10k to 20k in 1 month.

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As for your little photo upload "statement" where on earth is the details in the top right!?...

Yea fair play yours is legit. I did photoshop that. I don't really like posting my statement.

I can't knock your trading so far, but you shouldn't be so mouthy, it hurts your credibility.
Yea fair play yours is legit. I did photoshop that. I don't really like posting my statement.

I can't knock your trading so far, but you shouldn't be so mouthy, it hurts your credibility.

Ok brettus point taken, im sorry for being abusive and mouthy on these forums.... i really dont want this thread to continue being this way but put yourself in my position... we`ve had page after page of nonsense between me beginnerjoe and paz... judge me after (IF) i "fail" or "screw up" thats only fair?

So let me just continue what i enjoy doing and that is trading and this little mini journal...

You are such a *****... i was going to try and drag it out until ive hit target but here it is you little bitch...

Your only going to say i`ve photoshopped it... your harder to please than a chav on benefits thinking they deserve more....

There, that didn't hurt did it ? Had you posted it up when I first asked, you would have saved 30 pages of this thread.

Any joe can come on here claiming all kind of BS. Verification is an important part of the process. You have passed the first stage. Let's see if you can withstand the test of time.
You are such a *****... i was going to try and drag it out until ive hit target but here it is you little bitch...

Your only going to say i`ve photoshopped it... your harder to please than a chav on benefits thinking they deserve more....

:cheesy:all good thank goodness you posted that.
You are such a *****... i was going to try and drag it out until ive hit target but here it is you little bitch...

Your only going to say i`ve photoshopped it... your harder to please than a chav on benefits thinking they deserve more....

Does nobody understand why that thing is meaningless, even if it's real? I'm not having a go at Dilbert or anyone else, but come on, this is extremely basic stuff.

If you really can't work it out, there's a wonderful gentleman called Vince Stanzione who will make you a millionaire.
Difficult for me to rate it without reading everything and checking the live calls. Also I would say the members would appreciate it more if there are some sort of instructions how to trade your system - maybe they can learn something.

Personally I find it entertaining - your posts and like always BJ and P are great comedians.(y)

PS Maybe members are a bit suspicious - I had a bad experience earlier with a guy who was posting live calls on another thread. People were following it blindly without checking the calls and were impressed. Only when I had a closer look, I could see he was adjusting the numbers. To cut it short - he wanted to find subscribers for his live calls service and eventually gave up.

Who was that mate? Btw only read the last couple of pages of this thread, how's the lad doing?
Who was that mate? Btw only read the last couple of pages of this thread, how's the lad doing?

Can't remember - he was posting live calls on FX set ups and live calls thread. I think he had a funny website.

I wanted to follow this thread, but no time for that. This week I've been trading all the time and analysing the trades afterwards - too much for me. Can read some for entertainment without reading all the posts.
Can't remember - he was posting live calls on FX set ups and live calls thread. I think he had a funny website.

I wanted to follow this thread, but no time for that. This week I've been trading all the time and analysing the trades afterwards - too much for me. Can read some for entertainment without reading all the posts.

Glad you`ve taken a slight interest, thanks! lol... but seriously keep an eye out i do try call trades before price has reached the area to take the position with a target and stops. :)
Gold 5 minute potential IHS setup. If price pushes below 1732.2 then obviously its invalidated... trade the neckline @ 1768.4 with a tight stop loss.... (i dont take overnight trades but thought i`d shout it out there anyway!...) only thing a little hesitant on is the volume on the right shoulder i`d like to see pick up now...

Night all :)


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Also not something i`d trade (again over night and entry waaaay gone) but FTSE looks to be at a potential shorting area - (which is way gone now but would have been a good entry from bounce at top flat (triple top)... Target is just bottom edge...

(oh and break above 200MA can prove otherwise... thats on H1)


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Stay tuned as i`ll be posting again tomorrow on more trades... alot of valuable trades missed today due to silly distractions on this forum and ridiculous comments portraying my calls (i shouldnt let myself get distracted to be fair though!) as outrageous and unsustainable despite those few who have no idea on my trading setup and its longevity... very prejudice people on these forums who dont allow time for things to unfold first before making judgements... im not saying i will achieve 20k in one month but im setting a challenge that people will find interesting... or at least i hope... :) thanks to those few who are keeping an interest and you should take something positive from this thread soon i promise!

You really need to be more mature. Stop fighting and arguing with the antagonists.
IGNORE the inane posts from Pazienza and the Hare.
IGNORE the even more idiotic posts from BeginnerJoe. He hasn't made a single, positive contibution in any of his 800+ posts

Do exactly what you have said in the post above. Call your trades out live. Prove your point that you can do what you have said you will do. Share your methodology. Help others.
Everything else is rubbish.
IGNORE the even more idiotic posts from BeginnerJoe. He hasn't made a single, positive contibution in any of his 850+ posts

That's not fair to him actually. You need to read between the lines certainly, but he's made some very good posts. They wouldn't be of much use to people who don't know what they're doing though.

But anyway, if you have him down as a clown or as a beginner, I think you are dead wrong.
if you have him down as a clown or as a beginner, I think you are dead wrong.

I have BeginnerJoe down as a clown and as a beginner. He has never traded successfully. Thats why he is so bitter and twisted in all his posts here. (n)

And I am not dead and I am not wrong :cheesy:
lol, give the guy one month to have him prove his point :)

40% return would be good enough ;)

Account statement of the month would be a bonus ;)

Remember that only a few percent win in this game, I think 1% on forum and we have too many legendary members here :D
-9 @ £10pp = -£90 This morning so far.

(obviously doesnt take a genius to realise that the trade actually went in my favour after i pulled out, but that honestly doesnt bother me as i`ve made the right decision in doing so.)
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Financial Times French economy stalls in second quarter http://on.ft.com/nkWAUx #FinancialTimes

Doesnt look too great today for the upside especially if the Asian markets arent swinging in tune aswell.... just an area of confluence created for a sell off.....

Wait untill gap fill at around 5242 (cash FTSE) and then we`ll see....
Update on gold from chart last night. Because of low volumes i had suspected it to pan out within a box range as clearly shown here.... IHS are common as muck and beginner patterns... so you`ll all probably know that its commonly found that sometimes there can be two right shoulders developed to form this pattern.... Volumes have started to pick up again but because of the equity shake outs of long positions gold has been looked upon by hedge funds as a safe haven and therefore a lot of cash is tide up within that commodity as well as others... so although i believe gold will be "squeezing" higher, ultimately it`ll have to come off soon to provide leverage for stocks again....

But for now who knows! :) Like any area of support/resistance the more times it touches that price area (of a horizontal line) the weaker it gets.... so my bias would be a break north this time... Potentially something im looking at depending on other markets for confluence :)

(update) Im remaining on neutral on gold.

Im not a big fan of giving running commentary because it typically means nothing unless your prepared to act on it, but just letting you know what my thoughts are!


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