What are Americans so scared of?

I've been watching a Bridget Jones filn this afternoon and she says "Don't be such an ********"" delightfully, yet T2W will not allow it to be expressed here.
I've been watching a Bridget Jones filn this afternoon and she says "Don't be such an ********"" delightfully, yet T2W will not allow it to be expressed here.

Moreover, these guys weren't couple of hot heads but mature desciples of life.

I wonder if this was the first time they drew their pistols in anger...

I wonder if they have a law as to when one can draw a gun?

Is drawing a gun an act of defence or offence?

What is the basis for the right to bear arms? Fear?

Out of 20,000 laws one would think there may be perhaps a hint or half of one law that provides some indication.

Twenty Thousand Gun-Control Laws?

Am I being cynical - if I ask the question - are these laws ever enforced? I mean this article I found with a quick search states "For example,
many local laws prohibit carrying or firing
guns in public places."
Carrying - does that mean on your possession. I guess that's why one of the dudes had it in his car... I'm now wondering if the 19,999 of those rules says something about driving your gun around town. Bit of sightseeing I guess.

I reckon the Wild Wild West is the reason why the yanks are so trigger happy. Shoot first then ask questions! That's how it's allways been done around here... Just the way it is. Shoot the dog first then carry out a dna to see if the **** belongs to the neighbours dog you just shot.

I couldn't make this **** up if I tried.