No, I don't think it is actually. Please see my reply to Rhody here:
These things have a tendency to spill over in the heat of an argument which is unfortunate, and I don't condone it.
I concur with you posts MM.
I see my self as pro-USA and an ally. However, the very enemies who take the country down (like Sarah Palin to a large degree) see them selves as patriots.
I feel strongly about where the US has been going wrong and all my attempts to highlight the enemy is within is perceived as outrageous criticism from an outsider perspective.
As I have said many times before - I grew up with Little House on the Prairie and the Waltons and have travelled around East coast of US and can say it is indeed a very beautiful country which has been sold well short by the likes of Raegonomics.
Wars were wrong
Tax breaks were wrong
Twin budget defecits were wrong
Israel is wrong
Their lobby's in US will also one day lead to a severe reaction to Israel too (and this I fear)
American foreign policies to Latin America and the ME has also been tragically all so very badly wrong.
We are seeing the same **** today and the consequences of those bad policies.
Despite all the great achievements industrial and technological - for a country that has given the world so much be in such a **** state is unbelievable.
I have the samerai sword aspect to criticism in life. Harder you bash it, stronger it becomes. One should find reflection in life as development to a better level. Bleeding red knecks still shooting first and then asking questions later.
I didn't want to write in this blog for obvious reasons and they seem to be the ones being discussed.
Americans are not scared but simply that they are just plain stupid for not seeing the developments everybody else can.
Regretfully yours truly...