Trendsignal & Goldline - are they connected?

Bravo tom trendsignal to come and post on the site as those who want or dont want the system or are put off by the debate going on can ask the best person to answer them and that is the provider themselves -trendsignal.
I am made up with their real time version and no regrets whats so ever.
trendsignal UK said:
DER! Use your brain and look at the [url][/url] - it is a site that points to TrendSignal. It is though NOT the same as which is the Goldline systems site.

Yes I did notice that. My point is, that the Goldtrader URL does refer to "Goldline". With both URLs having the same registrant AND one mentioning "Goldline" by name I felt there may be a connection.
That goldtrader website is just like a big net to catch everyone who enters it and transport them to trendsignal. Nothing wrong with that but it does look a bit tacky. Not the way to make me consider parting with large amounts of cash but it obviously works with some people.
Website updated

OK. To finish this debate, I have taken on board everyones feelings. Check out - it should now placate everyone.

For those of you who wanted to see the product at the T2W user group next week though, apologies as we will no longer be attending.

The level of debate on this board and the cynical nature of the members makes us unwilling to spend time defending ourselves.

We are simple traders. Not court room barristers.

Thank you for your understanding - those of you that want to see us you are of course still welcome to come to our trading room.
Re: Website updated

trendsignal UK said:
OK. To finish this debate,

Doesn't quite work that way on t2w. You can chose to no longer participate, or a mod could pull the thread. Otherwise it simply runs it's natural course.

So we won't be seeing any more posts from you on this topic?

We are simple traders. Not court room barristers.

No. You are neither. You are commercial vendors of trading software.

give it a break !

these guys are traders..................... no question

if they've found a way to make some xtra money then good luck to them and to anyone who buys their software
Re: Re: Website updated

TheBramble said:

No. You are neither. You are commercial vendors of trading software.

OK. Simple to solve this one isn't it. I would agree we are commercial vendors of trading software (pretty hard to not agree).

However, YOU say we are NOT traders.

Then would you be happy if I ring you and give you the number to call for the CEO of the brokerage that we trade futures with in Switzerland (or Man Financial if you prefer). Speak to either of them and get our status confirmed. I will refund you the cost of the call of course.

Furthermore I will make a £10k donation to a charity of your choice if they do not confirm that we regularly trade at least 20 FTSE contracts at a time (i.e. in excess of 10 times per week) with them.

Once you have made the call(s) then I would expect you would be willing to apologise for saying we are not traders. I will leave it to you to decide how much you are willing to donate to the Childrens Unit at Milton Keynes Hospital by way of your financial apology for making an unfounded (but mainly untrue) statement.

I hope you (and everyone else here) agrees this is fair.
I do think using the Children's Unit at Milton Keynes Hospital in this way is in bad taste. I hope you or your company make regular large donations to them. If not, you have gone down in my estimation. If someone wants to give to charity, that is their own choice, it shouldn't be used in this manner.
Bigbusiness said:
I do think using the Children's Unit at Milton Keynes Hospital in this way is in bad taste. I hope you or your company make regular large donations to them. If not, you have gone down in my estimation. If someone wants to give to charity, that is their own choice, it shouldn't be used in this manner.

Yes I do donate personally and 8% of our company profit is donated to charity. I made a suggestion not a demand (that's why I didn't suggest an amount - nil is a perfectly valid amount).

Given your earlier posting I don't see how we can go down much more in your estimation, but that is perhaps me being defensive.

There was no intent to "using" anyone or anything, but basically we cannot win here can we? It was a level playing field (I offered the other chap a choice to nominate his charity - just as I did you yesterday).

So let's be fair again. The charity idea has clearly insulted the "senior" members here. I now repeat my offer and I will donate £100 to a charity of the guys choice if he apologises for saying we do not trade - because we do . He can do this with or without making a phone call. The charity can be named or un-named.

I HOPE this is seen as being fair. PLEASE comeone tell me what else I can do? I'm trying to set the record straight and nothing else. One simply cannot win if the people attacking us have an attitude that is is so uncompromising and cynical.

Your move gentlemen.

All I want is an apology for a personal attack that is unfounded and untrue. Say what you want about the company / product etc. but don't say we don't trade.

One is opinion (perfectly valid) and one is untrue (and shoudl be corrected IMHO). Whats so wrong in asking for a correction to be made? I apologised when I was in the wrong, why shouldn't someone else? Just my opinion of course ......
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"comeone tell me what else I can do?"

Probably retire from this while you are in front.

Oldun is right ................ there's no pleasing certain people, no matter what you do
Point taken

Thanks oldun and qaza your postings has made me realise I has lost perspective.

Its an interesting psychological thing to be hurt by an anonymous person, posting in cyberspace.

I shall go back into my shell and watch!
Come on guys,
i dont think we are being fair to our guests from TRENDSIGNAL.It seems to me that they are damned if they do or dont do.The way the debate is going looks like its turning into a debacle as those like me who have bought are very happy and those who(imho)have no intention (or want to query every thing under the sun) are just going around in circles.Its plain enough Milton keynes is not in Timbuktu -just go and see them and after you have done that then say what u want.Remember "scared money never Wins".
Bravo to trendsignal for holding their own and when the other guys are asked to put their money where their mouth is than they head for the door.
Give it a rest and get back to trading(unless u r venting your losses and having a go at others)

You might be happy with the software but I have read a post from a person who has used it and was not impressed. He is now using his own methods and has been doing better.

Those yellow spots tend to disappear if the trade goes wrong. Other than that. it looks like keltner channels, a momentum indicator and a few S/R lines. What is there here that can't be done with a cheap charting package?

If you are so sure of your position why don't you take them up on their offer?

Unlike others who 'advertise' on this site they are willing (a) to show you their broker records (b) demonstrate live trading with the system and (c) pay £10,000 to charity if your results are better than theirs.

For what it is worth they have satisfied me of their bona fides. If you remain dissatisfied then hasn't the time come to put up (by taking them up on their challenge) or shut up?
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I agree with Oldun -but as u beg to differ (and u r entitled to your opinion)-just go and see them. If you are after a cheap solution (cheap is relative aswell from person to person) and it works for you then great.
If you own something or have an assett (might not be worth much)but u can ask what u want for it and if the other party is willing then its a trade.
I am not picking an argument with you just trying to explain my view thats all and i do respect yours as well.
Reminds me of a chinese proverb regarding finances: "IF YOU EAT LIKE A BIRD YOU CANT EXPECT TO DEFECATE LIKE AND ELEPHANT".

This is like a school play ground..... 🙄 The joys of a new moon coupled with an eclipse :cheesy:

If systems helps uneducated traders to make $$ then fair play to trend & co...Trading's a thinking (mans/women's) game its takes ingenuity... 😉 I personally like system traders 😀 ))

I agree this is getting silly. I like that 'put up or shut up' quote. The last person I heard using that was John Major. What a wise man he was.

Like I said before, I am not going to get in to a mine is bigger than yours argument.

The thought of ever returning to Milton Keynes does not appeal to me. I went there once and thought I would never escape the roundabouts. I am quite happy with what I have and I wish trendsignal the best of luck selling their software. I have managed to get buy without spending large amounts of money on software but I realise some people will feel the need to try these things and trendsignal might as well take their money.
Well a right old bun fight there then!!

As the co-chairman of the London T2W traders group, I am sorry to learn on this thread that trendsignal will now not be coming to our meeting this Saturday 24th April.

Oh well,
enough said.

Bigbusiness said:

Those yellow spots tend to disappear if the trade goes wrong.

Sorry to point this out, but now you are just lying.

The "yellow spots" version has not been supplied to a single live customer yet (I know this becuase it is a new version and I supply it). There are 2 customers who have it on trial - and to my knowledge have not reported missing circles. Please confirm who has the product and has the issue you describe, and I will contact them immediately and refund them. I have called the 2 customers with the beta test, and they do not have any issues.

You are right about roundabouts in MK though.