rest.

All in all, it's just some food for thought on a Monday to kick-start the week.

Hope you enjoy!

Blog: http://fx-parity.tumblr.com/

assuming of course that its 90%. Perhaps a good start would be to question that figure, rather than substantiate it? Just my suggestion, why conform to other people's beliefs
its higher than 90% ............and always will be in this "x-factor want it now" world we live in ..........

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Hey malaguti - Thanks for your post, and great point!

Not sure if you've already read my blog, but that is almost what I try to explain. The percentage is irrelevant. I mention more about how I believe this "percentage" should be depicted, as opposed to simply conforming to it as if it were a factual benchmark...

I touch on why I believe this number is what it is, as opposed to simply, as you've put it, substantiating it!

Thanks for your comment 🙂
Hey malaguti - Thanks for your post, and great point!

Not sure if you've already read my blog, but that is almost what I try to explain. The percentage is irrelevant. I mention more about how I believe this "percentage" should be depicted, as opposed to simply conforming to it as if it were a factual benchmark...

I touch on why I believe this number is what it is, as opposed to simply, as you've put it, substantiating it!

Thanks for your comment 🙂

Keeping an open mind is truly the door to happiness- financial freedom in this case.
Liked the blog.

Hey numbertea, thanks for your feedback, glad you liked it.

You are absolutely right too! Most professional traders are incredibly open minded. It helps them to constantly innovate new ideas and essentially evolve on what they already know.

Great post.
90% of anyone that tries anything fails. Trading is a business and 90% of people who try to open any business fail. Next you have to ask why? In trading it is actually a very simple answer:

1. you do not have a proper trading methodology.
2. You do not understand how and why the markets move the way they do.
3. Even if you have 1 and 2 above you do not have the discipline and patience to wait for your setup to happen and the understanding of knowing where the market should and needs to go to on most trades.

I have talked to many that say they don't have the patience or discipline. Most can be disciplined and can have patience and its already been proven the mind can be re-programmed. The problem is that i have found and many i have talked to don't have a methodology or way to trade that is profitable. Therefore, how can you be patience when you don't know what you are being patient for? its very hard to sit and wait for something that you don't know will produce winning results enough to make you profitable and give you positive expectancy in your trades. Feel free to reply here or PM me and I am happy to assist you in any way possible.