What are Americans so scared of?

In the last couple of days one can not help but notice the large number of U.S citizens who seem to be genuinely worried and in some cases seemingly scared of China. What is this fear? Is it a fear of China?
Or is it a fear of not knowing where Americas place will be in the comeing years ahead?

Nothing lasts for eva. Life, nature....moves in cycles...it has to.

The planet earth is maxed out, at least where the human species is involved. What humans need is another world war, or an asteroid attack.

Humans need to be decimated! Do you feel horrified?

Don't. You are giving your genes a chance.

All humans must recognise their sacrifice.

Humans are only animals....how can they recognise anything....dumb animals.

Nothing lasts for eva. Life, nature....moves in cycles...it has to.

The planet earth is maxed out, at least where the human species is involved. What humans need is another world war, or an asteroid attack.

Humans need to be decimated! Do you feel horrified?

Don't. You are giving your genes a chance.

All humans must recognise their sacrifice.

Humans are only animals....how can they recognise anything....dumb animals.


Planet is not maxed out! Says who?

If humans are dumb animals how can they make a bold statement like planet is maxed out?

You're just a sheep following the herd you animal... :idea:

The earth can probably support 4 to 16 times current popullation if humans lived based on what they need to survive rather than consuming **** they don't need manufacturing capitalist garbage.

All depends on your perspective.

Americans and the West feel poor right now. Go tell that to a starving human man or animal. Mr Travolta has a jumbo 747 which he takes for a joy ride... 😴

That's the kind of dumb **** head that he is. I'm sure it must have sounded like a great idea at the time. 👍

Humans do not need to be decimated!

Humans need to evolve...
Who? You?

Who decides? You?

You prepared to go first ? :cheesy:

Nah, I am of benefit to society 🙂

First to go would be serial murderers and child abusers. I don't think society is losing a great deal if you got rid of those is it?
Nah, I am of benefit to society 🙂

First to go would be serial murderers and child abusers. I don't think society is losing a great deal if you got rid of those is it?

Oh nice one I see where you are coming from. 👍

Yep I'm up for that one and capital punishment.

Cost of keeping these murderers is something like £16-18K p/a.

Dead weight - pun intended. They should execute and redirect funds on children or elderly.
I can honestly say that I am shocked to find out how many morons there are on this forum. I understand that there are ALOT of people around the world who do not like Americans, for what we are or for what we stand for. To go around saying that all Americans do is shoot eachother, were all scared of China, we think that traveling the 48 states is like going on a world cruise and that 99% of Americans never leave the country is just absolutely ridiculous. Get a life, you know nothing. Yes, I'm obviously from the states. Yes, I have been to 10 different states and yes, I have been to 10 different countries. No, I am not scared of China and NO, I do not go around shooting citizens. Dumb-asses.

And for the people who have these absurd claims, have you ever been to the U.S.? Most likely not. Keep reading the internet, seems like its really working out for you.
I can honestly say that I am shocked to find out how many morons there are on this forum. I understand that there are ALOT of people around the world who do not like Americans, for what we are or for what we stand for. To go around saying that all Americans do is shoot eachother, were all scared of China, we think that traveling the 48 states is like going on a world cruise and that 99% of Americans never leave the country is just absolutely ridiculous. Get a life, you know nothing. Yes, I'm obviously from the states. Yes, I have been to 10 different states and yes, I have been to 10 different countries. No, I am not scared of China and NO, I do not go around shooting citizens. Dumb-asses.

And for the people who have these absurd claims, have you ever been to the U.S.? Most likely not. Keep reading the internet, seems like its really working out for you.

What's your height, weight and how many decibels do you speak? 😉
WHAT special friendship..........?

....sorry the correct term was 'relationship'... I thought friendship didn't sound right 😉

The Special Relationship is a phrase used to describe close political, diplomatic, cultural and historical relations between the United Kingdom and the United States, following its use in a 1946 speech by British statesman Winston Churchill. While both the United Kingdom and the United States maintain close relationships with many others, the level of cooperation in economic activity, trade and commerce, military planning, execution of military operations, nuclear weapons technology and intelligence sharing with each other has been described as "unparalleled" among major powers.[1] The special relationship was most recently demonstrated by their mutual support for the 2003 invasion of Iraq.

.... they're just feeling smug that you've taken the number one place for messing things up everywhere, that used to be our job. 😆 although we still like to keep our hand in, so all is not lost.
Sarah Palin will not get elected. What little respect she did acquire from the misguided Americans she had on her side, she lost somewhere between her ridiculous interviews and her TV show. If she DOES get elected, don't walk away, RUN. Somehow I have a feeling Obama will make it back in with no problem.
Americans don't have a lot of electoral sense so I reckon the slag will get elected.

You should change that from "alot" to most have none. Unfortunately. Worst part about the whole thing is that you cannot even try to convince them that they are wrong. They are so stuck in their ways that there is just no turning back, they're doomed by american media.
Somehow I have a feeling Obama will make it back in with no problem.

Yeah, it looks like it.

Palin is such an obvious disaster waiting to happen - 1,000 times worse than Bushy - she just couldn't get elected, could she ???
I certainly hope not because it really WOULD be a DISASTER waiting to happen. I hope people will be smart enough to see her for how ignorant she really is. She has to be one of the worst candidates for presidency this country has ever seen. Horrible part is she actually has following! Where the hell do these people come from?
What on earth was silly willy (Haig) thinking about with his nocturnal visit into the deserts of Libya, unannounced, uninvited and then humiliatingly captured.
Apparently he could have phoned up and requested a meeting. He was doing a sort of Rudolf Hess manoevre or something without going himself.

Interestingly according to Wikileaks the man in the UK Govt blabbing his all to the Americans is none other than Silly Willy himself. Perhaps trying to secure a well paid after politics post like Tony Blair.
Hopefully even the Americans in their rose tinted specs will see through Willy's nonsense. The idiot should be sacked before he launches a military offensive or something
That's a lot of blue Willy.....he really is a prize pratt for even entertaining the idea. Calm your arder Willy.