UK Politics

Intolerant, virtue signalling, identity politics BBC at it again, it's getting worse, since when has the public broadcaster been able to express intolerant views?

After sorting out Brexit, BBC should be next in line.
It is a sad day when the mother of all Parliaments and democracy is so abused by British politicians. Not a good
example to those abroad thinking that democracy is worth a damn.
Question for anyone that has one of these spying devices fitted, are you able to switch it off? Is the data sent via the mobile data network? Can the signal be blocked using a reflective blanket of some sort (similar to RFID blocking wallets used for wireless car keys or credit cards)?

Douglas Murray doesn't often pop up in the mainstream,but when he does, he talks alot of sense.

Douglas Murray doesn't often pop up in the mainstream,but when he does, he talks alot of sense.

Ahha, I've been banging on about minority interests v mainstream.

Looks like we are at the tipping point where mainstream recognises it's time to start fighting back.
"Still no reaction from the leader of Britain's Labour Party Jeremy Corbyn to the death of ISIS leader Baghdadi? This man wants to be our Prime Minister but can't bring himself to say ANYTHING about a terror chief who wreaked such havoc, not least to the UK. Staggering."
Piers Morgan
"Still no reaction from the leader of Britain's Labour Party Jeremy Corbyn to the death of ISIS leader Baghdadi? This man wants to be our Prime Minister but can't bring himself to say ANYTHING about a terror chief who wreaked such havoc, not least to the UK. Staggering."
Piers Morgan

Corbyn probably has studied History and knows that Baghdadi is a saint compared to Reginald Dyer

You must ba a liebour voter [emoji1787]

I'm a lover, not a LIBOR voter. 🙂 Politics, me no like, but Mathematics, you write Sigma, Sigma, you get marks

How about that Brexit, huh? I've haven't seen so many Brits pull out since Madonna was dating

Brexit is having a wee in the middle of the room at a house party because nobody is talking to you, and then complaining about the smell
At last a General Election arranged for December 12th.. A chance to throw out the current no hopers and drain the UK swamp. My only fear is that we get some worse people. The Tories and Socialists are both promising big spending on their pet people to get votes. NOTHING for the long suffering pensioners as usual , as far as I have heard ! Treated like rubbish after giving their all, but having over 3 million votes to cast.
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The number of anti-Semitic stories generated by the Labour party now just shows how far along the line they have now gone, fraid that horse has definitely bolted.

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