Here Tom's take
This “unexpected” could be approaching fast. I am not sure if you have ever studied Chris Carolan’s Spiral Calendar. Mr Carolan has found a statistically significant correlation between the two most significant crashes in the last century, the 1929 and the 1987 crash. Without going into too much detail he found that the number of moons between major events in the history of the world tied in precisely to the day on the Fibonacci growth spiral, when taken as a square root number. Unfortunately this was not a one-off coincidence. He was able to tie in the drop of the first A-bomb in 1945 as well, and some other less flattering events perpetrated by mankind over the last 100 years. It has long been known that the next significant date on the Spiral Calendar is the 29th July 2003. The Spiral calendar suggests that highly emotional events in the past generate highly emotional events in the future.
On the 29th July this year there are two spirals that come together. The 1st spiral is the Fibonacci relationship between the crash in 1929 and the crash in 1987.
As I said above the 2nd Spiral originates from the 6th of August 1945 bombing of Hiroshima. I have cut and past the text below which is the work of Roy Fellow from Colorado long-wave forum:
The first event on that spiral occurred at the F25 on 9/27/67 when LBJ went on national prime time television on ALL channels (remember, no cable TV then… network TV was the only game in town) offering to stop the bombing of North Vietnam if the Viet Cong and NV would come to the peace table. At the time, if you recall, he was under extreme domestic pressure from many groups to end the Vietnam War. The F26 interval is 10/6/73 exactly on the day that Egyptian Forces under Nasser launched a surprise invasion of Israel across the Red Sea in the commencement of the Yom Kippur War. The F27 interval is 6/6/81. At the time the French were assisting the Iraqis to build a nuclear reactor outside of Baghdad that would have the ability to produce fissionable material to construct nuclear weapons. On June 8, 1981, Israel sent one plane with one bomb and destroyed the heart of that reactor. The F29 interval on that spiral is July 29, 2003.
He finishes off by writing that neither he nor Mr Carolan is predicting a nuclear event but the possibility of an emotional event. I present this material to you and you can make your own assessment of the material.
Cheers a320