Guide Software Guide

Hi Rognvald,
This Guide that you have created is superb!
You must have put a lot of effort into it.
Cos it show's.
Badd Boi
Hi Rognvald

Sent you an pm earlier....Is it possible to add column od Sharescope in Software thread...

The new version of Sharescope has some very good p & f charts facility along with trend lines etc...

They have also added thre line break, Renko and Kagi charts....

Hi there - see my pm in response - agree with you am - awaiting news from Sharkey on the new web content manager appointment.

zambuck said:
Hi Rognvald

Sent you an pm earlier....Is it possible to add column od Sharescope in Software thread...

The new version of Sharescope has some very good p & f charts facility along with trend lines etc...

They have also added thre line break, Renko and Kagi charts....


Totally agree that it is important to have a firewall, but would say that although zone alarm is a good freebie, a better firewall is provided by Smoothwall. This uses a computer dedicated to running a firewall and in the time I have been using it, I have found it to be superb. It does assume that you have an old PC lying around, but how many people have upgraded and still have their old machine? The software is Linux based and is downloaded as an iso image file which can be burnt to a CD. The best news is that for private users, it is FREE!

Any way, for those that are interested and require more information, go to and have a browse.
He was a good friend of Socrates and decided to leave when there was all that controversy over who Soc was etc and has not returned since.

KeithG59 said:

Totally agree that it is important to have a firewall, but would say that although zone alarm is a good freebie, a better firewall is provided by Smoothwall. This uses a computer dedicated to running a firewall and in the time I have been using it, I have found it to be superb. It does assume that you have an old PC lying around, but how many people have upgraded and still have their old machine? The software is Linux based and is downloaded as an iso image file which can be burnt to a CD. The best news is that for private users, it is FREE!

Any way, for those that are interested and require more information, go to and have a browse.

I suppose when you move around with your laptop you also carry that older cranky computer to serve as your firewall.🙂



Long and impressive list. However, just wondering whether you've included the wave59 analysis programme ( plus other neural net programmes. There are also several Elliott Wave analysis tools besides GET (eg, ElWave and the Aus/Elliottician software).
Apologies if these are included somewhere: this was just a quick review ...

Ok, 1 question which is probably stupid but here goes:

If I use esignal (for example) as my charting package and I want to see realtime data, do I have to pay for a separate data feed or will esignal provide this. Additionally then lets say I use IB will I pay them for their realtime data? or can I link them together?
Esignal you sign up for data as well. They list a lot of markets for stocks, forex, indices, commodities etc and you basically go into your account maintenance bit and find there's 7 or so pages of things you can click on to add. So you might start out with LSE RT and nothing else, then decide you want to trade the Nasdaq so you tick the Nasdaq box and a few minutes later (takes a minute or two to process changes) you find you now have RT Nasdaq and your monthly bill has increased by $x.

Different things cost different amounts, but it's a package you tailor to your own needs from a wide range of options. I've not used IB stuff, or not in a long time at least, but whilst you can feed esignal data into some add on programs I don't think IB is one. Equally you wouldn't find esignal up to charting your IB I wouldn't think - two different systems basically, and whilst I don't KNOW this I suspect you'd find you couldn't just pay for one feed and shove it into both packages.

Thanks Dave, essentially I will be trading s&P, dow and nasdaq futures along with T-note and Eurodollar futures and maybe some fx so I want a charting tool that lets me see these. Then separately I want a broker to execute my trades.

Not asking too much am I
No bother,
esignal will do all those I think. I use it for stocks, and a few other bits and pieces, but nothing in oyur list made me think' dunno about that one'. There's a sort of matrix thingy on the esignal site that lists what is available, best check for sure there. I would think pretty well any of the big players would do these too of course, Tradestation and so on, so there's some choice if you fancy shopping around.
Hi guys,

you could probably consider SmartQuat (QuantDeveloper, DataCenter products) to be included in your software review?

J Mattson said:
Rockwell Coincollecter system/software. Has anybody had any experience with this?

At the C2 forum some experience has been reported. Recommended read before you subscribe.

Article links are still broken

I cant NOT read rewews on any software , it says

"Sorry - the page you've requested couldn't be found:"

The software guide review links are still broken. The reviews can be found by following the reviews link on the top banner and then selecting software. I've only looked at the first and last page of this thread so I wouldn't be surprised if this is stated in between somewhere.