What will HowardCohodas's month on month return be for March?

Howard's March Month on Month Return

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Neither Strangle nor Straddle

you have a position in a call and a put, each with different strikes, same expiry.

so its a strangle or a risk reversal right? It's not a vertical spread because you are on both sides of the chain (i.e. not both calls or not both puts). It's not a straddle because the strikes are different.

so what is it? and why? direction, vol, skew whatever?
you have a position in a call and a put, each with different strikes, same expiry.

so its a strangle or a risk reversal right? It's not a vertical spread because you are on both sides of the chain (i.e. not both calls or not both puts). It's not a straddle because the strikes are different.

so what is it? and why? direction, vol, skew whatever?
DR, I can barely type right now because my hands are wrapped, I am in the middle of working out on my heavy bag and am just replying between that and push-ups. Give me half hour to consistently respond.
I am basing the position off my directional call for the week.
Is this your 'heavy bag'?

Howard , let me give you a lesson on trading options Son. First off, you have to have an idea of where the market is going and know what the heck you're doing..

Buying slv spread call-put
April 15 2001 Exp.

37c 1.15- 35p 0.16
Paying 0.99
Howard, you ever run 500keys of puruvian snowflake Son?

The trade is a risk reversal, http://www.euronext.com/fic/000/010/729/107297.pdf the Liffe handbook calls it a combo, which is also right - it's also basically a split-strike long future so depends how you want to interpret it/why you are putting it on.

It is a classic risk reversal though because as the underlying moves above your high strike/below your low strike your risk profile flips (long gamma above the call, short it below the put).
The trade is a risk reversal, http://www.euronext.com/fic/000/010/729/107297.pdf the Liffe handbook calls it a combo, which is also right - it's also basically a split-strike long future so depends how you want to interpret it/why you are putting it on.

It is a classic risk reversal though because as the underlying moves above your high strike/below your low strike your risk profile flips (long gamma above the call, short it below the put).
... so what do you think about the positioning?
dunno really, some kind of earnings play? think the stock may rise over 38, but if it drops will hold 35 and happy to pay a buck to get that exposure..... 37 must be pretty near where the underlying is now right? considering not long til expiry....
It's a risk reversal... They're good trades when they work, but if you happen to be wrong, you might get mullered, rogered and spanked, all at the same time. And it's not a stock, innit? It's one of 'em precious metals ETFs, specifically, silver.
well I feel less like an idiot now cos I thought it was a RR and def. knew it was silver
so 🙂 for me
DepthTrade - Do you hold any of the underlying?

Actually why don't we all be quiet and let him explain his trade to us...
must have missed the silver hint... ahhh thats what slv meant! sherlock....

why did the guy posting it say it wasnt a rr? i'm confused
It's a risk reversal... They're good trades when they work, but if you happen to be wrong, you might get mullered, rogered and spanked, all at the same time. And it's not a stock, innit? It's one of 'em precious metals ETFs, specifically, silver.

Martinghoul if you know of any trades that I can do where if I'm right I make money and If I'm wrong I get spanked, müller(riced) and rogered please do let me know because typically my option trades lose money and I have to pay for the rest.
Martinghoul if you know of any trades that I can do where if I'm right I make money and If I'm wrong I get spanked, müller(riced) and rogered please do let me know because typically my option trades lose money and I have to pay for the rest.
Well, a risk reversal does make money if you're right on direction, fo' shizzle. It's a bit too shall we say, turbo for me, 'cause normally when it goes wrong, it does so in style. I had a colleague who blew up and was fired on the spot one fine day because of some unfortunate risk reversals he had in USDJPY. Wasn't a good day for the guy, that's for sure.
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