Make America Great again on TV Drama is probably what he meant.
I doubt any foreign national can take this guy seriously.
He'll be a comic hero very soon.
I should add most people know what's right and what's wrong.
Even the less fortunate and well educated, whilst not having money or influence or any say in the matter, they'll have an instinctive appreciation of how things should be. We all do as part of humanity.
These people will I think begin to see that what we are experiencing and witnessing is all getting just too much.
Trump will become like the boy who cries wolf once too many times.
Alternative facts and fake news has been an eye opener. 🙂
And it's only been six weeks.
As you'll all know I don't see Russia as a threat warming of relationship between US and Russia will be good for the World. Joint interests and all that. 😉
The citizens of Ukraine and Crimea might disagree.
The citizens of Aleppo and Grozny too !
The citizens of Ukraine and Crimea might disagree.
This is some serious allegation guys...
Trump Relied on Breitbart News to Claim Obama Tapped His Phones
Does it have legs or is it just another fake news to divert attention away from Russia fiasco?
This is some serious allegation guys...
Trump Relied on Breitbart News to Claim Obama Tapped His Phones
Does it have legs or is it just another fake news to divert attention away from Russia fiasco?
“A cardinal rule of the Obama administration was that no White House official ever interfered with any independent investigation led by the Department of Justice,” Kevin Lewis, a spokesman for Obama, said in an emailed statement on Saturday. “As part of that practice, neither President Obama nor any White House official ever ordered surveillance on any U.S. citizen. Any suggestion otherwise is simply false.”
Ben Rhodes, Obama’s former deputy national security adviser, also denied Trump’s claims on Saturday. “No President can order a wiretap,” Rhodes wrote on Twitter in a response back to Trump. “Those restrictions were put in place to protect citizens from people like you.”
Ooohh I say, I think some people getting hot under the collar!
so we find out a judge DID issue some sort of secret wiretap order just before the election.
"The Justice Department sought a FISA warrant in June to intercept communications from two Russian banks suspected of facilitating donations to the Trump campaign. The judge reportedly rejected the warrant, and a narrower version sought in July. A new judge granted the order in mid-October, according to the BBC."
Well there's that Russian connection again and Trump calling Obama a 'Sick Guy'!
Not presidential at all. 🙁
Plutocrat elitist thuggish trading vendors run amok.
Well there's that Russian connection again and Trump calling Obama a 'Sick Guy'!
Not presidential at all. 🙁
I guess dbphoenix has me on ignore. That's because he is to coward to defend his views against someone with different views and calls him out on it.