Which Way Dow? Market Direction

Please provide predictions objectively falsifiable on a finite timescale, ideally under a year.
Please provide predictions objectively falsifiable on a finite timescale, ideally under a year.

Within a year I would expect civil unrest around the world. I haven’t quite worked it out yet. I have a date of 20th January in my mind for some reason. This is when President Bush leaves office. Time scale doesn’t matter to me because we are going down like the Titanic. Financial disaster the world has never seen.

I know in America the Banks are hiding huge losses. I know in November 2008 they will by law have to declare losses. What will that do to the stock market? Banks make up the Dow.
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The government is holding a meeting today with the banks. They want the banks to pass on interest rate cuts. FAT CHANCE. My prediction is the banks will say GET LOST because of Fibonacci rules ratio 1.618

Just found this below on marketwatch.com. This site is updated every day so it isn't old news I have found. It's todays news. Look at the date. I have been telling you for DAYS Financial Armageddon is coming. The BLACK SWAN Scenario is coming. Looks like I could be the greatest economist the world has ever seen.

Economic sound bites sound alarm on coming financial Armageddon - MarketWatch

OIL is up as I predicted. See below. The price of oil will just keep rising.

Crude hits new intraday high of $119.74 a barrel - MarketWatch

I have also just heard on News 24 that 18 thousand a day are being refused an application for a credit card. That tells me that people are beginning to get into financial trouble because they have no savings or cash. They also said that banks around the world are in trouble. News 24 words not mine.
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I also predict if my calculations are correct that something strange may start to happen on the Dow 2008 thread. There will be an unusual number of traders start claiming that they are beginning to win on the stock market. Look on the 2008 thread starting on page 192. I think it has already started. I may be wrong but it's worth a guess.

I have told you we have got a reversal in the financial system taking place in all areas.

I have also told you that there are on average 90% losers in the stock market and only 10% winners. That will now reverse. There will now be 10% losers and 90% winners. Watch all threads on T2W and see what will happen. Most traders will start to win over time. Traders will get excited on T2W. This will be because of Fibonacci rules ratio 1.618
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But the Titanic didn't go down, it was her identical sister ship. Don't you know anything, HG?!

Hey who cares. It was a big ship that went down. They said it wouldn’t sink. Many say the financial system will not sink but I SAY IT WILL. No question. It’s a ship with massive holes in it.
A special thanks to Holy Grail for:

- sticking to this thread and leaving the Dow 2008 thread for less significant postings
- raising the readership and contribution levels in Which Way Dow?
ST I think the DOW will go higher.

Look for a breakout of the 12894 highs soon. And with heavy 12500 trades of size. That marks a heavy support level for you non daytraders.

Basis for my positive inclination, If you take out all the financials, earnings were up 6% for this earning cycle. And all the bads news, Isnt new news...

12500 is turning point in my view. If 12500 is pierced, we could easily wipe out this whole month of rallies.
A special thanks to Holy Grail for:

- sticking to this thread and leaving the Dow 2008 thread for less significant postings
- raising the readership and contribution levels in Which Way Dow?

No problem Nine. As long as I have free speech on T2W I don't mind which tread I am on. Thanks again for your help.

News 24 reported yesterday that there was a food crises around the world I predict prices will keep rising and not stop. They also said petrol prices are rising. I predict this will keep on going. THE WORLD HAS GONE MAD.
News 24 reported yesterday that there was a food crises around the world I predict prices will keep rising and not stop. They also said petrol prices are rising. I predict this will keep on going. THE WORLD HAS GONE MAD.

What rock have you been living under. This news is not new. In particular, India, Vietnam and I think China are restricting rice exports. Wheat futures are through the roof. Take a look at the charts of some ag chem stocks. And so on.

No the world has not gone mad, but there is rising demand for food from some developing countries where increasing wealth is giving more people the economic clout to demand better nutrition. Nothing mad about that.
What rock have you been living under. This news is not new. In particular, India, Vietnam and I think China are restricting rice exports. Wheat futures are through the roof. Take a look at the charts of some ag chem stocks. And so on.

No the world has not gone mad, but there is rising demand for food from some developing countries where increasing wealth is giving more people the economic clout to demand better nutrition. Nothing mad about that.


A massive rock that is sitting on top of the Stock Market that will collapse it LOL. No the news is not new as markets go through natural cycles in price of up and down but what I am predicting is Total Financial Armageddon the world has never seen. Food and oil markets will not stop rising and stock markets will not stop falling. This combination will bring stock markets to 0. Absolute civil unrest will come because of the reversal in the financial system. This is death to the financial system and the world as we know it. All the News on television will be about how bad the economy is. Watch and see!

Just heard on News 24 that there has been a 46% in mortgage approvals. I am afraid to say the world has Maxed out it’s Credit Card. There is no more credit in the system. It’s pay back time.
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Within a year I would expect civil unrest around the world. I haven’t quite worked it out yet. I have a date of 20th January in my mind for some reason. This is when President Bush leaves office. Time scale doesn’t matter to me because we are going down like the Titanic. Financial disaster the world has never seen.

I know in America the Banks are hiding huge losses. I know in November 2008 they will by law have to declare losses. What will that do to the stock market? Banks make up the Dow.

lol..."SPELLING"...good boy you've tidied it up ! Now to help you out here the long run stats suggest there is definitive market edge that comes with buying the market in the latter stages of October 2 years prior to the end of the presidential term and selling it by the Jan in which the incumbent leaves office 😉 likewise if you go back and study the political history of the US you will also find a change of economic management as inflationary terms of office under republicans give way to democratic policies responding to public pressure for change 😉

This adding up to world down the toilet might just be a stretch though as opposed to rough road ahead.I'll stick with the latter as I don't need a bible and pulpit to make it a decent possibility.
Just heard on News 24 that there has been a 46% in mortgage approvals. This is a record since records began. I am afraid to say the world has Maxed out it’s Credit Card. There is no more credit in the system. It’s pay back time. No more money means no more spending on unnecessary items including the stock market.
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All the news in the world will soon be about you predicting it all!! Watch and see.....

Correct because I have emailed BBC news and all American News Agencies. I am going to pin President Bush to the wall and take his job. Bet you I can do it. And when I do I will all invite you for tea at the white house. On eBay no one could beat me. President Bush is just one man like me. This is just an eBay game to me. Technical and Psychological warfare.
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Correct because I have emailed BBC news and all American News Agencies. I am going to pin President Bush to the wall and take his job. Bet you I can do it. And when I do I will all invite you for tea at the white house. On eBay no one could beat me. President Bush is just one man like me. This is just an eBay game to me. Technical and psychological warfare.

Its says you are from the UK on your profile. How do you plan to be the US President when you are not even an American?
Its says you are from the UK on your profile. How do you plan to be the US President when you are not even an American?


Easy, GET ON A PLANE heading to America. You will see. I guarantee it. Maybe I am God in disguise and have had enough of this stupid world LOL. I told you It’s payback time.
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Easy, GET ON A PLANE heading to America. You will see. I guarantee it. Maybe I am God in disguise and have had enough of this stupid world LOL. I told you It’s payback time.

How does jumping on a plane to the US turn you into an American? And if you are God, then why would you even need a plane?
Down the toilet


News 24 has just said that Shell in Aberdeen is to cut hundreds of jobs. That’s strange because I thought petrol companies where making good profits. Maybe not then. This is the start of a terrible reversal in the Financial System. You will start to here about more and more job losses. It will be the banks next. All this will cause economic turmoil. How will people that loose there jobs going to pay for there mortgages?
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Job Cuts

Just looked on marketwatch.com website that Schering-plough is to cut 5,500 jobs which is about 10% of the global workforce. Looks like my predictions are coming true. Oh this is great fun!

Also click on the link below. Again this is not old news. Look at the date. My prediction will come true. Am I really speaking rubbish?

The tile is Prophet of doom
Commentary: Veteran gold bug Ruff says financial world could collapse

Ruff sees more rough times ahead - MarketWatch
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