Trading with mp6140

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Hi MP,

Is the market still trending? On the EUR/USD H1 it looks quite flat. does that mean that we should simply trade the channels when there's no obvious trend?

On H4 it still looks like an uptrend.

Ah and here's another question: how many periods should we use for our different time frame charts?

Hi MP,

Is the market still trending? On the EUR/USD H1 it looks quite flat. does that mean that we should simply trade the channels when there's no obvious trend?

On H4 it still looks like an uptrend.

Ah and here's another question: how many periods should we use for our different time frame charts?


EURUSD is presently ranging on the H1 as you note, BUT its trending in a increasing pennant pattern which should breakout to the upside next week, which would agree with your findings on the H4 Points to watch would be creating a dbl top at approx 1.5881 area w3here we watch for a breakout or bounce down, although going to 1.5903 does not appear to be beyond possibilities !

when the market is trendless, it DOES show its support and resistance points, although you should trade shorter term timeframes simply because you dont want to over expose yourself if the channel ends quickly ! While I trade the 5 min in this situation, one can prob trade the 15 also, as long as you watch time of day for reversals !

enjoy and trade well

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Thanks for your reply, just to check I'm about on track with this, the S/R I'm trading right now are approx:

1.5750 - 1.5815

I'm just fading when i touches either extreme; is this about right?

Thanks for your reply, just to check I'm about on track with this, the S/R I'm trading right now are approx:

1.5750 - 1.5815

I'm just fading when i touches either extreme; is this about right?


what timeframe ? doesnt agree with what im looking at

On a 5 minute, from about 10am-1.30pm? (GMT)

Do you trade on a smaller range?

presently 1.5774 to 1.5750 BUT bottom is raising at a 30% angle, showing probable upside move, which usually happens at the rollover on fridays


i often trade the one minute thru the 15, with overnite holds off of the H4

i use the H1all day as my trend guide
although you should trade shorter term timeframes simply because you dont want to over expose yourself if the channel ends quickly

Wouldn't appropriate position sizing address this and allow trading in the higher time frame ?

Wouldn't appropriate position sizing address this and allow trading in the higher time frame ?

In general (and of course there is an exception to every rule) I would ALWAYS go flat when Im playing very closely to the top or bottom of the LRC, as ONE rumor "could" drive you the wrong way and ruin your day.

Now, I like to play "safely" and so can be considered rather stuffy and conservative in my trades, but if theres lions and tigers and bears on the other side of that line, i dont stand up, cross over the line with no weapons and my hand extended --- not until a special forces op unit has gone first and cleared the area !

Now, if my indicators tell me theres no offensive and hungry critters on the other side of that line, I still remain flat because, more than likely having hit that resistance, the price is going to bounce some distance away in fear and then come back to try the fence again --- ill wait to enter at the bottom of the reversal for the largest gains if i can !

question for mp

Hi MP,

I have been following your posts from some forums and I am trying to demo the method you mentioned from your posts mainly using LRCs, S and R, fibs, ziggies, checking for reversal times and without stoploss therefore using careful money management to protect the margin. I want to mainly trade GU from H1 chart, looking at daily, H4 & H1 trend.

Now, let's say the trend in daily chart is up with price halfway to the top of daily LRC, H4 trend is down and H1 is up. Somewhere along I take a long position on H1 chart and not long after, price goes in strong downtrend against me. Some days later, price is lingering near the bottom of LRC on daily chart and, snap, it broke down the bottom of daily LRC which normally imply the uptrend on the daily is weakening or about to be over...Now because no stoploss is used, how do I protect my position in that case? Do I counter trade it? As I would imagine taking a position from H1, having price goes against me then relying on higher TF trend to save me but it failed, would normally cause a very big drawdown if I decide to close that position.
Do I hedge my position on the GU, till it goes back up again? Perhaps you could share some wisdom in regards to what you do when you have a bad trade with this method?

PS: I apologise if my post is kinda long winded.

Hi MP,

I have been following your posts from some forums and I am trying to demo the method you mentioned from your posts mainly using LRCs, S and R, fibs, ziggies, checking for reversal times and without stoploss therefore using careful money management to protect the margin. I want to mainly trade GU from H1 chart, looking at daily, H4 & H1 trend.

Now, let's say the trend in daily chart is up with price halfway to the top of daily LRC, H4 trend is down and H1 is up. Somewhere along I take a long position on H1 chart and not long after, price goes in strong downtrend against me. Some days later, price is lingering near the bottom of LRC on daily chart and, snap, it broke down the bottom of daily LRC which normally imply the uptrend on the daily is weakening or about to be over...Now because no stoploss is used, how do I protect my position in that case? Do I counter trade it? As I would imagine taking a position from H1, having price goes against me then relying on higher TF trend to save me but it failed, would normally cause a very big drawdown if I decide to close that position.
Do I hedge my position on the GU, till it goes back up again? Perhaps you could share some wisdom in regards to what you do when you have a bad trade with this method?

truly an excellent question, although with proper use of technique it SHOULD NOT have done that, EXCEPT !

the half way point on the LRC is normally a "rest stop" for the price on its way up to the top channel, and if you look at your daily charts, you will see how often the price moves off the bottom channel, passes the midpoint, then comes back down, then back up, etc -- using the midpoint as a pivot point, where traders load and unload, daytrading the currency.

so while your scenerio should NOT happen, let us go with it for a while.

If this happens, one immediately goes to the weekly and the monthly charts, which should give you an idea of whats happening ---- you should also determine what caused the drop (if news, note that the price CAN drop below the LRC by a bit and then come right on back up quickly, and while its not usual on the daily, one sees it a lot on the 10 day/240 min chart.

once you determine from the weekly chart where support appears to lie, you can then decide whether to hold or not. If you hold, quite naturally you can enter a counter trade in the direction of the weekly chart (to REALLY help your margin and build equity, I often open 2 equal size trades) which will cover your "unhappy" original trade, you can exit your wrong direction trade piece by piece as the short provides cover if your margin does get dicey (the only problem with the hedge is if the price drops tremendously, when you exit your short, your long will be endangering your margin since there is NO counter to hedge against, so one can eliminate that problem by having a profitable and strong SHORT POSITION, and slowly chipping away at the long --- although you lose money on the long, the short is making TWICE as much. When doing this YOU DO NOT ENTER ANY OTHER TRADES, BUT SIMPLY LET THE SHORT(s) COVER YOUR LONG. (if skillful, one can daytrade smaller timeframes for profit, but NEVER enter a counter trade to the trend direction or you will be right back to endangering your margin)

while i can afford to hold a lot of trades that go against me, i rarely have to but it happens --- it becomes my choice as to whether or not I continue to hold the long, open two shorts and then sell off little bites of the long as we move down, or simply hold the long and use two shorts to build the equity.

now remember, you have to be able to identify support and resistance areas so this is not just a way of holding your margin --- this requires some experience and nerve (which comes to most with experience) and can be scary at times, but with experience, it becomes a very satisfying combination offensive/defensive play !

PS: I apologise if my post is kinda long winded.


enjoy and trade well

Sounds scary to me to

"and can be scary at times"

what for a man of your experience 😆

Are you supposed to be scared when trading :?:

Or even expose yourself knowingly by your method of trading to being scared

You only have to be wrong once or have an accident while going to get a coffee, get carted off to Hospital and your account is in a very poor state by the time you get back if that illusion you call Support decides to Fold

wow, I am impressed, tell me more I can not wait mp

Your method as more holes in it than a fishing net imho

Stop 300 pts how hards that and why not :?: are you never wrong mp :?: When do you take a loser or are you just waiting for a real big one to arrive :?:


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Mp -- Thnx Bear, I Can Finally Understand You !

"and can be scary at times"

what for a man of your experience 😆

Are you supposed to be scared when trading :?:

happens to everyone, especially if ive not done my homework and now have to wonder if i made the right move !

Or even expose yourself knowingly by your method of trading to being scared

well, normally im not, but there are moments but theyre usually brought on by my taking something for granted when im tired !

You only have to be wrong once or have an accident while going to get a coffee, get carted off to Hospital and your account is in a very poor state by the time you get back if that illusion you call Support decides to Fold

funny you should say that, but i was in the hospital in november, and it was a terrific month (maybe cause i didnt trade and just let the trend run ?) LOL

wow, I am impressed, tell me more I can not wait mp

Your method as more holes in it than a fishing net imho

people sure do catch a lot of fish with those holey nets, do they not ?

Stop 300 pts how hards that and why not :?: are you never wrong mp :?: When do you take a loser or are you just waiting for a real big one to arrive

I guess im just waiting for ONE to arrive, but as you can see above, ive outlined how one deals with those situations --- its called TRADING, mr bear and its not called GIVING IN, CRYING UNCLE OR THROWING IN THE TOWEL, because thats not this fun game called TRADING !

a 300 pip stoploss, with my usual amount of lots would be a whole lot of money to give away, and i dont give away very easily, which may just be the difference between you and me !

what i do is play an offensive AND defensive game, all at the same time, but i dont play a game where the quarterback sits on a line and collects my money if my ball goes over it --- thats what stoplosses do --- they take your money and leave you poorer, and what i do is see if theres any way to save the situation, even if it looks gloomy because forex is a "moving up and down" kinda thingie, and what goes up will always come down again --- the difference between me and other styles of trading is lack of recognizing this fact, giving in when the price drops and losing money with a "well win some, lose some !" attitude, which JUST DOESNT WORK FOR ME !

it works bear --- it takes experience (not skill) and it sure makes my accounts look nice when there are no losses except the 10 dollar ones where i cut a trade short because of my own dumb mistake of getting in cause usually i get into the wrong currency !


ah, yee of little faith

Thanks for the much better reply mp

ah, yee of little faith


Hi mp

Don"t think we are going to hit it off are we 🙂

"its called TRADING, mr bear and its not called GIVING IN, CRYING UNCLE OR THROWING IN THE TOWEL, because thats not this fun game called TRADING !"

I don"t think so mp :arrowu: activating a well thought out Stop is imho not and should not be thought of as .........well above, Your wrong plain and simple imho.

The trader who activates a stop at a pre-determined level is in fact stronger and wiser than you, matters not a jot if your account is the largest in the world

Your still wrong and your teaching others wrong imho

appreciate the reply mp, think everyone can see where your coming from if they really read some of your posts

Good weekend mp :clover:
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Hi mp

Don"t think we are going to hit it off are we 🙂

"its called TRADING, mr bear and its not called GIVING IN, CRYING UNCLE OR THROWING IN THE TOWEL, because thats not this fun game called TRADING !"

I don"t think so mp :arrowu: activating a well thought out Stop is imho not and should not be thought of as .........well above, Your wrong plain and simple imho.

The trader who activates a stop at a pre-determined level is in fact stronger and wiser than you, matters not a jot if your account is the largest in the world

the person who gets stopped out before the correct top or bottom is out (at least usually) because of fear and lack of knowledge --- if they had the knowledge they would simply place a tp at the correct point and go hunt for a while --- perhaps even bears !

Your still wrong and your teaching others wrong imho

therein lies the problem bear --- its in YOUR OPINION and we certainly know about opinions, do we not ?

appreciate the reply mp, think everyone can see where your coming from if they really read some of your posts

does that include the ones who are now making money, and not losing it to stop losses when the market does a temporary reversal ?

I do not EVER advise newbs to use this method as a decent amount of experience is needed to make it work --- its NOT a ma crossover or an indicator move, but solid knowledge of how the market works and where its heading over the timeframe you choose to work within, AND the ability to switch from offensive to defensive trading, which takes a whole lot more experience than simply placing a trade and sitting back, but work it does and its based on nothing more than how the markets move, taking into consideration the many reverses that then reverse back, which would knock your stoploss for a loop, leave you WITHOUT the money you just lost, and now you would prob be afraid to enter in the other direction based on the "once burned" theory of human psychology !

YOU do not have to do it, but to argue with me without examining it is the worst form of misuse of your intelligence that can be put forth by a human !

Good weekend mp :clover:

a good one to you also bear


Should I be going long or short soon then.........?

Or should I be already?


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I'll short the EURUSD without a stop then... top of the channel and all that...
I'll short the EURUSD without a stop then... top of the channel and all that...

what ive always said wasp is that the top LRC is a "wait and see" point, unless youve got something indicator wise that is telling you something.

"normally" we can expect a bounce towards the bottom, but i havent even checked upcoming news what for my "discussion" with fireguy, and havent i noticed that you dont seem to agree with my posts over there ?

just curious !


what ive always said wasp is that the top LRC is a "wait and see" point, unless youve got something indicator wise that is telling you something.

"normally" we can expect a bounce towards the bottom, but i havent even checked upcoming news what for my "discussion" with fireguy, and havent i noticed that you dont seem to agree with my posts over there ?

just curious !


I too am curious chap and open minded, You seem adamant this channel malarkey is highly successful so just having a butchers..........
Good call, bud. I bet some people stay up all night analysing dogsh*t channels. For what?🙂

ok, not doing anything else for a minute

channels are nothing more than two parallel (theres also a middle one that is VERY strong intraday resistance) trend lines, with a little magic of their own.

they very accurately predict and confirm trend changes and probable tops and bottoms, and can be earily comforting. In addition, one can use trend lines, which only show a single top or bottom, or whats becoming extremely popular in the UK, the DeMark trend line, which is now being used at a lot of UK brokerages --- they all do the same thing, although the demark is more an entry and exit tool than the "trend indicating" LRC.

i will say one thing -- after 30 years and having pretty well settled on whatever my "system" is, i NEVER stop looking at new things to see if there is any possible "edge" to using them --- long ago i learned that things exist because they are valid, it just depends on whether theyre valid for me or not, and you should adopt that thought process i would imagine !

enjoy and trade well


if youre using metatrader, i can send you a very nice custom indicator that does everything for you.
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