UK Politics

I reckon CV is desperate for your vote SC.

You two becoming like two squabbling siblings who can't agree on 'the' Brexit path.
Local Tory MP is a Brexiteer and it's a safe Tory seat, so would be no risk to register a protest vote.
What hope does anyone, journalists, whistleblowers, let alone Assange have of any form of justice, when there is this level of corruption in the UK [global] establishment? Numerous cases with a wide variety of subject matter all involving UK high level corruption have come to light in recent years and these are just the one's we know about, the UK establishment is the Stasi.

Kinell, that's some charge sheet.

Expected defence...... there mushed be shum mishtake !

Out of 10, I'd give him 1 😆

It's only going to take one of those 14 charges to stick and he'll get the shitty stick, let's hope he has a 'good' time in prison, oops pre-judged, musn't do that, maybe he'll be sharing a cell with the Prince, you never know one of them might commit suicide when the guards aren't looking, hung by a paper bedsheet, causing broken bones in the neck, viscious those paper sheets are you know, could get a paper cut as well.
London, London, London, wtf am I going to do with you? 🙂

Advice: Get your kicks before the whole sh*thouse goes up in flames

Our soppy politicians will let them all back in I expect. Bl**dy pathetic. Let the murderers fend for themselves anywhere but Britain. It's a pity that they don't park them on the MPs that want them back, to be their responsibility. But of course they are living in posh houses in posh areas and won't want to know. Christian foregiveness gone extra potty it seems.
If the Beeb paid their top executives and 2nd rate presenters a lot less then they wouldn't need to extort money from defenceless pensioners etc. Rather they employ people with talent , not just the money grubbing fatcats and their friends. They have been flogging off bits of the Beeb to line their own pockets.
Astonishing to think that people would consider voting for the most racist party ever, even the BNP weren't as racist as Labour.

As for the liebundems, it's quite satisfying to see that Swinson is neck and neck with the SNP and has every chance of losing her seat, squeeky bum time.


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