UK Politics

Now Boris is in trouble. The Scots Court has ruled that he had no right to advise The Queen to prorogue Parlt.
The Supreme Court can't rule on this judgement until next Tuesday. So are the rebels going to start doing what they will or what ?
Yes Boris is in trouble, he should resign immediately and a general election called [emoji1787]

Makes you wonder if this has been carefully planned by the Tories, playing into Brexiteers hands?
Yes Boris is in trouble, he should resign immediately and a general election called [emoji1787]

Makes you wonder if this has been carefully planned by the Tories, playing into Brexiteers hands?
Highly likely. Dominic Cummings will take it as a personal quest to outwit the proxy "democracy" being fought out on behalf of Blair & Mandelson.
Now Boris is in trouble. The Scots Court has ruled that he had no right to advise The Queen to prorogue Parlt.
The Supreme Court can't rule on this judgement until next Tuesday. So are the rebels going to start doing what they will or what ?

It doesn't cancel prorogation – that won't be decided until it gets to the Supreme Court. The case was submitted in Scotland because the law there is different from England and more favourable to the case: informed legal opinion says that the case stands zero chance under English law.
It doesn't cancel prorogation – that won't be decided until it gets to the Supreme Court. The case was submitted in Scotland because the law there is different from England and more favourable to the case: informed legal opinion says that the case stands zero chance under English law.

Probably quite right, it helps the remoaner cause that Lord Carloway is an SNP supporter, google him and you'll find he is opposed to transparency for judges, hmmm, the smell of corruption is in the air.

Yes Boris is in trouble, he should resign immediately and a general election called [emoji1787]

Makes you wonder if this has been carefully planned by the Tories, playing into Brexiteers hands?
The rebels won't allow a General Election. They just seem to be trying to make Britain and Democracy look really stupid. A Fascist alternative either of the Right or Left is a much worse option for the people imho.
Hands up, how many of you knew that the private slaughter and private consumption of dogs and cats was legal in the UK [emoji44]

Police corruption - If this is the level of accountability denied to the public for relatively simple low level misdemeanours committed by police officers and PCSO's, just imagine what happens to evidence for more serious crimes committed by them, its no wonder the public trust has been lost when there is this level of corruption, endemic.

An interesting flashback to what it was like in the 1970s and the sort of thing that life under Comrades Corbyn & Mcdonnell would soon become. You have to have lived through the 1970s to really understand what it was like!

Part quote
"In the UK the government was only nominally in charge. The real masters were the leaders of the trades unions and their corporate body, the TUC. Men (always men, you will notice) such as Jack Jones, Hugh Scanlon, Joe Gormley, Clive Jenkins and Len Murray were household names. The annual conference of the TUC was televised live. Strikes were called on the basis of a public show of hands in factory car parks, these votes being televised on the evening news with as much import as a by-election. The closed shop meant union membership was mandatory for employment in numerous firms. If a union card was withdrawn, the ex-member lost his or her job. Members had no choice but to have some of their union dues go to the Labour Party. A large part of the working population was living in a form of socialist dictatorship with varying degrees of malevolence."
Strange ( but not really) how the BBC can tie themselves in knots related to Trump's hurty words, but when it comes to Trudeau's blatant physical manifestation of racism there is hardly a word spoken.

BBC News - Naga Munchetty: BBC not impartial on racism, senior bosses say
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