UK Politics

Bye Bye Bercow.
Did his best.
Sir Lindsay had better not be too flimsy in dealing with the rabble in Parlt.
Bye Bye Bercow.
Did his best. ............................................................ to flout established constitutional convention and bring partiality to the Speaker's Chair!
Sir Lindsay had better not be too flimsy in dealing with the rabble in Parlt.

A dwarf character with a giant's ego.
Another Labour MP who went to private school. Has failed to declare which way he stands on EU membership. At least he supports self-determination for Gibraltar. Seems to be a time-server.
Another Labour MP who went to private school. Has failed to declare which way he stands on EU membership. At least he supports self-determination for Gibraltar. Seems to be a time-server.
A common purpose establishment type, safety for the institutions and the civil service/deep state.
On the day that Farage works the colliery clubs in t'North, Labour have a sad-on about posh boy Moggy and his lack of common sense, looks like Corby boy is a dead duck to old Labour.
Be careful what you destroy in politics because the replacement system is probably a lot worse e.g. French/Russian revolutions.
I did wonder whether this might be more appropriately placed in the thread "Joke of the Day".

It's from today's edition of the Times. How can anybody take seriously this complete failure of a politician who should never have got the job in the first place?

Theresa May has made her first move into post-prime ministerial life by signing up with an international speakers agency. The former prime minister is advertised by the Washington Speakers Bureau as being available to speak at board meetings, to corporations and to global audiences. Her areas of expertise, the agency says, are the global economy and trade, Europe, women in leadership, diplomacy and “inspiring lives”.
Hi Guys, I'm still alive. Just been busy with other things lately, will be back soon once I get caught up..Hope you're all well. xx

Oh good that's all fine then. Was missing your witty contributions matey. All the best 👍
I've got 4 candidates to choose from (LibLabConGreen) and I don't want to vote for any of them, not even a loony candidate (discounting the previous), no draining of the swamp in my neck of the woods.

My vote will be one of these:

I've got 4 candidates to choose from (LibLabConGreen) and I don't want to vote for any of them, not even a loony candidate (discounting the previous), no draining of the swamp in my neck of the woods.

Yeah, not voting is all well and good except that your least favoured option might end up in power!
And on that basis it's a process of elimination whilst holding your nose. 🙄
I've got 4 candidates to choose from (LibLabConGreen) and I don't want to vote for any of them, not even a loony candidate (discounting the previous), no draining of the swamp in my neck of the woods.

My vote will be one of these:

I reckon CV is desperate for your vote SC.

You two becoming like two squabbling siblings who can't agree on 'the' Brexit path.
Looks like the Two in the video abusing the Brexit party leaflet poster need Identifying and reporting. Looks like a hate crime to me.


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