All you need to trade is a horizontal line - TheRumpledOne

oops, sorry to rumple your 'issues'...good luck with that. 😉

"I am not forcing you to accept my concepts. I only request the traders to review the market from time to time keeping in mind my concepts and if found suitable use in the trades or just ignore. Thanks for your opinion."

Once price crosses a line, it will either go to the next line or reverse back over the line it just crossed.
TRO: You know what the real problem is with people not believing in your methods' simplicity? I think I know: it's because you cannot do much of this simple stuff in backtesting by just looking at a static completed chart. You have to replay the candles tick by tick or just forward test on live data. When you say "trade in the direction of the 1H candle over a horizontal line" most people then look at a static historic chart and see all of the "whipsaws" over various lines and say "impossible". But in real time, with common sense, it's a whole new story. I think this is the problem for most people.
TRO: You know what the real problem is with people not believing in your methods' simplicity? I think I know: it's because you cannot do much of this simple stuff in backtesting by just looking at a static completed chart.

That's just flat out false. What is it that you can do with a real-time dynamic chart (relative to trading like a Whiplashed Rodent) that you cannot do in MT4's backtester - Can you explain?

Furthermore, can you code the Rat EA and run it through MT4's back-tester - then post the results on this forum, please? Or, are you going to tell me that such an EA cannot be constructed and thus, no back-test results showing an upwardly mobile equity curve is possible?

Which is it?

The problem with this oversimplified method is summed up in one word: Whiplash. Unless the trader has a clean-cut way of accurately determining the Daily, Week and Monthly highs and lows, to more precisely pinpoint regions of high probability reversal into a basic retracement position, then the newbie could have his Rat handed to him on a silver platter for breakfast, lunch and dinner.

Selling hosed down or screwed up third-party indicators through PayPal account, calling it "Donational," and then pumping "Motherloads" out the door like they were so many cream puff pies, is NOT tantamount to knowing what the heck you are doing in these (or, any other) markets.

Am I making myself as clear as a Rat, here.
That's just flat out false. What is it that you can do with a real-time dynamic chart (relative to trading like a Whiplashed Rodent) that you cannot do in MT4's backtester - Can you explain?

Furthermore, can you code the Rat EA and run it through MT4's back-tester - then post the results on this forum, please? Or, are you going to tell me that such an EA cannot be constructed and thus, no back-test results showing an upwardly mobile equity curve is possible?

The statement "I cannot make my Computer trade that profitably" is not the same as "That cannot be traded profitably"

Let me illustrate:

When I scalp, I scalp using the RAT, (which is just a moving horizontal line, btw) and do so profitably.... but heres the catch:
I dump trades when price stalls, unless I have some profit and can take a bit of a retrace. I dont take full stops.

Code That.

Next illustration:

I used to scalp psycho lines, but its not as profitable as the rat... I would enter when price hit the line "with vigour" and dump (again) at a stall in price.

Code That.

I cannot make my computer trade these things, but I can trade them myself.

Like most actual traders the phrase "about there" is probably the closest I can get to an exact entry or exit price.

Why do so many people believe that a backtester is somehow the ultimate argument proof against a trading method? Especially when done with backtesting software that does not use timestamped tick data for both bid and ask price? A backtested system is an indictment of the coder first and the system second.....

The is the HORIZONTAL LINE thread not the RAT thread.

But from all your posts on various forums under different names it seems like you have a vendetta.

Your time would be better spent by starting your own thread and explaining how you trade.
Horizontal Line, Rat, Buy Zone, Sell Zone, Close My Eyes and Flip a Coin - its all the same BS to me, Avery. I see your shills have made it over here to T2W. Bredin, is one of your biggest and most arrogant of Shills.

Have either you two clueless individuals ever heard of Vertical Market Psychology? Obviously, not. Do you even know what trading circles you will hear this talked about? Obviously, not. VMP, is not only where your emotions get sucked in, but your entire trading system or trading methodology design gets warped by periods in markets with little to no horizontal component. You try this HORIZONTAL LINE crap and the RAT crap, in a horizontal market and you will get ripped a new hole. Most markets ARE NOT trending, in case you did not know, statistically speaking. Pick the wrong time frame for this, and you get ripped a new hole. Pick the wrong time during the trading session, and you get ripped a new hole.

The way Avery portrays the method, makes it is one of the most infantile and dangerous methods to use - because it suffers TOO MUCH WHIPLASH.

Code the EA, then let it run according to the HORIZONTAL LINE rules and just see what happens when the Magnitude gets SUCKED out of the market, without your ability to know WHEN and WHERE the lack of Magnitude is most likely to occur.

Horizontal Line? Bottom Fishing. Horizontal Line? Top Fishing. Green Rat? Bottom Fishing. Red Rat? Top Fishing. Buy Zone? A clueless attempt at projecting the bottom of the Daily Lower Shadow. Sell Zone? An equally clueless attempt at projecting the top of the Daily Upper Shadow. Circa, 1940.

Go do your homework and stop pretending to be creating something new and innovative - until you actually do. Mr. Indicator Re-packager for sale through a "Donational" Paypal Account, Horizontal Line trader.
Let me illustrate:

When I scalp, I scalp using the RAT,

Uhuh. You don't even know what a RAT means. What the heck is a Rat? Can you provide some empirically validated and/or mathematically derived definition for what a RAT means? Its a freak'n Daily Lower and Upper Shadow on a Candle Stick Chart! I created indicators for this eons ago. There's nothing new here, pal.

Let you illustrate? How about your find yourself a VERTICAL MARKET to trade your HORIZONTAL LINE and/or your Green or Red Rat, THEN come back here and write with the same calmness, after you've been transported to the hospital for severe spinal chord injuries, caused by self-induced, high speed WHIPLASH - lol!

This is nutz! Newbies - beware.

...(which is just a moving horizontal line, btw) and do so profitably.... but heres the catch:

I dump trades when price stalls, unless I have some profit and can take a bit of a retrace. I dont take full stops.

Code That.

There's a huge difference between being able to write trade logic for a system or strategy, and not being able to computer code for that same trade logic or strategy. You mean, you CAN'T code the computer to execute on the trade logic, because there is nothing difficult whatsoever, about writing the trade logic for what you just implied as being too discretionary.

"I dump trades when price stalls..." - that can be specified logically and thus coded.
"Unless I have some profit and can take a bit of retrace..." - that can be specified logically and thus coded.
"I don't take full stops." - that too can be logically specified and thus coded.

You have not written a darn thing here that cannot be put into an EA, where you can then post the Equity Curve, here on this forum. You might have difficulty writing the Trade Management Logic, but that's only due to your lack of experience as a real world Trader, that's all.

Next illustration:

I used to scalp psycho lines, but its not as profitable as the rat...

My goodness - what do you think the Daily Retracement Level is, if not the so-called RAT? This is the problem with a clueless shill - you don't know anything worth posting. You just said that the "RAT" is more profitable than that which makes the RAT possible! How illogical and absurd is that?

I would enter when price hit the line "with vigour" and dump (again) at a stall in price.

Vigor? LOL! This is hopelessly clueless gibberish. When price hits the line with "vigor." Empirically define "Vigor," if you can? More importantly, define "Vigor," through the much more meaningful tools of the ratio between Price and Time, if you can? Vigor on volume? Whose volume are we talking about - Deutschebank volume, UBS volume - Barclays volume - FXall volume? Whose, exactly?

I cannot make my computer trade these things, but I can trade them myself.

With tons of human error embedded throughout every single trading session you engage. Been there, done that, kid.

Like most actual traders the phrase "about there" is probably the closest I can get to an exact entry or exit price.

This is the problem with holding out "Donational" PayPal threads like this eventually leads to. Especially, for newbies. Newbies don't need to be lured into thinking that all they need is a Horizontal Line and a market that never get's HORIZONTAL itself. Combine the two, and you have a recipe for disaster.

Why do so many people believe that a backtester is somehow the ultimate argument proof against a trading method?

If you back-tested this highly partial method, then you already know precisely why you argue against back-testing. Only a darn fool, would argue against back-testing, as if it somehow demonstrates or validates nothing at all.

Especially when done with backtesting software that does not use timestamped tick data for both bid and ask price? A backtested system is an indictment of the coder first and the system second.....

If you are trading that close to the edge, then the nature of Forex itself, is enough to indict the trader and their methodology.

You write this stuff as one who strikes me as not having much trading experience in the aggregate. You come on here in defense of an unethical character (Avery) and write as if you are posing for Paypal account. There is no central clearing in FX. Furthermore, it is called Time & Sales data. Thirdly, even a novice trader in FX ought to know by now, that when you back-test your system/method, you do it on the same platform upon which you intend to execute you trades. Why? Because, your Intermediaries bars of data WILL vary from the next Intermediary.

In FX, you don't intentionally design a system or method to the Bid/Ask, you intentionally design that system/method to the High/Low of the bar. Why? Because, the mathematical variability between any two or more Intermediary's High/Low -vs- Bid/Ask ratios, will always show far greater deviation in the former, as opposed to the latter - and for the exact same reason given above, having to do with WHY you conduct all back-testing on the same platform upon which you execute your trades. Thus, my platform my never see your Entry level, but as long as your Intermediary posted that price on the chart, it matters not to YOU, because YOUR trade will get triggered.

I would say, stop being a water boy for TRO and start really learning something about this business called FX. TRO does what he does, because he does not yet understand Price Action and Market Behavior. And, that is because, he has YET to develop and/or discover the mathematical tools necessary to accomplish that task. When he does, he will, most likely. But, until then, both Avery and YOU, will still suffer Whiplash to a degree that only a total Novice must suffer.

I think the Newbie should be able to read between the lines on this. And, I have ALWAYS stood for the Newbies, as opposed to standing against them - or trying to sell them something disguised as "Donational."

As you were - or as you thought you might have been.
Yes, Yes, you are an amazing trader who never gets it wrong with his amazingly profitable system....

That must be why you wanted to get it coded for free instead of just ponying up the cash to a coding company, where you would have had confidentiality agreements and other legal protections (instead of giving a coder who decided to help out of the goodness of their heart half the necessary info and then complaining that he didnt understand or wasnt trustworthy) that you claim you wanted. Then when it was clear that others werent willing to become blindfolded slaves to your ego you dissappear, only to appear again at a later date under a new username, for no legitimate reason that I can work out, to troll the same stuff again... except that the guys cottoned on fast as to who it was and you ran away again. Real manly behaviour, that was.
Anyway It souldnt be hard to find a company wanting to take on your work... I understand NeoTicker can access interbank datafeeds and uses any programming language you need it to.... I may be mistaken about NeoTicker, tho.

the rest of your reply boils down to some personal namecalling, a couple of straw men and more claims of infallibility.

In the meantime take up the challenge and code what I asked, I already said I cant do it, but thanks for agreeing with me as to why its not codeable (like getting a computer to identify a trees species from a picture, eg). BTW you do know that the MT4 tester (which you wanted used for your magic system) only approximates ticks (from the ohlc of M1 candles) and as such the tester cant even see scalping speed stalls?

A line is a line... close over, dont close over.... wick in, wick doll, wick out, momo, surge, vigour.

It works for me, and as I alluded to I dont actually scalp much anymore... position trading is so much easier. Which I still trade from horizontal lines, btw.

So Big Man... time for you to provide something real.

Hello Hello.........

Looks like I have seen this before......but not in history but just two months ago in

Bredin, where is the S.African chimpanzee Jalarupa??....havent seen him polishing TROs family Jewels on Trade2win the only one pulling double shifts? and at kreslik? must be slow at urcrapnot industries........LOL

You guys are a bunch of panhandlers who got way above your stations. It is sad that newbies believe that you are on to something and keep donating. Some, whom I have got to know from kreslik, admit they have been donating for up to three years in a row.

And they dont even have a demo account showing profit. Matter of fact they dont even know how to pick a valid SL yet.......

I am back fellas.............

TRO I am still waiting for ur account statement. Doesnt have to be a real account....just a demo with a 1000 dollars hitting 100K would do

Bredin.....when u gonna realise licking TROs jewels not going to make the market give u anything...TRO is not going to vacate his seat as the Chief Panhandler himself anytime soon so that u can take over....
How is ur panhandling site, insanity industry doing these days?

U guys are not trading the RAT. You guys are the rat....and Im back to do some cleaning
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There is an entire industry built around making you think it is complicated.
the kettle is calling the pot black..........oh sorry buddy, u are not part of the industry......ur not capitalizing on anything. Me bad for such a silly just trying to help the newbies for a small donation........Guys, touch the laptop screen and empty ur pockets of the loose dollar bills and Bro TRO will lead u to ur millions...............
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The is the HORIZONTAL LINE thread not the RAT thread.

But from all your posts on various forums under different names it seems like you have a vendetta.

Your time would be better spent by starting your own thread and explaining how you trade.

LOL...........the kettle calling the pot black again..............." Your time would be better spent by starting your own thread and explaining how you trade."....

thats exactly what I told ur minions on kreslik when they butted into another persons thread and started posting pictures of animals taking a **** and monkeys wearing bikinis.....

and what did you do TRO??.....
U banned the author of the thread on the FIRST instance he told ur minions to **** off and post something constructive on his thread or start another thread of their own and go bitch there. No warning and no reason given. Oh you did give a reason. " Admin does not have to justify their action to anybody".

You can have your minions butt into another persons thread and post pictures that border animal porn and all the other insults not once or twice but repeatedly and then end up banning the author the moment he blasted them in a civilised way for the first time for behaving like simians. Then you banned me for actively questioning you and threatened to do the same to anyone else who questioned u at kreslik...........

And hang on. The other thing that you kept telling other members of kreslik who were really suprised at the turn of events and annoyed at you was "get back to trading. I will not tolerate anymore talk of the author who got banned"

Pictures of animals taking a dump posted on another persons thread at a forum moderated by YOU is posting about trading? They dont get banned but you ban a person who had his good work all pissed upon? And I was not suprised to see Bredin defending you so passionately here at T2W cause he was one of the chimp that was pissing uninvited on another persons hard work.

TRO you are full of crap.

Vendetta is me here asking you all the tough questions.

And here you are asking some one else who is highly suspicious of u and your methods to start posting on their own thread??......why the double standards??.....And the same simian is here defending you....coincidence??...........

I know why. Cause u cannot ban the person who is questioning you here at trade2win like you could at kreslik.

You are a snake oil salesman TRO and I am not going to let you get away with cheating people anymore.

To paraphrase you, lets get back to trading. When you going to share ur account statement??...

a micro would do....just start a 1000 USD and take it to say a 100K not asking for a million.....all ur projection sheets talk about the magic 7 figure......why is it so difficult for you and why not since you taking donations and not doing things for free?

Its funny how Bredin runs barking at anyone who starts questioning you TRO......
Where is the other chimp u keep handy, Jalarupa??......Must be close by..............

TRO u are a scammer who lies and cheats and steals candy from kids ( read those who are new to technical trading ). You have got away with it for far too long.
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1. TRO has been banned from so many forums not because of " I NEVER BACK DOWN" attitude of his as he would like you to believe. Its because all forums are run by fellow traders. Some are owners of the forum, some work themselves into the position of a moderator after years of being there. If there is anyone who can smell and see a scamming rat, then it has to be them.

That is why your honorable TRO has had his butt kicked out off so many of them. Its because they can see that he is marketing ( read panhandling ) to the gullible and the newbies.

2. If he is so profitable trading his own systems and indicators, why would he charge people a measly 50 or 150 bucks for his indicators?. Oh hang on I forgot why. The trading genius is out to help us. But you cannot share the indicators with anyone else cause you only donated once. Those who want it must make a "donation".

3. Of all the thousands of chart shots and fancy colorful screen shots he posts, nothing is new information that you cant see on a naked MT4 chart yourself. Matter of fact, most of the indicators that he churns out are not his to begin with. They are things you can find for free out there. He just adds more colour and makes the fonts bigger and what not and then you have a product....

4. Ask him for a well written manual for any of his indicators. Not just post charts after market has moved and defend his entries and give excuses for others. Why no manual? These are not questions being asked for the first time. Many have asked before. Never answered so far.

5. Trade like him and you will be your brokers wet dream.....5 pip TP per entry and u bang buy buy buy or sell sell sell so many times a day....end of the week net profit is 20 or 30 pips. Trade like that and what are the chances of you hitting the first million with an outlay of say a 1000USD?

6. Are there any traders who started with TRO donational Incorporated and have made it trading?. How many of you guys have donated and stopped doing so after you could not make it work and have moved on to find other methods or stopped trading altogether?

Its funny the same people come to TROs defense on different forums again and again. The same names pop out prominently. Where are the hundreds of others who should be thankful to the genius who shared with them the secrets of FX for a measly 150 bucks?

And when you look, these fellas who keep coming back to defend TRO are those who are also into his business module...coding indicators and selling them to the unaware and uninitiated and hang on, they call it donational also.


And the coincidence does not stop there. They also sell T-shirts and coffee mugs. These must be the successful 5 pip TP per entry traders that TRO has helped.

Guys...Trading appears difficult because of one main reason. We are trying to use candlestick charts that represent price movements against time. In other words its a tool none of us are familiar with when we begin. It takes time to be able to read the charts. To be able to pick SL and TPs.

Its just like say driving. You cant teach a 12 year old ( read new bie to trading with charts ) to drive safely on the road by adding bells and whistles to your car. Thats what this charlatan TRO does. Add bells and whistles that you dont need to your chart.

We can all drive after proper coaching and guidance. Some can do it better than others, a few might turn out like Michael Schumaker. But you cant just jump into a car by reading how to drive and end up not crashing the car ( read killing your first life account ). Some keep crashing more than a few times.

You cant hop into a car and make it to point B from point A by using a car that has louder horns or bigger fog lights when you dont know how to drive and you have never driven before. Period!

And no bigger stereo and speakers are not going to help either!.

And all the that TROs indicators do is just that. Add more bells and whistles. Most of the information that is on display on his chart is not even used by him. So why bother to have it?

TRO, your thread says " All u need to trade is a horizontal line" , yet the crap that you code shows otherwise.

7. Ask Master RO ( Read Rip Off ) to provide a current account statement that he has managed by using his indicators. Just a monthly statement. A demo statement that he starts at the beginning of the month and post us the statement at the end of the month. You cant find a single one out there. Why?. I mean come on. Same 20 pips from opening. 5 pips TP 10 pips SL. How difficult can it be? He has time to post so many articles and screen shots on so many different forums and yet find time to trade. So I cannot see why he cant start a demo and run it by what he preaches and show us the result?.

TRO is nothing but a scammer. Now where is Bredin and Jalarupa. Watch. They will be galloping in for the defence and rescue if need be.
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Interesting post and very entertaining. Personally the indicators I use are MAs, always the 200, 100, and 50, then between 18 and 25 depending on how it is fitting and I put them over my candlestick chart. Then I only trade double or triple tops and bottoms with candlestick conformation. For exit points I usually draw A HORIZONTAL LINE! Don't worry, I've been drawing that silly line for years now, always horizontally. But to tell you where I draw it is tricky, it is based on volume of past price points.

We all trade differently and find our own wrong ways of doing it. Beware of anyone on the web telling you that their way is best. I would be lost without a horizontal line though.

"I am not forcing you to accept my concepts. I only request the traders to review the market from time to time keeping in mind my concepts and if found suitable use in the trades or just ignore. Thanks for your opinion."
TRO is nothing but a scammer. Now where is Bredin and Jalarupa. Watch. They will be galloping in for the defence and rescue if need be.
Hi Nikitafx, I'm a multi-nick for Bredin and Jalarupa...oops sorry, no, just checked, they're not mine...but anyway...

TRO does tend to attract a lot of attention and true to form, the bad-mouthers are always going to be more vociferous than the supporters, and I assume like the two you mention, you follow TRO around from site to site as well? Anyhow...

The guy does ask for a nominal amount AFAIUI if you want his entire set and access to updates. You can get pretty much all of his stuff (I'm sure there are exceptions, and no need to elaborate as I'm not that interested) for free.

For all those that choose to use TRO’s stuff and find it useful – great. For all those that use it and find it not particularly useful – OK, also fine. For those that his inds lost them all their money – tough, you dumb-clucks.

My point is he provides the vast majority of his work for free, fort anyone to choose to use, or not.

If he was ‘nothing but a scammer’ t2w would have ascertained that long ago and kicked him off the site.

Let’s hope you will contribute half as much….
Ahhh, Nikky, you still dont get it yet.

TRO and I do not trade the same way. He makes his money his way, I make it mine. Jal, who does use a few of my indis, does not trade the same way I do. He also makes his money in his own way.

Now you continue to attack several of us personally, probably in payback for being spotted at the lead in poster for what initially looked like a spammer.... but just turned out to be another egotistical MAx guru.

However, you are right that trading is simple: thats why I pick a horizontal line and trade away form it.

G. (awaiting the next searing personal attack, I promise that when it comes I will rub myself with glee)
.... Yawn... Didn't you know...? NikitaFX is actually a man... (Luminosneo)

She has balls...

Psssst... Nikita... your balls are showing... Bumlebeetuna! ;-)