Trading the US the Naz/Mr. Charts Way

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Naz - are you still doing your 1 2 1 days? Cost? Suitability? I can't call myself a complete beginner, but I'm going nowhere fast, and need to start a more routine, steady and disciplined system. Comfortable with US, but never looked at L2, and don't have USD25K. Lost painful money with VS....

Please e-mail
There are almost always good trades to be found even in poor markets. Today Alan Greenspan is speaking and the markets are yet again on hold and still stuck in thin summer trading.
However, INTU set up for a fall and I shorted it when it hit my trigger at 42.90.
After a few cents fall it showed a sign of weakening and the evidence was very mixed whether it would continue, stabilise or reverse. I acted on that by exiting one third of my holding. Immediately it turned south again and I exited the other two thirds at 42.52 when the fall was again weakening.
Of course had I been blessed with the ability to tell the future rather than judge the probabilities then I would have stayed in for the full run down 🙂
Total 28c per share average profit inside 5 minutes. Risk negligible as most of those trades are profitable. Had it gone against me immediately after entry I would have exited with a maximum loss of maybe 4 or 5 cents
Bread and butter trading, not icing and marzipan
However, I acted unemotionally on the evidence in front of me and have no regrets - planning the trade and then trading the plan and keeping any losses very small brings in the profits in this business - in my opinion.
Manage the position and reap the profits.
At the time of writing INTU has risen to 43.20, so the exit decision just a few cents above the low of the day proved correct .
In intra day trading, profits must be taken when the market hands them to you. You don't sit around twiddling your thumbs.


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TASR TASER Intl: Second look at inmate death ends Taser suspicion -- AP (35.55 )

A Gwinnett County inmate who died after being shot five times with a Taser gun may have died of causes unrelated to the shots, authorities decided. Frederick Jerome Williams, 31, died of brain damage from a heart attack after the shootings in May, according to a final autopsy report released Wednesday. "There is no evidence the Taser directly caused or contributed to his death," forensic investigator Ted Bailey said

Obviously pure coincidence, then..............
Well of course --- getting hit by how ever many volts couldn't possibly cause a heart attack now could it - wherever did you get that idea.... ER or something!!
I get it Russ, they were actually trying to resuscitate him......they certainly tried hard..........five times, huh.
Now that's what you call caring prison officers.
(Not a bad afternoon's trading so far - still got an open short on EBAY)
I'm evens but only trading v small size today. Trying to discipline my trading. So far today all my rules are preventing me from making money - best trade today is my open AZN
Got a lovely early fast move on CHIC, made just a little on MERQ and a nice swing on EBAY.
If your rules say don't trade in a particular market environment and they work long term then if you stick to them you are being disciplined - and you will profit long term.
The next task is finding methods that work in poor markets with little follow through.
Ooh... I made an error on CHIC. I tightened my my stop too early. Got stopped right at the top of a retracement. I was so annoyed with myself.
when you say early do you mean right off the bat - I have noticed you take v early trades?
No, not immediately on open. I shorted it at 12.70 for specific reasons and exited at 11.68. It was indeed a bumpy ride but I stuck to my rules. Although it never went against me, it came back to the entry more than once before doing what it had to do and collapsing.
If you are coming to the symposium I'm giving with Larry Williams and Jake Bernstein in London next w/e, meet me at the break and we'll have a chat about this particular set-up and trigger.

PS You were certainly in the right stock ;-)
you could have madea lot more money spreadbetting astra-zeneca,short at ten pounds a huge margin recquirement
Hey Mark . . . fantastic advice and no one needs it more than Mr. C' - I hear he really struggles these days. God only knows how he managed to become a guest speaker alongside the likes of Larry Williams. Have you any more gems you'd care to share with us? 😆
Timsk - er to my knowledge it was actually me that went short on AZN not Mr Charts. Try to be constructive.
Mr Charts - I am SO looking forward to hearing Larry (and of course yourself !- again)
I think you'll find that Timsk wasn't being unduly sarcastic there - check post #611 🙂
Whirling. As in the sort you use when there's a lot of hot air around.

I guess I should be thankful to get a post which doesn't include an advert.
This post is only addressed to the t2w people who are coming to the symposium in Kensington tomorrow.
It would be good to meet so do come over and say hello either before or after my talk and presentation.
My first trade today, TKLC, is a typical example of one of the set-ups I'll be talking through on the Powerpoint presentation.
Since the latter has been ready for some time it obviously won't include this trade today, but I'll explain it face to face with anyone who asks.
Short TKLC 16.44


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Seven minutes later covered at 15.34 for a profit of $1.10 per share
Interestingly the exit was just 11c above the level price bottomed out.
It might be quad witching today but the opportunities are still there to find.


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