Trump Presidency and the Consequences

Make America Great again on TV Drama is probably what he meant.

I doubt any foreign national can take this guy seriously.

He'll be a comic hero very soon.


I should add most people know what's right and what's wrong.

Even the less fortunate and well educated, whilst not having money or influence or any say in the matter, they'll have an instinctive appreciation of how things should be. We all do as part of humanity.

These people will I think begin to see that what we are experiencing and witnessing is all getting just too much.

Trump will become like the boy who cries wolf once too many times.

Alternative facts and fake news has been an eye opener. 🙂

Are you sure you have a clear sense of fairness and right and wrong? Maybe so, I wouldn't presume..I know your behavior in the "Richard Joyson" thread was really a lot different than anything else I've seen from you in these value-oriented political discussions, I'd say more different than anything I've read from anyone else posted on this entire forum, distinguished by its unsubstantiated personal tone of vitriol and vehemence.
And it's only been six weeks.

I always think it's good practice to listen what others are saying...

So a quick google on
How The Rest Of The World Sees Donald Trump: 12 Foreign Political Cartoons

One particularly effective way that foreign media have been able to express their opinions on The Donald is through political cartoons. Those editorials of art can capture a lot more public attention, and often with a lot more punch.

Speaks volumes!

These ones are in words...

I thought the Russian press was most favourable, almost as if Putin and Trump were like twins. As you'll all know I don't see Russia as a threat warming of relationship between US and Russia will be good for the World. Joint interests and all that. 😉
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As you'll all know I don't see Russia as a threat warming of relationship between US and Russia will be good for the World. Joint interests and all that. 😉

The citizens of Ukraine and Crimea might disagree.
The citizens of Ukraine and Crimea might disagree.

95% of Ukraine is pretty much Russian and speaks Russian. It is the home of the main Russian fleet.

Join EU, become a member of NATO and then stockpile tanks in there???

Anyone who thinks that is a plausibility must be off their rocker.

As for Syria, Russia has stopped the destruction and division of Syria much like Iraq. Assuming it has I can't help thinking Iraq, Syria and soon Iran will all be split into tribal factions. US Export - Axis of Evil coming to the ME very soon.

This is some serious allegation guys...

Trump Relied on Breitbart News to Claim Obama Tapped His Phones

Does it have legs or is it just another fake news to divert attention away from Russia fiasco?

“A cardinal rule of the Obama administration was that no White House official ever interfered with any independent investigation led by the Department of Justice,” Kevin Lewis, a spokesman for Obama, said in an emailed statement on Saturday. “As part of that practice, neither President Obama nor any White House official ever ordered surveillance on any U.S. citizen. Any suggestion otherwise is simply false.”

Ben Rhodes, Obama’s former deputy national security adviser, also denied Trump’s claims on Saturday. “No President can order a wiretap,” Rhodes wrote on Twitter in a response back to Trump. “Those restrictions were put in place to protect citizens from people like you.”

Ooohh I say, I think some people getting hot under the collar!

Russia’s Role

House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi reiterated her calls for an independent investigation into the Trump campaign’s ties to Russia. “The Deflector-in-Chief is at it again,” Pelosi wrote Saturday on Twitter. “An investigation by an independent commission is the only answer.”

The New York Times in October said the FBI was investigating Russia’s possible role in the U.S. campaign, and said agents had scrutinized advisers close to Trump for any connections to Russian financial figures. The newspaper, in an Oct. 31 story, said the FBI pursued the possibility of a secret channel of email communication from the Trump Organization to a Russian bank. The Times said the FBI “came to doubt” such a channel existed.
This is some serious allegation guys...

Trump Relied on Breitbart News to Claim Obama Tapped His Phones

Does it have legs or is it just another fake news to divert attention away from Russia fiasco?

“A cardinal rule of the Obama administration was that no White House official ever interfered with any independent investigation led by the Department of Justice,” Kevin Lewis, a spokesman for Obama, said in an emailed statement on Saturday. “As part of that practice, neither President Obama nor any White House official ever ordered surveillance on any U.S. citizen. Any suggestion otherwise is simply false.”

Ben Rhodes, Obama’s former deputy national security adviser, also denied Trump’s claims on Saturday. “No President can order a wiretap,” Rhodes wrote on Twitter in a response back to Trump. “Those restrictions were put in place to protect citizens from people like you.”

Ooohh I say, I think some people getting hot under the collar!

so we find out a judge DID issue some sort of secret wiretap order just before the election.

"The Justice Department sought a FISA warrant in June to intercept communications from two Russian banks suspected of facilitating donations to the Trump campaign. The judge reportedly rejected the warrant, and a narrower version sought in July. A new judge granted the order in mid-October, according to the BBC."
so we find out a judge DID issue some sort of secret wiretap order just before the election.

"The Justice Department sought a FISA warrant in June to intercept communications from two Russian banks suspected of facilitating donations to the Trump campaign. The judge reportedly rejected the warrant, and a narrower version sought in July. A new judge granted the order in mid-October, according to the BBC."

Well there's that Russian connection again and Trump calling Obama a 'Sick Guy'!

Not presidential at all. 🙁
Well there's that Russian connection again and Trump calling Obama a 'Sick Guy'!

Not presidential at all. 🙁

Plus the wiretaps were sought for banks. And they were sought by the Justice department. That's a far cry from Obama tapping Trump's phones.

Good grief.
Well there's that Russian connection again and Trump calling Obama a 'Sick Guy'!

Not presidential at all. 🙁

Why does everything have to be presidential? The US voted for Trump KNOWING he wouldn't be like the rest. He said so continuously during his campaign.

Very interesting.

When Factory Jobs Vanish, Men Become Less Desirable Partners

Declines in manufacturing employment are shaping the structure of the American family.

In many small towns across the country, there aren’t very many good jobs these days. Once there were factories that employed millions and paid decent wages. Today, young men are scraping by working at local bars or in lower-paid temp jobs. Many of these men are single, and new research suggests that those two things—their poor economic status and their singleness—are not unrelated.

It’s no wonder, then, that the changes wrought by the disappearance of manufacturing jobs helped elevate the platform of Donald Trump, who won 67 percent of white workers without a college degree. Their malcontent comes not just from their economic struggles, but from the dramatic changes to their personal lives that the decline of manufacturing have created.

A new study by the economists David Autor of MIT, Gordon Hanson of the University of California at San Diego, and David Dorn of the University of Zurich, provides evidence that their economic struggles are directly responsible for many of their personal ones. The study finds that, as men’s economic prospects decline, they marry less frequently. Once, men had good earnings, especially when compared with women. But now these men don’t earn much more than women do, and so fewer people are getting married, and more children are being born out of wedlock. Children are much more likely to grow up in poverty in households headed by single mothers.

“We see a decline in fertility, a decline in marriage, but a rise in the fraction of births that are disadvantaged, and as a consequence the kids are living in pretty tough circumstances,” Autor, the study’s lead author, told me. (more)