I'm genuinely surprised Sig'.
Based on your posts here on T2W (all of which I devour with great interest!), I'd have put you on the right hand side of the left / right line, probably somewhere around where c_v and Tom are. That you are pretty much bang on par with barjon is not a result I'd ever have predicted. Interesting!
I wouldn't put too much faith in this, as others are highlighting, it depends on how the questions are set/biased as to what the results may turn out to be. Looking at the state of politics over the last 10 years or so, it also doesn't surprise me that left/right policies have fallen by the wayside (along with libertarianism). For the last 30 years we have been slowly descending into a more authoritarian style of govt. Political correctness, common purpose, the adoption of far left minority ideologies into our institutions, including the police, military, security services and judiciary, the effect of the EU supra-legalistic judiciary forces that have been imposed, the cover-ups where political correctness has played a major part, the battle for control of the internet and social media, wikileaks and Snowden.
All of these have turned policy away from one of relative freedom that we had until around the end of the 90's beginning of the noughties (before the social media age really got going) to the brink of censorship, removal of free speech, loss of dissenting voices, de-platforming at speaking events and hustings, street violence on non-violent protests (with law enforcement turning a blind eye), orwell's vision is here and getting worse.
The left and right has become more authoritative as they see this as a way to gain and maintain power, look at how XR protests are tolerated like no other protest group is, there is your current [global] agenda, using the climate and children to guilt trip us all.
Look at the blame game and points scoring regarding the latest London Bridge attack, I bet no-one had envisaged that convicted terrorists wouldn't be locked away never to be seen again, and yet here they are walking amongst, knife in hand, another 23,000 on terror watch lists in the UK alone. Tories have had ample time to look at all these things and yet done nothing about them, same for mass immigration, it's been left to get out of control without the consent of the public.
You tell me what are left/right policies anymore in the traditional sense, both major parties have melded into an orwellian nightmare with blurred lines between the two, they have become indistinguishable in policy terms, to the point where they profess to be able to plant more trees than other parties without the maths to back it up.
Childish politics is all it is, it needs an unknown (mainstreamwise) party, with policies that the public can consent to rather than the govt of occupation we always seem to be getting.
Look I didn't even mention the word Brexit in all of that, I'm doing well