Trendsignal & Goldline - are they connected?

Having researched this thoroughly in the past, in my view there is no software that works. But there are ways of combining software with other factors that can give consistent profits especially if used in reverse. By this I mean find low priced probable losers and lay them on Betfair. There is an increasing number of people making a living by doing this and the key is not to be laying 15 to 1 shots but laying favouroites that have a greater chance of losing than the odds suggest. This is why the bookies are lobbying government to ban the public from being able to bet on a horse losing. I wonder if it is to do with them finding, for the first time ever, that they have to give better odds to attract the business ? They also argue that it is open to fraud but I think this is a red herring because if a lot of money suddenly appears for a particular horse to lose then it is investigated where in the past no-one would have even known.

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I wonder how any system which pretends to predict winners, tackles the recent allegations of race fixing. The only people who make any money out of these systems are the people who market them. After all, wouldn't dealers in the City simply purchase all the available systems for trading and let them do all the work so that they could enjoy longer wine bar lunches?
Thoroughbred, have sent you a private message with regard to the racing services you mentioned, but am not sure if you've seen it? Would be most grateful if you could take a look. Thanks in advance ...
windyday said:
OK, does anybody know of ANY software systems that DO work?

I am extremely sceptical of ANY software system that claims to predict winners, quite simply because NO programme can accurately calculate ALL of the variables in a race, it is impossible. Anyone care to disagree?

wouldn't disagree necessarily and I was sceptical to after blowing over 3K on the Brimardon stuff which certainly doesn't work - so the dearest isnt always the best!

But using Isiris who don't as far as I know use any fancy software I'm pretty happy as I'm up over 15 grand this year betting to 50 quid stakes. And also use Traveltheturf who do rely on some sort of software that tracks all results of every race or something or other and over 100 separate bits of data on every horse or something like that when I spoke to them and although they have losers I'm still up with them too by about 10 grand so got my brimardon losses back and a bit more besides.
I've just completed a thorough due diligence on Asset18 - the golf system - the end result being I am not parting with my £4k to go with it (or parting with anything for that matter). I suggest that if anybody gets an email (or otherwise) tempting them into great things regarding potential profits from placing these value bets should contact me first for my findings to help them with their own DD before getting their cheque book out.
Thoroughbred said:
wouldn't disagree necessarily and I was sceptical to after blowing over 3K on the Brimardon stuff which certainly doesn't work - so the dearest isnt always the best!

But using Isiris who don't as far as I know use any fancy software I'm pretty happy as I'm up over 15 grand this year betting to 50 quid stakes. And also use Traveltheturf who do rely on some sort of software that tracks all results of every race or something or other and over 100 separate bits of data on every horse or something like that when I spoke to them and although they have losers I'm still up with them too by about 10 grand so got my brimardon losses back and a bit more besides.

Hi Thoroughbred,

Have you got the web address for Isiris, as it generally seems to be regarded as the best horse-racng system. By the way, I have had a great run with Trendsignal, Assett18, and particularly Goldline lately. Nice to know sometimes that the tales of woe, can be greatly exaggerated.
Keep posting Thorughbred, it's good to have such a positive view sometimes, particularly in the "down" periods. It's all to easy to focus on the negative. ( PS. Just about to give Travelturf a go ).
d8raider said:
I've just completed a thorough due diligence on Asset18 - the golf system - the end result being I am not parting with my £4k to go with it (or parting with anything for that matter). I suggest that if anybody gets an email (or otherwise) tempting them into great things regarding potential profits from placing these value bets should contact me first for my findings to help them with their own DD before getting their cheque book out.

Thankyou d8raider - i guess they market off scratch and tip off 18 !! - Doug
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I used to do this several years ago, and I found then (by spending a _lot_ of money!) that the only reliable source was Isiris. I hadn't actually heard of Traveltheturf before reading your interesting posting. (I also had another half-decent one run by a guy in Guernsey but I went off it when he had a terrible losing run!).

I noticed on the Traveltheturf website that they seem not to give any specific results there for the "Fortune500" bets, just the other services. The Fortune500 section seems just to say "Recent winners include ..." with some examples, which doesn't really help much. Is this right or did I miss something?

I think the "Fortune500" series is only about 8 bets per month, or something? So maybe you subscribe to "Back The Winners" as well, or instead? Could you possibly tell us which of their services you subscribe to that you've been doing ok with?

I'm not asking for you "detailed analysis", of course, but any "general information" would help! They seem to have 3 completely separate services: "Back The Winners", "Lay The Losers" and "Fortune500".

I filled in the "contact us" bit on their website a couple of days ago with one or two questions but they haven't got back to me yet (which surprised me, but maybe it's the busiest part of the week for them, or something?).

Thoroughbred -

Have you got an email address for Traveltheturf, please? I've filled in the "contact us" box on their website a couple of times but they haven't replied at all. I'm sure that they won't intentionally be turning paying customers away, so I suspect that there's a fault with their site and they're not receiving enquiries. Would be good to be able to contact them; thanks.
trend signal

Dow Trader said:
hi i am considering trendsignal.
has anyone bought it? if so cud u share your views?

did u buy it in the end? any good for shares and indexes? and did you buy live or eod version -- just wondered as thinking of buying

hi there,
visited assett 18 recently. have yet to find anyone in profit posting replies. is their anyone out there. Am very dubious about parting with any money. Found the demo very good but......?
I just read this either amusing or tragic thread. For those who bought trendsignal I am not laughing at you - I paid (I was conned I mean) for a similar one (vantagepoint ) in my early days .
Is the trendsignal promotor still active on these boards?
derann said:
hi there,
visited assett 18 recently. have yet to find anyone in profit posting replies. is their anyone out there. Am very dubious about parting with any money. Found the demo very good but......?

Hi Derann
Welcome to T2W.

Are you referring to Assett18 the golf betting program? If so, do a search on the forums for "Goldline", it's entertaining if nothing else.
I have experienced a very bad time with Trendsignal, which has shocked me, as it seemed a fairly strong system. Fortunately, I have recovered some losses with Goldline lately, and had a successful first three months with Asset 18.
I will not give up on Trendsignal, as I still believe it to be stronger than Goldline, which is also a financial spread betting system..However, it has hurt me financially, and I would always now recommend a more conservative, less flamboyant, approach.
as i said I wasted my money on another rip-off, vantagepoint. Since then I learned how to program and backtested different systems on wealthlab and TS. It showed me just how tenuous systems are and the idea of paying anymore than a few dollars for one seem ludicrous to me now. But I know vendors will always be preying on new traders, it is as it is.
I would suggest giving up on this system - try to insist on getting your money back and also contact any of the regulating authorities.
Tom - please ring us as soon as practicable

Tom - I am only writing this beuase something has clearly changed for you. In September you wrote on this board:

By the way, I have had a great run with Trendsignal, Assett18, and particularly Goldline lately. Nice to know sometimes that the tales of woe, can be greatly exaggerated.
Keep posting Thorughbred, it's good to have such a positive view sometimes, particularly in the "down" periods. It's all to easy to focus on the negative. ( PS. Just about to give Travelturf a go ).

So something has changed if you are now having issues with TrendSignal. I have checked our database in some depth and I can't see a client with your name or a client in Plymouth(unless our database is incorrect). Please do contact us - customer service is important, and if we don't hold your details accurately you may not even have the version 3.1 release CD yet. Also I suspect you don't get the SMS trades we send out - since these have returned 300 points on the Dow with NO losses in the last week.

I rarely look on this board any more as its not my cup of tea - but as I say PLEASE do contact us. If you are having problems, we will work with you to help fix them. That is what we do - work with you to make this work as far as we can.

Hope to hear from you soon. Please call me anytime. I've also sent you a private message, but wanted to make it clear to any broswers of this forum that we do take problems seriously.
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Its been some time now, was the issue resolved? did your results get any better? What are your feelings now about trendsignal?
Bigbusiness said:

You might be happy with the software but I have read a post from a person who has used it and was not impressed. He is now using his own methods and has been doing better.

Those yellow spots tend to disappear if the trade goes wrong. Other than that. it looks like keltner channels, a momentum indicator and a few S/R lines. What is there here that can't be done with a cheap charting package?

What is a S/R line?