What will HowardCohodas's month on month return be for March?

Howard's March Month on Month Return

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thats actually not a bad idea you know. i would feel morally obliged to write something that I though was interesting/useful on the site if I could go onto BigMacs thread and say "are yoo sh!ttin me fool? i've had vomit with less mess than that! i pity your retro logic" and have to hold account to it.
There should be a parallel thread set up to shadow Howie's locked, padded room, er I mean thread. This could be used for debunking his nonsense.

Everyone could post on it except Howie 😆.
Aw come on Jon. That should have stayed up on humour grounds. 🙂

You guys fall for it every time doncha 🙂 HC hasn't even said how much he lost yet and you're up like a baying pack of wolves.

Just a reprise of the whole sorry saga so far:

1. HC starts a couple of threads and writes an article explaining in considerable detail an option strategy.

2. Several experienced traders regard that strategy as flawed and say so in no uncertain terms, but they do not explain why in any detail. Presumably just expecting people to accept their word that the strategy is seriously flawed.

3. HC appears to disregard the criticism, so the pack turn to insulting him. Again they offer no explanation of why they consider the strategy flawed.

4. It then transpires that HC is intending to teach this strategy.

5. The pack immediately conclude that all his posts are mere marketing ploys which may or may not be the case. In any event the pack are probably doing a better marketing job than HC by the way they go on about it.

6. Now for the pack it seems just a game as to who can get away withe the best insults or post the best lulz.

7. And now we get to the stage where this is all T2W's fault - how dare they let threads like this appear on the boards.

Well if you think ya-boo cuts it as constructive criticism and allows readers to exercise good judgement on the merits or otherwise of the strategy then so be it. If people really want to "protect the innocent" then for Goodness sake explain the flaws in the strategy in a way they can understand.

OI Now I just made that exact post on BBmacs tread and it has already been deleted.

Do you think that BBmac has alot to offer this site?

Do me a favour - mods, thats you - and go and look at the figures that he posted after his seminar. then do the maths, and come back to us and answer the question"is this guy full if sh!t or not".

OH! problem; you would actually have to have some sort of street-wise-ness to answer that question.
You guys fall for it every time doncha 🙂 HC hasn't even said how much he lost yet and you're up like a baying pack of wolves.

Just a reprise of the whole sorry saga so far:

1. HC starts a couple of threads and writes an article explaining in considerable detail an option strategy.

2. Several experienced traders regard that strategy as flawed and say so in no uncertain terms, but they do not explain why in any detail. Presumably just expecting people to accept their word that the strategy is seriously flawed.

3. HC appears to disregard the criticism, so the pack turn to insulting him. Again they offer no explanation of why they consider the strategy flawed.

4. It then transpires that HC is intending to teach this strategy.

5. The pack immediately conclude that all his posts are mere marketing ploys which may or may not be the case. In any event the pack are probably doing a better marketing job than HC by the way they go on about it.

6. Now for the pack it seems just a game as to who can get away withe the best insults or post the best lulz.

7. And now we get to the stage where this is all T2W's fault - how dare they let threads like this appear on the boards.

Well if you think ya-boo cuts it as constructive criticism and allows readers to exercise good judgement on the merits or otherwise of the strategy then so be it. If people really want to "protect the innocent" then for Goodness sake explain the flaws in the strategy in a way they can understand.


Barjon it says on you're profile that you're 70?

It's time to retire.
OI Now I just made that exact post on BBmacs tread and it has already been deleted.

Do you think that BBmac has alot to offer this site?

Do me a favour - mods, thats you - and go and look at the figures that he posted after his seminar. then do the maths, and come back to us and answer the question"is this guy full if sh!t or not".

OH! problem; you would actually have to have some sort of street-wise-ness to answer that question.

Eh ! Is it BBMAC's turn now?
No, he's always been full of sh!t too.

seriously. counterviolent - do you consider yourself a professional trader?
well thats at least 4 posts I've had deleted... shame is that they've all been worthy of posting. For example the figures that BBmac posted are beyond comprehension. Not to mention that his strategy involves something like 12 different components, making it pretty much untradable.

The problem is that you would actually have to have experience of trading to manage it (that is, the comprehension) Meanwhile mods continue to delete and sh1t continues to be posted..
well thats at least 4 posts I've had deleted... shame is that they've all been worthy of posting. For example the figures that BBmac posted are beyond comprehension. Not to mention that his strategy involves something like 12 different components, making it pretty much untradable.

The problem is that you would actually have to have experience of trading to manage it (that is, the comprehension) Meanwhile mods continue to delete and sh1t continues to be posted..

Now this is interesting..Of course I wont speak for bbmac...but heres my take on what he does. The guy is clearly capable of deep organization of set ups...it would appear the set ups are numerous and varied but he plays each one according to grading / quality / applying strict money management for each.

I also expect he does'nt do drugs and is therefore capable of concentrating on entry and execution to the pip.

So, whats the problem?
You guys fall for it every time doncha 🙂 HC hasn't even said how much he lost yet and you're up like a baying pack of wolves.

seriously...i think the "experienced traders" spent more than enough time explaining (short version, short vol=bad). its just sometimes people want to believe that the tooth fairy exists but self-esteem is a more powerful incentive than common sense or indeed losing money. (the whole thing reminded me of that old guy from million dollar traders on BBC, for some reason)

but basically, HC did something that anyone with common sense should know you shouldn't do (it isn't wrong and you can make money...you just probablly shouldn't do it). "experienced traders" pointed this out, it failed in the way they said it would...unfortunate, yes...suprising, no. either way, its adverse selection, the only people who would follow HC's method wouldn't know it was a bad idea...so i would say its pretty inevitable he ended up getting ripped and its pretty good that this board had people who told him beforehand how it would end....

I understand. But the criticism is not only for your benefit. It is for the benefit of other readers... if you're unwilling to have it direct on youtr tghread tis my view that it ought be linked.
If I decide to allow posting by some on the restricted thread, it will not be based on the quality of their criticism. The first to ask to be listed suggested lulz-free rules of engagement. That's a good start.

Again... I am inclined to allow those who ask under lulz-free rules of engagement at a minimum to be granted posting privileges on the thread.
Now this is interesting..Of course I wont speak for bbmac...but heres my take on what he does. The guy is clearly capable of deep organization of set ups...it would appear the set ups are numerous and varied but he plays each one according to grading / quality / applying strict money management for each.

I also expect he does'nt do drugs and is therefore capable of concentrating on entry and execution to the pip.

So, whats the problem?

Now, despite my reservations about BBmacs strategy (Basically that there are so many degrees of freeedom you could sell it anyway you want; not to mention it's got like a dozen different factors which make it pretty untradable).

Using this strategy, BBmac has attested to the following claims (apparently he gave a seminar or sumphin? I saw the lecture notes which roused my suspishions)

BBmac risks between 0.8 - 1.4% per trade (he claimed this on a thread)
BBmac has never had a drawdown of more that 2% (in the thread)
(that means no more than a string of 2.5 losing trades in a row)
BBmac has had a string of over 90 winners in a row (in the seminar)
BBmac trades with a R:R ratio of 1:1 (on the thread)

Now, two things:

1) LOOK AT HIS STRATEGY?!! Anyone who actually tradesw will tell you that it's untradebale; or at least, un-verifiable (!)

Now, despite my reservations about BBmacs strategy (Basically that there are so many degrees of freeedom you could sell it anyway you want; not to mention it's got like a dozen different factors which make it pretty untradable).

Using this strategy, BBmac has attested to the following claims (apparently he gave a seminar or sumphin? I saw the lecture notes which roused my suspishions)

BBmac risks between 0.8 - 1.4% per trade (he claimed this on a thread)
BBmac has never had a drawdown of more that 2% (in the thread)
(that means no more than a string of 2.5 losing trades in a row)
BBmac has had a string of over 90 winners in a row (in the seminar)
BBmac trades with a R:R ratio of 1:1 (on the thread)

Now, two things:

1) LOOK AT HIS STRATEGY?!! Anyone who actually tradesw will tell you that it's untradebale; or at least, un-verifiable (!)


I don't believe there are any degrees of freedom. What I believe is that there are numerous set ups and each type of set up is played rigidly according to how he scores them. In other words, totally disciplined both in selection and execution.
Howie - you're showing narcissistic tendencies and are simply not interesting anymore. Frankly I don't give a toss about your returns, you've already proved you don't know what you're doing and are just trying to provoke lulz. Goodnight, goodbye, yawn.
I don't believe there are any degrees of freedom. What I believe is that there are numerous set ups and each type of set up is played rigidly according to how he scores them. In other words, totally disciplined both in selection and execution.

OMG are you smoking crack or something??????

let's put aside the fact that you have *obviously* gone through those numbers 🙂rolleyes🙂

From what he has described on these forums, his strategy consists of:

support and resistance
bollinger bands
2 x oscillators with 2 types of divergence
3 x timeframes
price action
donchian channels (?)
moving averages

Give me a chart with all that I'll tell you what f*cking star sign you are.
Since guess work in trading is anathema to me, I shall not vote on principle.
I really can't see the point in this poll.
It's a bit like saying, hey I've been injured by a car whilst crossing a road, guess my injuries.

Lost limb
Brain damage.........

Richard, i thought you had had the latter a long time ago ? 🙂
seriously...i think the "experienced traders" spent more than enough time explaining (short version, short vol=bad). its just sometimes people want to believe that the tooth fairy exists but self-esteem is a more powerful incentive than common sense or indeed losing money. (the whole thing reminded me of that old guy from million dollar traders on BBC, for some reason)

but basically, HC did something that anyone with common sense should know you shouldn't do (it isn't wrong and you can make money...you just probablly shouldn't do it). "experienced traders" pointed this out, it failed in the way they said it would...unfortunate, yes...suprising, no. either way, its adverse selection, the only people who would follow HC's method wouldn't know it was a bad idea...so i would say its pretty inevitable he ended up getting ripped and its pretty good that this board had people who told him beforehand how it would end....

That is the sole reason for all these posts.
Left unchecked with no challenge that is exactly what would happen.

Its not a personal attack on Howard. I actually think he comes across as a decent bloke with the best of intentions.

I fail to understand why anyone would think it should be left unchallenged when
someone with little experience wants to teach a strategy with poor risk management.
Now he has admitted to the inevitable big loss.

If no one had replied, pointed out flaws or posted lulz, how many people would have been dragged in and also suffered that same inevitable big loss.
Thats all its about.
If no one had replied, pointed out flaws or posted lulz, how many people would have been dragged in and also suffered that same inevitable big loss.
Thats all its about.

Sadly, one or two members struggle to differentiate between constructive criticism and lulz. Polite and constructive criticism of someone's methodology - regardless of who it is - is fine and to be encouraged. Such criticism deserves respect and is likely to get a response. By contrast, posting rude and lulzy comments is counter-productive and unhelpful. It's annoying and offensive to the person it's aimed at and, unsurprisingly, they don't reply. More lulz then ensues and - this is the best bit - T2W admin and Mods get the blame! If you're addicted to lulz - you have my sympathy, but please don't blame others for your condition, or try and justify it by saying you're doing it for the benefit of the forum or gullible newbies etc. Newbies - gullible or otherwise - are repelled by it. And there's the irony. Far from saving them from the clutches of evil vendors, lulz drives them into their welcoming arms.
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