Ukraine invasion

5 dead russian generals and 500 destroyed tanks, another couple of months and russian army will be completely crippled.

True. I was wondering how they were so well picked out. You reckon face recognition technology was used and intel provided to the Ukrainians. On the other hand I wonder if the generals loitered in the area with their stripes dishing out commands? Anyhow, I reckon the motherland has an infinite number of generals in the ranks and be eager to step into promotion.

Tanks are yesterday's weapon. Drones are in. Tanks are out.

Good lessons learned the hard way.
Completely agree about this.
Every "special operation" in a foreign country should be authorized by an UN resolution.
Beyond it we should notice also that US hasn't recognized the authority of the International Court.
US is 100% hypocrisy, this does not authorize Putin to invade and carpet bomb civilians to acheive his goals to revive USSR or Russian Empire.
Completely agree about this.
Every "special operation" in a foreign country should be authorized by an UN resolution.
Beyond it we should notice also that US hasn't recognized the authority of the International Court.
US is 100% hypocrisy, this does not authorize Putin to invade and carpet bomb civilians to acheive his goals to revive USSR or Russian Empire.
Why the odd faith in the UN? Its a club in which the likes of Putin can veto Security Council resolutions calling for use or approval of armed force.

Its a mark of shame that the UN is a club open to dictators and gangsters who get an equal vote on how democratic countries behave. And all while their own oppressed citizens don't get a vote on anything.
. . .While EU has strict requirements about democracy, NATO hasn't.
You know how you and c_v are pretty much in harmony viz a viz Putin and the Ukraine conflict, well, all I can say is. . .
best prepare yourself for some serious incoming fire from him! If you want some idea of what to expect, check out his exchanges with Atilla in this thread:

Brexit and the Consequences

Never mind CV, all relationships end eventually. Or you could just delete the post and pray that c_v hasn't seen it!
You know how you and c_v are pretty much in harmony
Not about everything, I am pro EU, IMO Brexit was the biggest BS, but now we have a bigger one: Ukraine invasion.
I never liked Bojo, Biden is better than Trump but but is below average as US president.
Understading the context is good but here we are focusing on Ukraine and on what Putin is doing in his 20 years of regime.
Evaluating NATO and 30 year of US wars is another subject.
His premise at the start is all wrong.

Russia is not conquering Ukraine! I think Tim posted this above and you quoted and Tass media communicating same Russian blurb that this is purely an intervention to sort out the Easter region faction fighting and check NATO to sodd off back to her position where it currently is and stop encroaching and expanding next door to Russia.

So your youtube presenter, is he hearing imaginary words inside his head.

He sets out a premise, purely his own, then argues against him self how it will not be possible. LOL.
Boris linking Brexit and Ukraine is going to go over there and tell them to...

Take back Kontrrol as he did. 🤣🤣

Why don't we give Cummings to advise Zelensky as he did Boris. I'm sure that scum bag can come up with some catchy soundbites to chivy the people in their fight.

I'd never thought I'd see these prior to the Ukraine war, not in a zillion years. 🙂
Surely you're not falling for this nonsense! Deary, deary me. It's agenda driven wishful thinking, it's what he wants to happen and is devoid of any objectivity. The very best you're going to get with regards to the war being a disaster for Putin and the Russians - that's based on real evidence from a military strategist - is Bill Roggio's assessment. Watch this interview with him by the excellent Freddie Sayers of UnHerd and then at least you'll be in the vicinity of the reality ball park! Of course, if you want to keep deceiving yourself with poor fiction - that's your prerogative.


@tomorton you said you would love to argue the toss about the justifications for going to war with Iraq back in 2003.

In light of this, what is in my view a fair and accurate article, would you not be one of those corrupt power men who hijack international law for your personal gain and objectives?

Would you like to reconsider your thoughts as to whether Bush or Blair were justified in their reasons ti invade Iraq torturing, killing and causing the deaths of over a million
'innocent' people?
Similarly Biden has been launching some really verbal personal attacks on Putin. Perhaps he should read up on some US history over the wars they have conducted and lives extinguished over national interest BS.
Is NATO closed to dictators and gangsters? Thinking about Erdogan...
While EU has strict requirements about democracy, NATO hasn't.
NATO ~= friends of US .
NATO is closed to totalitarian ideologies known as socialism/communism because these are diametrically opposed to western capitalism / social democracy within western Europe. Most importantly it is closed to states with aggressive military ambitions aimed at western Europe.

Erdogan is an untrustworthy authoritarian and has too often been closer to Russian than is comfortable, but he isn't a communist and he has no obvious designs to attack Europe.

NATO is a military alliance for self-protection, not a pro-democracy movement. Nor is it an anti-communist alliance dedicated to militarily opposition to communism across the globe.

You can't blame NATO for not being something it shouldn't be. But we can blame the UN for not being something it should be.

What's the EU got to do with this?
Not about everything, I am pro EU, IMO Brexit was the biggest BS, but now we have a bigger one: Ukraine invasion.
I never liked Bojo, Biden is better than Trump but but is below average as US president.
Understading the context is good but here we are focusing on Ukraine and on what Putin is doing in his 20 years of regime.
Evaluating NATO and 30 year of US wars is another subject.

Just ignore Tim, he's trying to wind you up. 🤣

I'm changing my mind about the EU. Not about membership of the club, but about the need for Europeans to get their act together. Long overdue. Why has it taken an act of aggression for Germany to sort out it's defense spending? Germany is not alone in this, there are many European countries not spending enough on defense. It rather smacks of deceitful incompetence, freeloading. Trump did warn Europe that they were not doing enough in this area.
Biden is a total moron, this is not a guy to be trusted. He's just a puppet of the establishment, but we better hope he makes it to the end of his term, cos it doesn't bear thinking about if Harris end up in the top job. I doubt Russia would have invaded Ukraine had Trump stayed in office. I suspect he will be back in office 2024.
Bojo is all about greatness and destiny. His classical education and self belief has shaped him from childhood to present day. Not one for rules and trivial details, a player, who's only interested in his world historical legacy.