Sadly, one or two members struggle to differentiate between constructive criticism and lulz.
Mutual exclusivity? IMO, nón?
Polite and constructive criticism of someone's methodology - regardless of who it is - is fine and to be encouraged. Such criticism deserves respect and is likely to get a response. By contrast, posting rude and lulzy comments is counter-productive and unhelpful. It's annoying and offensive to the person it's aimed at and, unsurprisingly, they don't reply.
As somebody who was following Howard's threads from early on, I know that inquiry and polite, constructive criticism are how the ball got rolling in terms of member contribution. Then, as a collective, we decided that Howard's strategy was not as complicated as it first seemed and that the most basic of market non arb fundamental principles nullified his risk hypothesis. After a while we realised that all that could be said had been said and as howard was now firmly part of the woodwork, he became fair game for lulzes.
If you're addicted to lulz - you have my sympathy,
If you're a member here and you're not, you have mine
but please don't blame others for your condition, or try and justify it by saying you're doing it for the benefit of the forum or gullible newbies etc. Newbies - gullible or otherwise - are repelled by it. And there's the irony. Far from saving them from the clutches of evil vendors, lulz drives them into their welcoming arms.
What as absolute load of horse-sh1t tripe!!!
The reason that newbies get scammed by vendors if T2W itself. The business model that couldn't give a sh1t how people are parted from their money as long as the cheques keep coming in. Baghdady anyone? I could throw a few more names around too.
*cough Wasp and T2W staff farce cough cough*
Now I'm not saying that T2W should give a greasy turd about who gets scammed through here because frankly, T2W's ethical obligations are a matter for Sharky to tend to. It's a business not a play group.
Anyhews, before the waffle, what I was trying to say was that blaming ANY members (well real ones) for newbs being pushed towards vendors is the most underhand pass-the-buck tactic I've heard so far. Actually, it's a disgrace.
More lulz then ensues and - this is the best bit - T2W admin and Mods get the blame!
Modage only got the blame for adding to credibility by posting the interview.