How I will grow $187.91 to $1M in 5 years

Great thread keep up the good results. No need to increase pos size that fast with a monthly 50% gain and increasing the position size to keep the initial "total available money-positionsize" ratio from 200$ to 5M it only takes about 30 months... that is if u dont have losing months.of course
95% of the people will say otherwise. 🙂 don't listen to them
February performance update:

The month of February ended with a modest gain, but well below my target. The first two weeks saw gain over +600 pips only to be erased during the last two weeks and reduced it to only +300 pips at the end of February.

Total deposit from my own money deposited in this trading account is $443.34. The additional deposits of $135.16 and $125 are my savings from smoking and coffee from the previous month.

Plan for the month of March starting March 9th:

Pairs to trade:

Risk per trade:
Max of 2%, but a minimum of 2 micro lots


I'm not giving advice on trading like that! I need advice!

I'm watching and glad to see that you are using pairs that have low spreads, ie, ones that I have on my watchlist.

The best of luck.
The account ended negative for the month of March, but the loss is very minimal. The last 3 trading days of the month won over +300 pips that recovered most of the loses from the previous days.

I have a good start in the month of April.

USDJPY will be traded in this account starting April 7, 2014.

For the month of April three pairs will be traded in this account.


Hey...I just stumbled upon this thread and the way I see does not matter what the result is on your account.

At the end of this exercise no matter the outcome, you would have stopped smoking.

That already is a sure win.
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The week ended April 11th started a bumpy ride, but recovered the loses towards the end of the week to end up positive for the week and for the month.

I got hammered the week ended April 18th. I recovered a little bit with two GBPJPY trades for +70 and +100 pips to end up the week with -331 pips or -5.88%. The month is still positive, we'll see how this month will end up.

This is just a dream, but everything starts from a dream.

The $187.91 is original amount deposited, but I add funds intended for smoking that I did not use during the month. I added $135.16 on February 1, 2014. The other small deposits you will see in the history are rebates from the broker after the end of the month.

Lovers and haters are welcome, just maintain civility.

Trading style is based on:

Price action
Support & Resistance

Risk management:

Never lose more than 50% of each month's beginning capital. This will decrease in time as the equity grows.

Let my winners run and cut my loses short.

I will update this thread every end of the week.

The performance is shown in myfxbook signature.
Note. Myfxbook middle table not showing correct numbers for February, look at the bottom graph.


How I will grow $187.91 to $1M in 5 years

Are you crazy, that is a big goal?
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This is just a dream, but everything starts from a dream.


You can do it, Bastien