Guide T2W - Security and Virus Information

I hope this fits in here -

The best solution to mal-intended ware is to have a non-popular OS to begin with. Linux variants are good bets, as is most any UNIX-base kernel, although the Microsoft UNIX implementation, WIN NT, in all its iterations is NOT unpopular, and is NOT hardened to outside manipulation(Read: MS keeps back doors open to spy on it customers, and its thieves!), and WIN NT is NOT built by a well-liked company - OOOhhhhh!

These facts must always be understood before attempting to find ways to keep unwanted intrusion of a given OS(It is ASS-U-ME-d that MS Windows users WANT MIcrosoft to INTRUDE INTO their box, since MS Never Sells ANY OS It Cannot Intrude ANYTIME it wants!-(( Thugs who hate an OS Never care anything about the human victims' who own and operate the machines they invade - another 'must' to understand(Again, Microsoft is EXACTLY That- they care nothing about the human that owns and uses the OS that they market). Is Microsoft a 'Thug'?

In light of these facts, mal-ware is defined as software the user or owner does not want to run on the OS. Much of the software Microsoft includes with their OS is dangerous to safe operation, for most users.

Please read that again . . .

"In light of these facts, mal-ware is defined as software the user or owner does not want to run on the OS. Much of the software Microsoft includes with their OS is dangerous to safe operation, for most users. "

Numerous reasons apply for this fact, so rather than go into a long account about it, do some online research about dangerous Windows OS system software, and why it is dangerous, and, how to remove it, control it, or block it, before trying to find software to block malware that is from Non-Microsoft sources. This will lower the work and requirements for some of the malware protection systems, and also harden the Windoz OS to invasion software.

Invasion protection software comes in many flavors, and for many purposes. One of the more stable, wide-spectrum malware protectors is System Mechanic. Norton puts out another wide-spectrum solution, and there are others, as well, but so does Microsoft. This brings our attention to yet another problem of intrusion applications being given a blank access pass by so-called "Protection" software, such as Microsoft's, which has paid access by some manufacturers of malware!

Here is an important thing to remember about using ANY protection software: if it works well in its original form, then the people who have it blocking their malware will want to bribe their way past that protection software, like Microsoft takes payments from malware makers to Not block their intrusion applications.

How can these unsafe "Protection" applications be discovered? Again, online research will uncover most, but another method is to operate counter protection programs, and to perform second opinion OS malware scans, for the same types of malware that installed protection applications are supposed to catch.

Getting second-opinion malware scans is easier when an online search for specific, tried and proven safe scanning apps is carefully carried out.

To save money, instead of buying all these occasional double-checkers, use ones that display the path to each malware file, and the exact Registry location for every piece of the discovered malware. Take screen prints of the entire path report, paste these into a Word, or WordPad file, and then proceed to follow each Registry and Hard Disk path to all parts of the malware, and purge the system of everything.

Online searching will find assistance to make safe changes to the Registry for any user, and searches online will find information about most parts of suspect application files.

A good resident malware management system is using SystemMechanic as firewall and live system protection, but not using Kaspersky Labs Anti-virus, as it is a target of malware creators, since it works really, really well, in its original form.

To perform a good counter malware protection operation, install both Comodo's BOCLEAN Anti-malware and SpyBOT SD, anti-virus. These two, operating with SystemMechanic, form an instant-alerting and blocking system for all but desired intrusion(Remember Microsoft Intrusions?) and malware invasion attempts. Just be sure to keep all these annoying warnings in operation, since disabling them allows invasive malware hidden access to the innerworking of the OS.

Hope this helps
has anyone looked at a hardware firewall solution? I used to run a Juniper integrated router and firewall with my trading setup. My trading PCs were dedicated trading machines, that's all they were used for. Frivolous stuff like posting crap on forums and surfing porn sites I would use a low-end machine like the laptop I'm typing this post with. This laptop has almost no protection against hacking and the like, but I don't care because there's nothing on this laptop that's worth stealing.

granted they're not cheap, and yuo need a bit of know-how or the willingness to do some research in order to configure them correctly.

but if yuo run a dedicated machine and so long as yuo've configured the Juniper correctly to allow what yuo want to come in and to block what yuo don't, yuo don't need to install and run Norton or McAfee or any of those other anti-virus or anti-malware software, all of which slow down yuor operating system to various degrees.

if speed of execution is important to yuor style of trading, a Juniper is something you should consider

edit: doesn't have to be Juniper, there are plenty of other hardware firewall solutions from other vendors which are just as good