What will HowardCohodas's month on month return be for March?

Howard's March Month on Month Return

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Sorry, Howard, but I gots to ask again... That last "module" is pretty heavy stuff. Are you qualified to teach that? Do you have a degree in psychology? Also have you taken many lives in self-defense yourself?
I do not offer counseling, I offer information and recommendations based on the research and personal interviews I have done. I play a video by a law enforcement officer and a lawyer. I reviewed my material with the psychologist for local law enforcement.

I sometimes ride with the police at night. I am exposed to things that the average citizen is clueless about that go on at their doorstep, even in "safe" neighborhoods. I will be the happiest of men should I never have to use a firearm to defend myself or anyone I cherish.

Since I began carrying, I am less confrontational and a less aggressive driver. My wife noticed it before I even realized it. I don't know whether it is because I fear getting in a situation where I am in fear for my life, or I just don't feel the need to prove anything by using those behaviors. Understanding this is above my pay grade.
Has to be a line drawn somewhere. I think disabled kids is over it...any more of it and your on a weeks hol.

not a very straight line, is it?

it is difficult to be consistent but I do my best...

(edit: not that I plan on making a matyr of myself for the right to make jokes about disabled kids. but seems a completely random thing to ban given all the other things one is allowed to make jokes about, especially when they're as good as my jokes!)
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not a very straight line, is it?

Whats the significance of a straight line ?
it is difficult to be consistent but I do my best...

Well try harder.
(edit: not that I plan on making a matyr of myself for the right to make jokes about disabled kids. but seems a completely random thing to ban given all the other things one is allowed to make jokes about,

No more random than the wide variety of lulz tolerated on t2w.
especially when they're as good as my jokes!)

In other words you're saying it's over the line but without any reason for that line to be... well, anywhere.

I mean, by all means say it's beyond the pale because it pisses you off or something, but don't pretend there's a specific ethical standard that has been breached there that hasn't been in thousands of other posts that could offend someone. Which is my point about consistency... 🙂



- didn't read howards thread or didn't understand it
- interviewed howard and published it anyway
- kept quiet through the whole saga / hid behind the sofa
- only pipes up after I'm banned and is obv. well out of touch with what my complaint is
- doesn't justify it after besing asked ("I don't answer to you")
- hardly posts anything anyway
- removed his apology from my april fool (just bad sport)

whereas Timsk

- did read howards thread if not necesarily understood the very optiony things
- put up all the sh!t that (mostly me) threw at him
- does post but only cuts and pastes 'cos of his "job"
- i think would have done something if he could; he was stuck between rock of trader333 being content "editor" and putting up the interview and the hard place of mods not really understanding what was going on in howards thread and deleting/banning as apppropriate (couldn't see past the lulz)

SO it makes sense to me for timsk and trader333 to swap jobs because

- timsk at least is not plonkerish enough to keep interview up after all this, was good egg (mostly, even though still not on same page) throughout
- timsk looks like he works harder (he's always on here)
- trader333 doesn't post/trade much so just let him do the cutting and pasting, he could know nothing about trading and no effect on it
You would need to go back to 2003 and start reading my posts where I gave live calls for a long time and more than demonstrated my capability to trade. I have also helped many members past and present in developing their trading capabilities including visiting several in their own homes and showing them live how to trade and I did this at my cost and FOC to them.

However, it is more than clear that I have now become the replacement for HC in terms of you being provocative and bullying. It is only a matter of time before the inevitable consequence of your decision to do this will come to fruition.

I do not offer counseling, I offer information and recommendations based on the research and personal interviews I have done. I play a video by a law enforcement officer and a lawyer. I reviewed my material with the psychologist for local law enforcement.

I sometimes ride with the police at night. I am exposed to things that the average citizen is clueless about that go on at their doorstep, even in "safe" neighborhoods. I will be the happiest of men should I never have to use a firearm to defend myself or anyone I cherish.

Since I began carrying, I am less confrontational and a less aggressive driver. My wife noticed it before I even realized it. I don't know whether it is because I fear getting in a situation where I am in fear for my life, or I just don't feel the need to prove anything by using those behaviors. Understanding this is above my pay grade.

I think as you get older you come to realise noone can actually drive and it scares you.
I think as you get older you come to realise noone can actually drive and it scares you.
You would be amazed at what I've seen during my night rides with the police. Especially those they spot who are impaired by drugs or alcohol. I'm not as good at spotting them by their driving patters as the experienced officers are.

Then there is the driver that lost control of his car on the freeway in the lane next to me and appeared in my lane with inches to spare without warning. Three ladies in the car. Much lap stuff on the floor, but through luck or skill, we were undamaged.
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