10k to 20k in 1 month.

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Why was that one funny? The price was literally only a few pips from the price he said that he got in at when he posted the trade, and, like most of the trades that i've witnessed, it went in his intended direction rather nicely.

I know that you 2 seem to have had a lovers tiff in a previous thread where maybe gilberto was being a bit of a tool, but as far as I can make out he's doing rather well and posting as close to realtime as is possible in this environment?

DIlbert, post up a statement from your broker confirming you are taking these trades
(although personally, im more impressed with live calls than with statements that can be photoshopped...still, just do it. Even if people call 'photoshop' you can say that you at least tried to please them)

I love both gilberto and Paz so much that it hurts to see them fight...like when my parents fought when i was a kid :(
Hi Brettus, I didnt actually take that gold trade as i didnt like the R:R due to the fact it was mid triangle setup... i`ll post a chart to explain what i mean... (and no beginnerjoe i dont just trade triangles... lol)

I was refering to the trade that you sold gold at 1775 with a stop at 1790. You risked £1500 on that trade right, which is 15% of your account.
+11.3 @£10PP = £113 (DAX)
+35.2 @£5PP = £176.00 (US CRUDE)
+21.7 @£5PP = £108.50 (US CRUDE)
+18.5 @£10PP = £185.00 (GBPUSD)

Daily total: £582.50 Profit today / 86.7+ points

Account Balance: £11,392.50

13.92% up from Original deposit.

Pazienza and beginnerjoe im done for the day.... :) been fun reading your posts... come back sniffing round here tomorrow...

I don't agree with how you represent the points. You could close £1 a point at a time and say you made hundreds of points. You made 58.25 points.
I don't agree with how you represent the points. You could close £1 a point at a time and say you made hundreds of points. You made 58.25 points.

okkkk im sorry if that annoyed you... its +58.25 then ..? :) Not sure what gold trade your talking about? I wouldnt have risked £1,500 on one trade, might have been a typo... i do try and write trades damn quick... i put trades on then quickly write on here! :)
Im short gold from 1,775.2 (edited as i typed it wrong!) (1,790 is stop loss)

Im out at 1768.4 on gold short @ £10pp

+68 = £680 profit

Total for today +68 gold +16 EURUSD = Total: 84+ target exceeded

Account Balance: £10,840.00

This one.

Posting over inflated pip count just ruins your credibility which i would expect from a signal website or someone trying to sell me something.
Why was that one funny? The price was literally only a few pips from the price he said that he got in at when he posted the trade, and, like most of the trades that i've witnessed, it went in his intended direction rather nicely.

I know that you 2 seem to have had a lovers tiff in a previous thread where maybe gilberto was being a bit of a tool, but as far as I can make out he's doing rather well and posting as close to realtime as is possible in this environment?

DIlbert, post up a statement from your broker confirming you are taking these trades
(although personally, im more impressed with live calls than with statements that can be photoshopped...still, just do it. Even if people call 'photoshop' you can say that you at least tried to please them)

I love both gilberto and Paz so much that it hurts to see them fight...like when my parents fought when i was a kid :(

Thanks. Im not entirely sure why im being spoken to like i`ve called out ridiculous trades? I know ive been flaming in other threads which i was just pissing about but im actually trying to do something good on here and generally share my trading/thoughts with others for it to (so far) be chewed out and disregarded, so i appreciate you saying that! I know your not trying to take sides either, so well said.

As for statements i will but im not giving anyone satisfaction just yet as i dont think thats crucial and MORE IMPORTANTLY (whether you believe me or not) i find it quite humorous how i started a thread saying "who actually makes a living out of trading?!" and everyone called me a moron and said how it would add no benefit to me finding out other peoples statements... (to which no 1 uploaded any...) so thats partly the reason why I dont find it exactly fair that all of sudden on everyone elses request (despite the FACT that im calling out live accurate trades) that im HAVING to prove it from a statement... I WILL BE UPLOADING A STATEMENT but not yet.

Answer this... wouldnt i be an idiot to waste my time calling trades that are accurate and go in my favour, to then NOT ACTUALLY trade them?

Either way sit tight... something exciting will happen you`ll see :cool:
This one.

Posting over inflated pip count just ruins your credibility which i would expect from a signal website or someone trying to sell me something.

I believe i risk 48 points on that trade actually... 1,780 so = £480 = risk.

Brettus if your one for trying to catch me out then join the rest of them mate... im not trying to shaft anyone over or catch anyone out... im not selling anything or asking anyone for money... im doing this out of my own time to share my trading techniques (which as ive said 100 times over i will explain soon...)

So please give me a break... be patient you`ll see... it was a typo and yes the risk was 4.8% but reward was 6.8% (of initial deposit)... thats why i took it :)
That's good DM(y)

Why is the thread's rating so low? Is it something to do with the lack of credibility?

Thanks... its because Paz and Beginnerjoe and a few others starting a flaming war for the first 20+ pages... and not actually allowing me to prove myself.... They want me to fail because i gave a bit of banter in previous posts/threads which they dont know when to say enoughs enough... so they sabotage this thread... but if you value this thread (which i hope some people do) then please rate as you see fit :)

thank you!
everyone sit tight and wait for BeginnerJoes hilarious post... or Paz... one of the two...
Thanks... its because Paz and Beginnerjoe and a few others starting a flaming war for the first 20+ pages... and not actually allowing me to prove myself.... They want me to fail because i gave a bit of banter in previous posts/threads which they dont know when to say enoughs enough... so they sabotage this thread... but if you value this thread (which i hope some people do) then please rate as you see fit :)

thank you!

Difficult for me to rate it without reading everything and checking the live calls. Also I would say the members would appreciate it more if there are some sort of instructions how to trade your system - maybe they can learn something.

Personally I find it entertaining - your posts and like always BJ and P are great comedians.(y)

PS Maybe members are a bit suspicious - I had a bad experience earlier with a guy who was posting live calls on another thread. People were following it blindly without checking the calls and were impressed. Only when I had a closer look, I could see he was adjusting the numbers. To cut it short - he wanted to find subscribers for his live calls service and eventually gave up.


  • statement.png
    53.1 KB · Views: 149
Difficult for me to rate it without reading everything and checking the live calls. Also I would say the members would appreciate it more if there are some sort of instructions how to trade your system - maybe they can learn something.

Personally I find it entertaining - your posts and like always BJ and P are great comedians.(y)

PS Maybe members are a bit suspicious - I had a bad experience earlier with a guy who was posting live calls on another thread. People were following it blindly without checking the calls and were impressed. Only when I had a closer look, I could see he was adjusting the numbers. To cut it short - he wanted to find subscribers for his live calls service and eventually gave up.

I appreciate that! Thats not my intentions at all! Do me a favour and have a little look over my posts (the time) and check the charts... i dont see how any harm is going to come of what im doing? My intentions are part to prove a point and partly to help others... you`ll see when ive hit the target what im on about... im not here to write a few posts and then disappear... i appreciate your honesty in the rating though. Thanks for your post!
Your turn.

geeeeeeze... you dont get it do you? I will but not yet..... funny thing is that looks photoshopped to hell haha... im sure its not.... :confused: but it looks really odd... if YOUR prepared to do it hit print screen right now over your platform with IGINDEX where you can pop up that little window with P&L....

I really dont want you to but if thats what you`d like to prove to everyone then go for it....

Brettus... telling me something... AM I OR AM I NOT CALLING TRADES as they happen?
Very impressive. This is credibility right there. If you start a thread, I have no trouble following all your trades with real money.

You are such a *****... i was going to try and drag it out until ive hit target but here it is you little bitch...

Your only going to say i`ve photoshopped it... your harder to please than a chav on benefits thinking they deserve more....


  • statement.png
    63.5 KB · Views: 159
You are such a *****... i was going to try and drag it out until ive hit target but here it is you little bitch...

Your only going to say i`ve photoshopped it... your harder to please than a chav on benefits thinking they deserve more....

Serious and helpful point. That is not a statement that has any meaning, whether it's photoshopped or not.
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