What will HowardCohodas's month on month return be for March?

Howard's March Month on Month Return

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Sadly, one or two members struggle to differentiate between constructive criticism and lulz. Polite and constructive criticism of someone's methodology - regardless of who it is - is fine and to be encouraged. Such criticism deserves respect and is likely to get a response. By contrast, posting rude and lulzy comments is counter-productive and unhelpful. It's annoying and offensive to the person it's aimed at and, unsurprisingly, they don't reply. More lulz then ensues and - this is the best bit - T2W admin and Mods get the blame! If you're addicted to lulz - you have my sympathy, but please don't blame others for your condition, or try and justify it by saying you're doing it for the benefit of the forum or gullible newbies etc. Newbies - gullible or otherwise - are repelled by it. And there's the irony. Far from saving them from the clutches of evil vendors, lulz drives them into their welcoming arms.
So in other words T2W is happy for its member base to be responsible for the vetting
and regulation of T2W endorsed vendors as long as it complies with posting guidelines?
If you don't agree that they are endorsed by T2W, I would beg to differ - the presence of the vendor badge implies that.
Taking that into consideration, shouldn't the responsibility for some sort of regulation lie with T2W?
If that is impractical, then perhaps the whole vendor system needs an overhaul from the ground up.

You may or may not have a point regarding the Lulz, I can't help feeling you are overlooking
the fact that it happens once people feel they are banging their head against a wall.

Simple fact is I don't see any disclaimer or notification informing potential vendor clients that they are unregulated by any govt. body or T2W.
Obviously T2W is a commercial site, revenue from vendors as well as advertisements keep the site going.
In the case of vendors however it is a double edged sword, which left unchecked can and will do more harm than good to the reputation of T2W.
You have my sympathy if anything I just said is not immediately apparent 😉
You have my sympathy if anything I just said is not immediately apparent 😉

Thats the problem. The blindingly obvious isnt obvious at all to them 😆

It would be OK if things where only that bad. By random chance decent material would have a 50% chance of censorship and deletion and a 50% chance of survival.

The current situation is far worse. We have decent content being deleted, decent members being banned (admittedly for infringements of the sites rules) and we have interviews with traders who openly admit to having no experience or expertese being promoted on the front page of the site.

Its funny, but a tad irresponsible really.
The current situation is far worse. We have decent content being deleted, decent members being banned (admittedly for infringements of the sites rules) and we have interviews with traders who openly admit to having no experience or expertese being promoted on the front page of the site.

Its funny, but a tad irresponsible really.

Really..when? I must have missed that but only catching up on a few threads today..
I normally only like saying positive things about people so,
1. Howard had the courage to post with his name and not hide behind an anonymous handle.
2. He has a thicker hide than a rhinoceros with full body and head armour plating.
3. Has finally accepted his plans were err.... inappropriate.
I normally only like saying positive things about people so,
1. Howard had the courage to post with his name and not hide behind an anonymous handle.
2. He has a thicker hide than a rhinoceros with full body and head armour plating.
3. Has finally accepted his plans were err.... inappropriate.

1. Yes
2. Yes
3. ???
seriously...i think the "experienced traders" spent more than enough time explaining (short version, short vol=bad). its just sometimes people want to believe that the tooth fairy exists but self-esteem is a more powerful incentive than common sense or indeed losing money. (the whole thing reminded me of that old guy from million dollar traders on BBC, for some reason)

but basically, HC did something that anyone with common sense should know you shouldn't do (it isn't wrong and you can make money...you just probablly shouldn't do it). "experienced traders" pointed this out, it failed in the way they said it would...unfortunate, yes...suprising, no. either way, its adverse selection, the only people who would follow HC's method wouldn't know it was a bad idea...so i would say its pretty inevitable he ended up getting ripped and its pretty good that this board had people who told him beforehand how it would end....

Jack o'Clubs said:
This is a really depressing post Jon because it proves that ultimately people like Howard will win.

Your point No.2 is completely incorrect, there were some very lucid, experienced posters (including a couple who are sell-side options market makers) who went into a lot of detail and entered into dialogue with Howard explaining why his strategy will not work in the long run. However, with Howard just bulldozing ahead, driving increasingly lulzy and ad hominem responses all that has been lost in the morass of his 20,000 page thread.

If you, as a mod and a trader, can't even recognise that there was some real wheat as well as chaff in that thread, then Howard has won, because prospective students will reach a similar conclusion with the sheer volume of bull**** preventing them from making a rational decision. In other words, if you want to become a vendor, then Howard's strategy is about as good as it gets.

ok guys, I hold my hands up 😱 . I guess I got carried away by what came afterwards and understated the detail which the experienced traders gave initially.

Ah your back.
Now then...when are these results coming ?
I'm packing my bags in San Antonio getting ready to fly home. I will have time this week to bring my bookkeeping up to date. It is so near the end of the month, I'm likely to wait and do everything with my normal end of month summary.

On another subject, one of the attendees at the workshop whom I spent a lot of time with is an extraordinary woman whose story has inspired me. Her name is Lisa Gibson. Her brother was a victim of the Lockerbie bombing. She now runs an NGO that she started called The Peace and Prosperity Alliance. The most inspiring part of her life is her road to forgiveness.
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