Vote Labour

Not if he comes back and kicks them out the party and looks good on anti-corruption... :idea:

A bit late for the anti corruption angle...both sides riddled with self servers.

They are not significant names.

Ah but their significance is ex ministers, know their way around and determined to grab everything they can before leaving for good. Also from the current party of govt.

Also, it may be a double trap. Tories come out criticising labour - only to have more film footage of Tory MPs in the hot seat...

Yes anything is will be very telling on the media if it is all one sided.😆

I guess in election time anything goes... :!:
It really begs the question about democracy.
The sort of people that become MPs in the present system obviously are the product of quantity and not quality. Integrity isn't much of an issue in selection. We have become more and more like the USA and the banana republics where the major considerations are power and money. Honesty, integrity etc. - oh no just viewed as weaknesses to be buried.
And so the crap floats to the top of the selection lists. The amount of scandals in the last decade is mind boggling !! Especially amongst ministers and ex ministers. They get sacked and are back again in just a few months as though they have done nothing wrong. Mandelson for instance was sacked twice and now apparently runs the country through Gordon Gecko ! POORLY. Wouldn't be so bad if they were even competent !

The Labour party is dominated by the Scottish and homosexual cliques

Vote labour.

over 1 million Iraqi deaths.

Over 1 million afghanistan deaths.

Likely war with Iran next, that becomes WW3.

Trillions of taxpayer money bailing out the banks, only for them to make record profits that they share among their staff in bonuses.

If you vote labour conservative or liberal you are basically voting for the same thing. there is an illusion of choice & an illusion of different policy, but they are all bought & paid for by the same controlling corporate interests, just like the fake 2 party system in the US.

The only real chance of "change" (generic empty meaningless term for the simpletons that they never explain) in the uk is to vote either UKIP or BNP.
The British Airways dispute is imho the other side of Labour.
The Labour paymasters i.e. the Unions are still on their 19th century bandwagon of over feather-bedding their members even if the company can't afford it and goes bust

Many companies are poorly run by selfish greedy over paid bosses. Their old argument of they should have pay in line with International bosses is just an excuse to rip off the companies. Like Fred the shred they grab a few years of huge salaries and then retire on huge pay-offs and pensions.

The future looks bleak while Britain goes on failing in the same old way
The British Airways dispute is imho the other side of Labour.
The Labour paymasters i.e. the Unions are still on their 19th century bandwagon of over feather-bedding their members even if the company can't afford it and goes bust

Many companies are poorly run by selfish greedy over paid bosses. Their old argument of they should have pay in line with International bosses is just an excuse to rip off the companies. Like Fred the shred they grab a few years of huge salaries and then retire on huge pay-offs and pensions.

The future looks bleak while Britain goes on failing in the same old way

Short termism I agree is an aspect of short sightedness? Same goes for banking and investment decisions throughout UK industry. Always has been and continues to be so.

I still can't get over exporting taxi manufacturing to China... 😈 Where is the long term benefit. Can the service and finance sectors compensate for manufacturing loss. I doubt it.

Budget is good for me. Gets my... 👍

However, I will not be voting for them... :cheesy:
Anyone heard the rumour that all Leftie MPs that look like they are going to lose their seats ( thats about 300 ) will be made Lords before the election ?

That should keep Mandy etc company

They are keeping that old Cambridge Uni tradition going of b*ggery and treason. Philby etc. applauding from below no doubt
Was this rumour started by your good self ?



Not telling about my " deepthroat " sources naturally

I can almost hear Terry Thomas saying " What an absolute shower "
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Both horses have been known to fall in a two horse race.

I know it's the flat season but these two particular horses don't need fences to fall.

They are already lame.
Both horses have been known to fall in a two horse race.

I know it's the flat season but these two particular horses don't need fences to fall.

They are already lame.

I reckon two horses have already fallen. Tories and Labour have between them reduced the country to this state.

There is only one choice.

I wouldn't be suprised if the Tories and Labour forge a pact to take on Liberals :idea:
If Labour and the Tories are horses, then the Liberals can only be a dog.

A rabid mongrel at that.

They are all cnuts though.
What happened Mrs Duffy, she hasnt been seen since he 'visited' her, has she been rendered to Bagram Airbase?
Take bankrupt Greece for example

Socialist government
Riots by anarchist/socialist/Marxist/Leninist/Maoist etc - all left wing losers
The only thing they ever had going for them is their proaganda machine fuelled by despairing decent people and then taken advantage of by Stalinesque types.
What do they hope to achieve by throwing rocks and petrol bombs ??

Many turn to the opposite - Capitalism and are severely disappointed by the greed and selfishness of the few.

The centre really MUST produce a fair and viable economic and political system or its hell on earth either way for most people.
Are we in the UK going the socialist way of Greece ?
I hope not. They waste a nation's resources on bleeding-heart projects all around the world and other losing efforts. Very Christian but not practical. Everything they touch turns to dust.

Lets bite on the bullet and vote for the only party with the b*lls to invest our money wisely !!
Are we in the UK going the socialist way of Greece ?
I hope not. They waste a nation's resources on bleeding-heart projects all around the world and other losing efforts. Very Christian but not practical. Everything they touch turns to dust.

Lets bite on the bullet and vote for the only party with the b*lls to invest our money wisely !!

Which party is that?