What will HowardCohodas's month on month return be for March?

Howard's March Month on Month Return

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I must be, Garry, just to be reading this thread; I mean just read the title.
How ridiculous is that?
Who gives a toss what Mr Howareyour Cojones loses in March?
And that's being polite.
Your right. The title is inappropriate. This thread was meant to provide those who had used horrific-type words to describe my outcome in March a place to convert words to numbers.
Sorry to use your thread to say this Howard but Well Done to the moderators for banning DishRipRock. Please continue to do the same to anyone with excessive lulz or who clearly thinks that is T2W's sole purpose and therefore treats it as such...Let's encourage debate but not the type of juvanial nonesense displayed by the aforenamed (and others !) The simple truth is that - if you hate it that much then leave ! It's a no-brainer.

It's just a pity that when banned they get back under a different username. ..surely you can trace ip addresses and ban them not the username ?

My apologies again Howard.
You guys fall for it every time doncha 🙂 HC hasn't even said how much he lost yet and you're up like a baying pack of wolves.

Just a reprise of the whole sorry saga so far:

1. HC starts a couple of threads and writes an article explaining in considerable detail an option strategy.

2. Several experienced traders regard that strategy as flawed and say so in no uncertain terms, but they do not explain why in any detail. Presumably just expecting people to accept their word that the strategy is seriously flawed.

3. HC appears to disregard the criticism, so the pack turn to insulting him. Again they offer no explanation of why they consider the strategy flawed.

4. It then transpires that HC is intending to teach this strategy.

5. The pack immediately conclude that all his posts are mere marketing ploys which may or may not be the case. In any event the pack are probably doing a better marketing job than HC by the way they go on about it.

6. Now for the pack it seems just a game as to who can get away withe the best insults or post the best lulz.

7. And now we get to the stage where this is all T2W's fault - how dare they let threads like this appear on the boards.

Well if you think ya-boo cuts it as constructive criticism and allows readers to exercise good judgement on the merits or otherwise of the strategy then so be it. If people really want to "protect the innocent" then for Goodness sake explain the flaws in the strategy in a way they can understand.


This is a really depressing post Jon because it proves that ultimately people like Howard will win.

Your point No.2 is completely incorrect, there were some very lucid, experienced posters (including a couple who are sell-side options market makers) who went into a lot of detail and entered into dialogue with Howard explaining why his strategy will not work in the long run. However, with Howard just bulldozing ahead, driving increasingly lulzy and ad hominem responses all that has been lost in the morass of his 20,000 page thread.

If you, as a mod and a trader, can't even recognise that there was some real wheat as well as chaff in that thread, then Howard has won, because prospective students will reach a similar conclusion with the sheer volume of bull**** preventing them from making a rational decision. In other words, if you want to become a vendor, then Howard's strategy is about as good as it gets.
Who gives a toss what Mr Howareyour Cojones loses in March?

I assume Howard probably cares as his dreams of untold wealth evaporate into thin air

Apart from that I'm amazed to see 20 or so T2W stalwarts expressed an opinion

I find it quite sad that Howard's spending so much time promoting this. Howard and I are from a similar professional background (software development), and I see some merit in his design methodology. If he'd just apply it to something that has half a chance of having an underlying edge, he'd probably be OK.

My advice to Howard would be to start tossing some coins and take it from there. He could have developed a positive expectancy strategy in the time he's been marketing this nonsense, or if he really wants to market something, he can market my random robot "the imposter" for a 15% licence fee. 😆
If you had read (and understood) the thread, it would be clear to you how comprehensively Howard's strategy was broken down into its component parts and demonstrated to be nothing more than a system of trading options at their fair prices without any rationale, all the while crossing spreads and paying commissions.

If you didn't get that part, go and have another read of it. It is covered by about a dozen people including me.

Then, after Howard has been arguing that white is black and reveals that he intends to teach this to others, the lulz begins. Oh, thats also when Trade 2 win decide to interview him.

Actually, some who also purport to be options experts, do not agree with all elements of the analysis you refer too here. So how is the non-expert, including me, to know which "expert" to believe?
I should make it clear, as tar has pointed up in the thumbnail to his post http://www.trade2win.com/boards/gen...s-month-month-return-march-2.html#post1484492, that it has always been the case that members opening a journal can request privacy with restricted access. The idea of that was to allow journalists to keep their personal journal in the form that they wanted, albeit in a forum open to general view.

The ideas WAS NOT to allow a vendor, or potential vendor, free rein to veto criticism and/or puff up their service. Because the facility is clearly open to abuse by vendors, or potential vendors, I have drawn the matter to the attention of Admin.


Jon likes lulz..
This is a really depressing post Jon because it proves that ultimately people like Howard will win.

Your point No.2 is completely incorrect, there were some very lucid, experienced posters (including a couple who are sell-side options market makers) who went into a lot of detail and entered into dialogue with Howard explaining why his strategy will not work in the long run. However, with Howard just bulldozing ahead, driving increasingly lulzy and ad hominem responses all that has been lost in the morass of his 20,000 page thread.

If you, as a mod and a trader, can't even recognise that there was some real wheat as well as chaff in that thread, then Howard has won, because prospective students will reach a similar conclusion with the sheer volume of bull**** preventing them from making a rational decision. In other words, if you want to become a vendor, then Howard's strategy is about as good as it gets.

I don't see your point really. Why don't you ask for naked short options to be banned just incase a silly billy trades them.

Anyone can open an options account.
Actually, some who also purport to be options experts, do not agree with all elements of the analysis you refer too here. So how is the non-expert, including me, to know which "expert" to believe?

Howard, I see you are describing yourself in the above as,
"how is the non-expert, including me...."

So is it reasonable for a self-described non-expert to expect people to go to him for coaching?

I have to agree with "the hare" that your obviously considerable talents may be better employed elsewhere.

PS And to answer your question directly, there are plenty of good options books around so interested people can buy one, think long and hard and come to their own conclusions about your strategy and the opposing statements made by some of the real professional options traders here.
Another thought, Howard, I believe "the hare" is a member of a forum called citybulls. Perhaps you might ask him if you could join as they specialise in options. I'm sure you'd have an interesting time there.
Hope that helps,
The pros made a point quite some time ago. Some of the real real pros are STILL banging on. I'm sure it's not all for the benefit of the noobs.

"Look everyone, look how clever i am"

It was a witch hunt from start to now, with a bit of ego inflating for good measure. Anyone with half a skull could see it.
Another thought, Howard, I believe "the hare" is a member of a forum called citybulls....they specialise in options.... I'm sure you'd have an interesting time there.

Indeed I am, and indeed they do, and I'm sure he would 😆

There's always a danger of getting both horns in the groin from The Maltese Bull 😈
Sorry to use your thread to say this Howard but Well Done to the moderators for banning DishRipRock. Please continue to do the same to anyone with excessive lulz or who clearly thinks that is T2W's sole purpose and therefore treats it as such...Let's encourage debate but not the type of juvanial nonesense displayed by the aforenamed (and others !) The simple truth is that - if you hate it that much then leave ! It's a no-brainer.

It's just a pity that when banned they get back under a different username. ..surely you can trace ip addresses and ban them not the username ?

My apologies again Howard.

They cannot complain that these holiday type bans follow...as if they are not given enough latitude along the way.
Indeed I am, and indeed they do, and I'm sure he would 😆

There's always a danger of getting both horns in the groin from The Maltese Bull 😈

Of course, that place is not for the mentally unstable...they already have that in spades.
Moving on up eh. Congrats to him. Boards are worse off without him. No more heads up on interventions or transcontinental oil money moves lol.
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