What are Americans so scared of?

At least we think about what Americans think.
Does the average American care about what foreigners think?

I'd contend that the "average" Brit or Aussie or German, etc. doesn't care much what Americans think any more than the average American cares what foreigners think. The average person is too wrapped up in their own concerns (sadly) to give much thought to the rest of the world.
I think this report is indicative of the moribund character of the modern US: China Initiates Thorium MSR Project http://energyfromthorium.com/2011/01/30/china-initiates-tmsr/

Equally, it shows the aggressively forward looking attitude of the Chinese leadership.

Some background:

In the 1960s at the US Oak Ridge National Laboratories research was conducted into nuclear reactors where the fuel is Thorium dissolved in a molten fluoride salt. No fuels rods etc etc. A research reactor was built and successfully operated. For whatever reason, the program was abandoned and resources went into the pressurized light water uranium fueled reactors that are the dominant technology today.

The research mostly gathered dust until a few years ago when a group of technically expert bloggers motivated by the pressing need to reduce CO2 emissions and meet growing energy needs in a world of depleting fossil fuels, began strong advocacy for the rapid development of Liquid Fluoride Thorium Reactors (LFTRs). It seems that this has fallen on deaf ears in the US but the Chinese, it seems, are far more astute.

The LFTR advocates tell a powerful story of a potential energy silver bullet - probably cheaper than existing nuclear technology, far smaller short lived nuclear waste streams with short half lives, even safer than current technology, very high fuel burn up in conjunction with Thorium being a lot more plentiful than Uranium ensuring fuel supply for millenia at least, very little potential for weapons proliferation, high temperature and thermal efficiency and more.

If fact, the story is so good that I have often wondered what is being overlooked. It seems that the main thing that has been missing has been the will to get on with it. Interestingly the Chinese are openly talking about securing the intellectual property rights for their research. Meanwhile, the US just sits on it's hands.
Is anti-Americanism the last acceptable form of racism?


The United States of America is made up of many different races, therefore, no.

So it's OK then to be prejudiced against a group of people provided that group of people comprises of two or more ethnic sub-groups?

That's like saying that if you criticise the policies of the Israeli government, then you must be anti-Semitic.

Yes valid point but, the anti-American pack dogs that dominate this thread; do they attack US Government policy or do they attack Americans?

I'd contend that the "average" Brit or Aussie or German, etc. doesn't care much what Americans think any more than the average American cares what foreigners think. The average person is too wrapped up in their own concerns (sadly) to give much thought to the rest of the world.

Fair comment.

Despite appearances perhaps, I don't agree with making generalised judgements about any group of people, be it on national, ethnic or any other grounds (like people who are obese, or who have ginger hair, say). Occasionally I may lapse into such generalisations, but I try not to do it.

But do not confuse criticisms of say, American foreign policy with a prejudice against the American people. It's just that American foreign policy has been of such a consistent nature over the years that I have to be constantly critical of it. If you don't see why, then read some Noam Chomky, for example.

When I've met American individuals in person I've almost always liked them and got on with them, and have and have had close friends among them. Usually I would only discuss politics with those of them that I knew were of an open, liberal mind, and who were usually the sort of people who were curious about the world and travelled abroad.

I've "met" hundreds more over the years on the net, and unfortunately I have noticed a tendency towards posting fairly extreme opinions of one sort or another, although that probably says more about the nature of the net than about Americans. Probably they'd be much nicer in person. The same can actually be said of many of my fellow Brits, unfortunately, although because I understand them better, I can soon learn to filter out the ones I wouldn't want to read (or probably meet).
So it's OK then to be prejudiced against a group of people provided that group of people comprises of two or more ethnic sub-groups?

No, I don't think it is actually. Please see my reply to Rhody here:

Yes valid point but, the anti-American pack dogs that dominate this thread; do they attack US Government policy or do they attack Americans?

These things have a tendency to spill over in the heat of an argument which is unfortunate, and I don't condone it.
No, I don't think it is actually. Please see my reply to Rhody here:

These things have a tendency to spill over in the heat of an argument which is unfortunate, and I don't condone it.

I concur with you posts MM.

I see my self as pro-USA and an ally. However, the very enemies who take the country down (like Sarah Palin to a large degree) see them selves as patriots.

I feel strongly about where the US has been going wrong and all my attempts to highlight the enemy is within is perceived as outrageous criticism from an outsider perspective.

As I have said many times before - I grew up with Little House on the Prairie and the Waltons and have travelled around East coast of US and can say it is indeed a very beautiful country which has been sold well short by the likes of Raegonomics.

Wars were wrong
Tax breaks were wrong
Twin budget defecits were wrong
Israel is wrong
Their lobby's in US will also one day lead to a severe reaction to Israel too (and this I fear)
American foreign policies to Latin America and the ME has also been tragically all so very badly wrong.

We are seeing the same **** today and the consequences of those bad policies.

Despite all the great achievements industrial and technological - for a country that has given the world so much be in such a **** state is unbelievable.

I have the samerai sword aspect to criticism in life. Harder you bash it, stronger it becomes. One should find reflection in life as development to a better level. Bleeding red knecks still shooting first and then asking questions later.

I didn't want to write in this blog for obvious reasons and they seem to be the ones being discussed.

Americans are not scared but simply that they are just plain stupid for not seeing the developments everybody else can.

Regretfully yours truly... 😉
Yes valid point but, the anti-American pack dogs that dominate this thread; do they attack US Government policy or do they attack Americans?

US policy, although everybody who votes or chooses not to vote in a democratic system is responsible for the quality of it's Government and associated policies and legislature. No government and it's people are divorced from each other even though they would like to think they are.

As for attack dogs, I see few teeth on this thread.
As for attack dogs, I see few teeth on this thread.

The Chinese are being much cleverer in their foreign policy - buying up mineral mining companies and the intellectual capital of small start-ups. waiting in the wings to see who will need them.

While you know who, are rushing in and blowing the same old trumpet of democracy and capitalism. Two failed systems and most people are'nt ready for them and reject the brash, bullying upstarts !!

Who wants to be lectured to by Hilary ( they're sniping ) Clumpin FFS
[While you know who, are rushing in and blowing the same old trumpet of democracy and capitalism. Two failed systems and most people are'nt ready for them and reject the brash, bullying upstarts !!

Yeah I agree.

Same old sh1t with America sticking their noses and fat butts in where they are not welcome.

Hillary is an old cow who needs to be put out to pasture.
The balancing act of US foreign policy is in our role as global cop, particularly since the Soviet empire collapsed. That event took away the policy-makers' ability to think of things in black and white, though they've kept trying. I think the pivot around the global cop thing is what creates such a mess. You've got idealogues like those in the Bush administration who have the "with us or against us" mindset and who think we're the only superpower left and should be acting like it. A great many in the US, though, would love to see all the overseas military bases closed and the troops brought home - to stop footing the security bill for any number of our allies. No doubt the best course is somewhere in the middle, but where?
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I've worked with a few Americans. They have some very strange views of the world i can tell ya.
Average guy when you ask him where he's been in the world would probably say...wtf do i want to go anywhere for , we have everything we need right here at home !
There are some stats available i'm sure...basically along the lines of 98% of Americans have never been outside their own country. Quite scary when you think about that !

The above statement says a lot more about your own biases than it does about Americans.......

You've got it DT 👍

As for attack dogs, I see few teeth on this thread.

Pack dogs not attack dogs but I still get your point.

Maybe it's a perception thing on my part but I see a constant theme of anti-Americanism all over this site. I was tempted to use the word "yank-phobia" but I think that would have been unfair. Like the word "Islamaphobia" it is designed to deny the target the right to an opinion and then adds insult to injury by implying that the target is suffering from some kind of mental health disorder.

I know that by default I often come across as defence counsel on these yank bashing threads but I still like to think I am not an Americanophile.

The world is full of people falling over themselves to be victims. Those who suffer from a victim complex are very dangerous people, the one thing they all have in common is a desperate need to externalise responsibility for their own failures and project it onto someone else.

Yeah, sure America has things to answer for and you can spam threads as much as you like with pictures of some Iraqi bloke with a bag on his head and electrodes on his hands or some other Iraqi guy tied up with a pair of skidders on his head ( I’ve heard that some people would pay good money for that ).

But to me blaming all of the world’s woes on America seems much too easy, much too convenient.

Many times I have seen the blame game played out in the office at work and over the years I’ve learned that blame and responsibility are seldom found in the same place. If you seek the guilty then more often than not it is quicker to look to the accusers and not the accused.

Whatever the facts of the matter I guess with me it’s just an instinctive thing; the more I see this automated, reflexive and spontaneous blaming of America the less I believe it.

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No doubt the best course is somewhere in the middle, but where?

Middle of the f**king ocean as far as I am concerned.

America may consider itself to be a global cop but they are sh1t at that role and they have transformed themselves from global cop to global international terrorist.
You've got it DT 👍

Pack dogs not attack dogs but I still get your point.

Maybe it's a perception thing on my part but I see a constant theme of anti-Americanism all over this site. I was tempted to use the word "yank-phobia" but I think that would have been unfair. Like the word "Islamaphobia" it is designed to deny the target the right to an opinion and then adds insult to injury by implying that the target is suffering from some kind of mental health disorder.

I know that by default I often come across as defence counsel on these yank bashing threads but I still like to think I am not an Americanophile.

The world is full of people falling over themselves to be victims. Those who suffer from a victim complex are very dangerous people, the one thing they all have in common is a desperate need to externalise responsibility for their own failures and project it onto someone else.

Yeah, sure America has things to answer for and you can spam threads as much as you like with pictures of some Iraqi bloke with a bag on his head and electrodes on his hands or some other Iraqi guy tied up with a pair of skidders on his head ( I’ve heard that some people would pay good money for that ).

But to me blaming all of the world’s woes on America seems much too easy, much too convenient.

Many times I have seen the blame game played out in the office at work and over the years I’ve learned that blame and responsibility are seldom found in the same place. If you seek the guilty then more often than not it is quicker to look to the accusers and not the accused.

Whatever the facts of the matter I guess with me it’s just an instinctive thing; the more I see this automated, reflexive and spontaneous blaming of America the less I believe it.


So you beat some poor sod to **** for not complying with your view of the national interest. 😎

If you ever get your head kicked in by 10 thugs using disproportionate force don't go to the police claiming you are the victim... 😉

All those tortures in Latin America backed by CIA and you say those poor *******s claiming land rights were not victims. :whistling

DD you are a head case. No reason. No proportion. No ability to judge **** from smell of roses. Your senses are dead. 😉

I perceive you as an enemy of the great USA... :!:
You can dig up $h!t about anyone Atilla, what you dig up depends on where you dig, and where you dig is up to you.

You can dig up $h!t about anyone Atilla, what you dig up depends on where you dig, and where you dig is up to you.


Cheer up old boy. 😉

I reckon you've dished quite a bit of dirt out on people who said US was wrong. If they were so right they would not have got them selves in to this sticky spot. Victim mentality is perhaps why they are also banging on Chinese to sort out their human rights and raise the yuan. Pathetic. Sick and tired about hearing Chinese human right abuses. No freaking comparison to US abuses at all.

One can also plant a rose bush. And where you plant it will determine what fruit it gives.

Reap what you sow.
This horrific slag, my friends, could be the next President of America.

I think I would prefer to be on the side of China.

To look on the brighter side:-

whoever gets elected one can be reasonably certain they could do better and thus plenty of room to complain