I appreciate your respectful comment, However I would choose to disagree with you on that a Con-Lib Government would be good...I would like to see the Conservatives make change for the worst..People need to realise how bad a Tory government is..
Time will tell...
I didn't mean to imply that a Tory-Lib coalition would be a good thing, sorry if it came across like that.
In my opinion it doesn't matter who forms the next government - pick any combination you want, I think they'll all be more or less the same. Some details and timeframes might be different, but I think that's about it. I say this because when the rhetoric is stripped away I think there is little difference between the parties, because I think that the constraints placed upon UK politicians by EU membership is far greater than most people realise, and finally because economic reality means serious constraints. The UK is like Greece - we can't pay the gas bill. OK, it will take a few years to get to the Greece's situation (can't pay the gas bill this month) but we are on our way. Either the politicians do something, or the market does it for us. If you have to borrow to eat, at some point you have to start listening to the creditors.
As far as who should be PM, well Gordon Brown has just as much right as anyone else to try to form the next Government. I would have preferred him to David Cameron actually, although if it is Cameron then there is a good chance that the experience will be damaging for the Tories, which would be good.
I have heard that Gordon Brown is actually personable and charming in real life (I have never understood the media-conferred TV "charisma" that people like Blair, Clinton and Obama are supposed to have - they just look like liars to me. And Cameron's so-called appeal, God only knows). I also think that people should remember that he is still a human being who has had his share of tragedy and must be forever haunted by the fear of losing sight in his good eye.
In personal terms, one could say a great deal more for him than many other politicians - compare how he fared in the expenses row compared to Cameron for example.
I'm no fan - I stated my opinion on his abilities. But would the Tories or Liberals have done anything differently? By their own admission no. Nobody has any reason to rejoice at his departure.
The media is actually to blame for a lot of the unhinged personal vitriol against Brown. They operate as a single swarm - at one point they would not bear the slightest criticism of him, now he is the worst blah blah blah. Absolute nonsense. I yield to no-one in my contempt for politicians, but Brown seems to me to some way above the average.