What will HowardCohodas's month on month return be for March?

Howard's March Month on Month Return

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the main thing about hte driving thing that always makes me dubious... we only notice the really bad drivers. thus almost all drivers can legitimately say they're better than the vast majority of the drivers they notice, because they don't notice normal folk, only tards 😀
p.s. howard regarding driving take a look at a book called roadcraft, it's the bible of advanced driving (which is to say advanced ROAD driving, not car handling which is entirely different) in the UK...

primarily because of something called "the system" 🙂
Hi DR,
Blow me down with a feather, I've had to pinch myself several times. Am I imagining it, or have I detected what sounds like a compliment in your post! Whatever next?

Your criticism of Trader333 is unfair. If anything, it ought to be aimed at me. For the record, I frequently ask him for his views on projects that I'm working on. As an experienced trader with extensive knowledge of the markets and long standing T2W member - he's an excellent sounding board. Very occasionally, he solicits my views on an article that he's published (or is thinking of publishing). Within a day or two of the interview with Howard going out, he asked me if I thought he should let it stand - given the comments by you, meanreversion and JoC etc. on Howard's thread. At the time, I encouraged him to leave it for several reasons. Firstly, we get relatively few ‘home grown’ contributions which we are keen to promote as the membership like them. Secondly, the discussion threads are usually good; so too are the the viewing stats. Both these are good for T2W and its content. However, in this particular case, I admit that I failed to factor in the weight of opinion expressed by some very experienced traders saying that Howard’s methodology is flawed. With the benefit of hindsight, I ought to have encouraged Trader333 to pull it. I got it wrong - sorry! (T333 may or may not have taken down the interview - it's his decision - not mine.)

Regarding your specific points about T333:
1. - didn't read howards thread or didn't understand it
He certainly did read Howard's thread and understand it. (No one in their right mind would interview an options trader without at least understanding basic options theory.)
2. - interviewed howard and published it anyway
Yes, he went ahead and published it anyway but, as I've explained, it wasn't a one way street - there were good reasons at the time for doing so.
3. - kept quiet through the whole saga / hid behind the sofa
Keeping quiet is a policy I greatly admire in my colleagues. I could learn a lot from them in this regard. Usually, providing comment only serves to fan the flames. This post might be a case in point - depending upon the response it gets.
4. - only pipes up after I'm banned and is obv. well out of touch with what my complaint is
Your ban was only temporary - he knew that. So posting while you were banned was just coincidence. Trust me on this - he, the Mods and I understand fully the nature of your complaint.
5. - doesn't justify it after besing asked ("I don't answer to you")
Unlike me, brevity is his string suit. Besides, he had a copy of my PM to you - so he knew that your concerns had been addressed.
6. - hardly posts anything anyway
I can't speak for T333 regarding his level of posting. However, I can tell you why I post relatively little on trading related issues. The role I have pretty much prevents me from doing so. For example, I am interested in your posts on your Schlong thread, but I can't ask questions because, if I do, I expect there will be a deluge of lulzy posts saying stuff like 'T2W shoots itself in the foot (again) - appointing someone who clearly doesn't understand XYZ'. It's simply not worth the grief. I'm not complaining - just stating the situation as I see it.
7. - removed his apology from my april fool (just bad sport
He made a magnanimous gesture towards you and you threw it back in his face - what do you expect? C'mon DR - play fair!
(T333 may or may not have taken down the interview - it's his decision - not mine.)

So he may, or may not have taken it down. Thats like being a bit pregnant 😆

Last time I looked the interview was not there, so someone took it down ? Surely someone at T2W knows who is adding and removing articles ?

The key point is WHY was it removed. If it was good enough originally to pass the scrutiny of the sites editorial team what changed ?

I do appreciate that whatever position you take will result in lulz and critisism, but surely a bit of honesty once in a while isnt too much to ask for.
p.s. howard regarding driving take a look at a book called roadcraft, it's the bible of advanced driving (which is to say advanced ROAD driving, not car handling which is entirely different) in the UK...

primarily because of something called "the system" 🙂

HoCo wrote the twin trading book, Witchcraft.
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why are you defending him you could have his job??!!


1. - didn't read howards thread or didn't understand it

He certainly did read Howard's thread and understand it. (No one in their right mind would interview an options trader without at least understanding basic options theory.)

sorry this doesn't make sense. If he understood what howard was doing he would have never interviewed him in the first place, or at least should have pointed out the fundamental flaws (no view on spot, vols or skew) in his strategy during the interview.

2. - interviewed howard and published it anyway
Yes, he went ahead and published it anyway but, as I've explained, it wasn't a one way street - there were good reasons at the time for doing so.

no comment.

3. - kept quiet through the whole saga / hid behind the sofa
Keeping quiet is a policy I greatly admire in my colleagues. I could learn a lot from them in this regard. Usually, providing comment only serves to fan the flames. This post might be a case in point - depending upon the response it gets.

It was him that published the interview in the first place FFS! He is responsible! Why are you taking all the sh!t for his bad decision and the mods sitting on the fence?!

4. - only pipes up after I'm banned and is obv. well out of touch with what my complaint is
Your ban was only temporary - he knew that. So posting while you were banned was just coincidence. Trust me on this - he, the Mods and I understand fully the nature of your complaint.

And it's a fair complaint. But timsk you understand and seem to be dealing with it while the only people who can do something about it - mods or trader333 - don't and won't.

5. - doesn't justify it after besing asked ("I don't answer to you")
Unlike me, brevity is his string suit. Besides, he had a copy of my PM to you - so he knew that your concerns had been addressed.

err... no they hadn't been addressed, they had been replied to. I said "he doesn"t know what he's doing, he's trying to run a course, you are promoting him". tradetowin said "yes, we know" (well, that's the gist. If trader333 had read the thread he would have known that).

I would be fascinated to hear why some one who (allegedly) did read the thread and understand the content would even consider publishing an Interview with howard as responsible. Or even decent.

6. - hardly posts anything anyway
I can't speak for T333 regarding his level of posting. However, I can tell you why I post relatively little on trading related issues. The role I have pretty much prevents me from doing so. For example, I am interested in your posts on your Schlong thread, but I can't ask questions because, if I do, I expect there will be a deluge of lulzy posts saying stuff like 'T2W shoots itself in the foot (again) - appointing someone who clearly doesn't understand XYZ'. It's simply not worth the grief. I'm not complaining - just stating the situation as I see it.

Ask questions on the thread all you want. You would actually get more credibility if you did post/talk about trading, unlike most others on the tradetowin side. as it stands all I can see you post is cut and paste from other threads and write placating posts like this one. Well any idiot can do that so get involved with the trading stuff and let the idiots do idiots jobs!

I mean it would be stupid of someone on the tradetowin side does actually have interesting things to say (like you trade stocks don't you?) but didn't because of their role on the site. thats fubar.

7. - removed his apology from my april fool (just bad sport
He made a magnanimous gesture towards you and you threw it back in his face - what do you expect? C'mon DR - play fair!

still bad sport IMO. It was a good aprils fools... on your FACE! LOL

anyway the interview with Howard has been taken down and all of howards new threads are nipped in the bud so lets just leave it. This result could have been achieved much earlier on if the people behind the scenes could organise a p!ss up in a brewery and/or stopped passing the buck and took responsibility.
Look, mate, I've spent a long time trying to find something positive to say about about HoCo's "strategy"...........
Hi the hare,
So he may, or may not have taken it down. Thats like being a bit pregnant 😆.
Sorry, I didn't make myself clear. The point I was trying to make is that Trader333 is his own man, he does what he thinks is best and doesn't need my approval to make his decisions.

Last time I looked the interview was not there, so someone took it down ? Surely someone at T2W knows who is adding and removing articles ?.
I was referring to the historical situation at the time the article was published. Trader333 was then - and still is now - responsioble for publishing Articles.

The key point is WHY was it removed. If it was good enough originally to pass the scrutiny of the sites editorial team what changed ?.
I've not discussed the interview with Trader333 since our original conversation about it when it was first published - so I don't know his precise reasons for taking it down - if that's what he's done. However, if he's pulled it, I would assume he's done so because he thinks that's the best thing to do in the interests of the site and its members.

I do appreciate that whatever position you take will result in lulz and critisism, but surely a bit of honesty once in a while isnt too much to ask for.
I was - and am - being honest! I have many faults, but being dishonest isn't one of them!
anyway the interview with Howard has been taken down and all of howards new threads are nipped in the bud so lets just leave it.
Hi DR,
Good idea - so I won't comment on your points about Howard or his interview.

As an aside, you've made several references to me doing a 'cut n paste' job. I don't know what you mean - can you provide a link please?
As an aside, you've made several references to me doing a 'cut n paste' job. I don't know what you mean - can you provide a link please?

This is probably the view that all you need to do to produce an article is cut and paste it which is not the case as Tim and I both know. It requires sourcing, reading, editing, formatting and the ability to put it into html coding. Many articles that are submitted are deemed unsuitable after reading through them and many others require an almost line by line change in grammar or editing for consistency. As an example, one of the highest rated articles took me around 6 hours of editing time because the author was referring to multiple instruments in four different ways, sometimes in capitals other times in lower case and sometimes in both. It then needed converting to html and had to be compliant to xhtml 1.1 standards. The time in which I have to do the whole activity is 10 hours a week. When Tim and I first took on these roles we discussed what each should include and Tim is not comfortable with coding so that meant it was not an option for him to do the articles.

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