What on earth was silly willy (Haig) thinking about with his nocturnal visit into the deserts of Libya, unannounced, uninvited and then humiliatingly captured.
Apparently he could have phoned up and requested a meeting. He was doing a sort of Rudolf Hess manoevre or something without going himself.
Interestingly according to Wikileaks the man in the UK Govt blabbing his all to the Americans is none other than Silly Willy himself. Perhaps trying to secure a well paid after politics post like Tony Blair.
Hopefully even the Americans in their rose tinted specs will see through Willy's nonsense. The idiot should be sacked before he launches a military offensive or something
It sounds as if you take what the papers say at the printed word Pat. This is hugely embarrassing yes but whilst the UK trying to stitch up - got well stitched up it self. The big question is by who.
For all the crap one reads in the newspapers nobody hit upon the real story. Two diplomats (spies-negotiating-agents I'd guess) with 6 SAS were either going to meet with an influential member of Libya's people or take the asset out of the country. Who knows?
Alternatively, they were there to collect intelligence about either rebel forces or the regimes and sell it to the highest bidder from either side.
Any other conclusion or BS explanation is laughable.
However, what this tells us about the mission was that UK intelligence was widely lacking - means they were not aware of troop movements on the ground = which means they have no intelligence or spy satellites hovering over the area. Alternatively, somebody who does have the intelligence already did the bargaining with the Libyans.
I would guess this was uncle Obama or Dymitry giving a sign to the UK to stop meddling in the ME.
Finally - Cameron's visit to the ME at this moment in time; either to sell weapons or promise safe haven for all the crooks and tyrants to bring their billions into the UK. I have no objections to this but problem is HM Gov is playing both sides and plain to see by everyone.
For any party to get into bed with the UK foreign policy would be like to sleep with a phython - I promise not to eat you, but just give you a warm tender hug. yeah sure right now get your slivering tongue out my **** and stick it to my ear.
What is required imho - whether the yanks like it or not, is to identify where the UK sees it self and go for it like hell for leather. That would be on the side of the rebels without doubt (to the disagreement of the USA).
They should then start by seising those murdering tyrants wealth and possesions and then giving it back to the Libyan people. However, this could mean every other crook decides to leave the UK and take their millions and sell their daftly overpriced properties. We don't want that to happen do we.
Instead we have an LSE professor resigning for trying to bring a little bit of honest business to the UK just because he went to Libya on business and accepted a £300K donation.
Stupid, laughable and comical. Duplixity and mixed up policy with no clear direction other than to offend as many sides as possible.
One would think they would be better off considering how we could build better cars and bikes. I know let's give back the £2bn tax we said we'd take from the banks and offer to give £100m to generate new manufacturing enterprise zones.
Great idea people will be gagging for that. Nice stroke of genious you Etonian bunch of cretins.