Vote Labour

err what ?

Its colour is blue
Its heart is true
Its the one for you

Ah, 'fraid not. Blue Labour have zero credibility when it comes to sorting out the economic mess we are in. Cameron's coup has completed its transformation into another centre-left, big state party.

It has nothing to offer the country - in fact, a Tory victory is the only possible terrible result for the coming election (leaving aside impossible outcomes, such as a BNP victory for example).

All other results (that are even remotely likely) will produce largely similar outcomes, but a Tory victory would be a disaster.
or vote in Lord Snooty and his chums

Why ?


TBh I just cannot believe folk are considering voting in Lord Snooty and his chums, if they're that pi55ed off with the system vote in the Libs. But to vote in a guy who is; a descendant of King William, whose wife's family own half of Yorkshire and she and Cameron are *worth* £30ml (given the inheritance he and his wife will be bequeathed as part of trust funds), he intends to pack the front bench with 15 old Etonians and other than politics has only ever had one proper job in his life (if you count spinning for the then Carlton Communications as a job) just leaves me cold... wtf do *ordinary* folk think they're going to get off the Tories; half of their land? 😆

Just call me I'll just call you an inbred, out of touch, narcisstic, landed gentry tw@t if that's OK with you...Dave...
i would rather cut my nuts off, fry them up with some mexican spice and eat them with a cup of tea than vote for labour.
I would probably vote for any lying party which promised to :-

take a 10% pay cut (showing some sympathy with those that lost jobs, homes etc)

make that 20% for Labour as it was their fault in not curbing the thieving bankers
err what ?

Its colour is blue
Its heart is true
Its the one for you

On second thoughts after hearing the politics programme on BBC2 I would definately vote for the House of Lords. Not only to be reinstated because
1. They are much more honest than the scum in the other place
2. They cost a lot less than the elected crap - only expenses
3. They care for this country more than the other self serving idiots

but take over
( no more Tony's cronys to be allowed in - at least 4 are on corruption charges)
Why ?


because. just because.

because im proud that my tax has been spent on murdering innocent civilians in a country tens of thousands of miles away on george bushs say so

because im proud our countries good name has now been trashed

because i love being filmed on cctv every where i go

because i love the government recording every email i send

because i love a government who gives broken banks BILLIONS to pay as bonuses and restrict lending to small business

because the labour government has done wonders for the future of our youth

because exams have got harder and school kids are so much clever these days

because we stand aside and let people like mugabe and israel commit terrible crimes

because labour spend millions chasing dole cheats nicking a few grand rather than tax evaders who cost the country millions

because our health service has improved so much in the last 13 years

because theres nothing like having untrained volanteers doing a policemans job

because i love those east europeans who sit on the street corner drinking all day when they cant find building work

because i love to hear stories of some jonny bannana boat getting a free house, tv, car, etc when pensioners who fought for this country cant get jack and freeze to death

yeah, im voting labour.
because. just because.

because i love to hear stories of some jonny bannana boat getting a free house, tv, car, etc when pensioners who fought for this country cant get jack and freeze to death

yeah, im voting labour.

Must be some sorta masochist ?
On second thoughts after hearing the politics programme on BBC2 I would definately vote for the House of Lords. Not only to be reinstated because
1. They are much more honest than the scum in the other place
2. They cost a lot less than the elected crap - only expenses
3. They care for this country more than the other self serving idiots

but take over
( no more Tony's cronys to be allowed in - at least 4 are on corruption charges)

I have to agree with this. The Lords reform should have been a major scandal.

There was no justification for their existence, other than the minor point that they did their job very well indeed. I have no problem with them being replaced, but the idea of making a major constitutional change without having a clue what would follow is incredible.
I have to agree with this. The Lords reform should have been a major scandal.

There was no justification for their existence, other than the minor point that they did their job very well indeed.
And cheaply. Haven't we got enough parasites on the public payroll ?

I have no problem with them being replaced, but the idea of making a major constitutional change without having a clue what would follow is incredible.

All you Labour supporters out there - vote Liberal tomorrow.

You know it makes sense. 👍

Don't let the Conservatives in - for another round of service cuts, decimation of manufacturing (what's left) and export of jobs.

Two party politics has got us into this mess.

We need choice.
We need balance.
Most of all we need change.

Remember same old input leads to same old output.

Think about it...

Vote Liberal :!: 🙂
All you Labour supporters out there - vote Tory tomorrow.

You know it makes sense. 👍

Don't let the Socialists in - for another 5 years of nonsense, decimation of manufacturing (what's left) and export of jobs.

Two party politics is isn't up to much but 3 or more parties is definately worse so drop the Liberal rubbish down the pan where it belongs

We need choice.
We need balance.
Most of all we need change.

Remember same old input leads to same old output.

Think about it...

Vote Tory :!: 🙂

Hi At
PS his name is spelled Cameron
Hi At
PS his name is spelled Cameron

Pat, are you a secret hoodie or somethin bro? :cheesy:

Why you applying graphitieeee on mi blog:?:

You Tory hoodie lover you 😛

Where's the moderators when you need em eh?

ah you noticed but we do agree on the fact that we need change.

Hope you are not upset

I got a couple on the result tomorrow so *******************


ah you noticed but we do agree on the fact that we need change.

Hope you are not upset

I got a couple on the result tomorrow so *******************


No not at all. Feel free. Predictable choice of colour though... Purple might look better. You know Labour & Tory united againts the Liberals... 😉
Apparently all three leaders were working throughout the night last night and again tonight I shouldn't wonder, so they will be even more barking than usual through lack of sleep 😆