MrCharts / Naz Feedback on closure

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Experienced member
Members may have noticed the new "Trading the US the Naz / Mr. Charts way" private forum that has appeared at the bottom of the Members' Private Boards category. In order to be able to read and post in this forum, members must request access from Naz and/or Mr. Charts, using the "Group Memberships" link which is found in the User Control Panel. Please be advised that members who disrupt the new forum can have their membership of it withdrawn at any time. This thread is now closed but will remain a public resource. Thanks.

You guys have got to be having a laugh.
First, DBP wants a private thread, and now these two. [Edited]

If they actually had the knowledge they espouse, they would competently, succinctly, deal with any criticisms, questions, and differing opinions with relevant, insightful, technically based rebuttal.

None of this happens.

Most likely as the charts posted are all hindsite.
The analysis is "micro-analysis" that I'll teach you for XYZ$$.
The seminars, are they traded live?
Or is it just hindsite charts and the usual tosh?

All criticism gets edited out.......this from people that have attended their 1-2-1 coaching.
Where is the objectivity in that?
Where were the rebuttals from all the satisfied customers?

T2W as an "INDEPENDANT" observer, should present both sides, and that includes the CRITICAL, if I was to request admission to this private enclave, who's going to give me odds on my being accepted?

Absolute ********
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Ducati mate, sorry about this but it is hindsight, not hindsite.

Hindsite would be the site of the hind which is of course the a*rse.
Superbly expressed, splurge.
I, too, have received many emails and some pms echoing those views - most of them not as polite!
If an individual wishes to set up a private board then he/she has every right to do so provided, imho, they do so away from t2w and beyond its auspices.
The internet is open and to have a board for a chosen few is unfair to the vast majority who are excluded. The idea of people being able to look from outside but not post is treating them like poor relatives and is insulting.
I'm sorry Sharkey, I've thought long and hard about this, and felt very reluctant to post but I simply must disagree with your decision. I respect you hugely, but on this occasion imho you are mistaken - albeit with the best of intentions.
However, it is your board and I accept that fact and your decisions.
I just feel creating an arbitrary class system on these excellent boards is divisive and cannot help t2w.
I genuinely hope I am proved wrong, but I'm sure you will respect
my opinion as I respect yours - even if we disagree.

Quote the whole thing lest it get deleted.

From DBP, prior to post being yanked.

Oh? I probably make more public posts than private, though I don't open up nearly as many threads as you do. I guess I'm just not quite so enamored with the sound of my own thoughts.

Where did it go?
Haven't even got the bottle mate.

ducati998 said:
Haven't even got the bottle mate.


Posts like this add zero value and only in flame the boards - can't you see that? Any more posts like this and I'll have to close the thread before it degenerates into name calling.
True, and with DBP, it's simply a personality thing. Could be sorted out in private.

However, more germane to the issue is the seeming protection and bias afforded to any criticism of Mr Charts / Naz.

I would assume that you wish the website to be taken seriously, and provide the best information possible, given the unpredictable nature of financial markets.

This is manifestly not happening in the aforementioned case, and has serious implications as regards impartiality. The problem of course is that they ADVERTISE their coaching service via trades posted on T2W that have no verifiability, other than,

2....Refutation of criticism via analysis, logical argument, a certain amount of transparency.

The structure of the trades are opaque due to the total lack of information, lack of transparent analysis, and basic trade related information. They are therefore failing in test #2

Now of course this sort of information to someone contemplating engaging their services is vital, as it gives some basis of expectation of the sevice they will be paying for, in more ways than one possibly.

As it stands, I would have the expectation of becoming immediately profitable, based on being "taught" micro-analysis, that reveals slightly ahead of time, the "probable" outcome. This is the sort of language that appears on the threads on a regular basis. I for one would feel entirely justified in my expectation of being taught this method.

By way of example, this was posted on a large move made on GOOG,

Here is the GOOG results play.It caught me a little off guard with the speed of the results coming out so soon after the close therefore i had to do lots of things very fast so its just a rough guide of how it played out.

No information as to if he was short, long, just that it was handled. As for an inexperienced trader reading that...............rubbish.

Now by removing them from the mainstream boards, a number of things happen.

1.....They have censorship power. And, indeed they do. Nothing like blocking out difficult questions.
2.....They can refuse entry to potential criticism from critical posters
3.....They indirectly receive an endorsement from T2W as being bona fide educators.

"In order to be able to read and post in this forum, members must request access from Naz and/or Mr. Charts, using the "Group Memberships" link which is found in the User Control Panel. Please be advised that members who disrupt the new forum can have their membership of it withdrawn at any time. "

To my mind, any trader or investor worth his salt, welcomes criticism, tackles it head on, as if your methodology is ROBUST, and you have true success with your outcomes, you will welcome attacks on it, as of course, you can through logic, analysis, experience provide refutation of the criticism, or evidence of the methodologies robustness via transparent, real-time results in a public forum.

With the removal to a "Private Members" forum, it just looks like it got too hot in the kitchen.
If you can't take a little BB flame, what hope in the market........what a joke.

HINDSIGHT...............ok, cheers Salty.
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Posts like this add zero value and only in flame the boards - can't you see that? Any more posts like this and I'll have to close the thread before it degenerates into name calling.

Sharky mate, sorry about this but it is inflame, not in flame.

To combine this with my previous post would give "Hindsite in flame" which would be ones ar*se on fire wouldn't it dear chap ?
Saw it on TV once where a person held a lighter to his **** whilst loosing a compressed quantity of bodily gas. The result was a briefly visable long blue flame. No blowback seemingly.
Saw it on TV once where a person held a lighter to his **** whilst loosing a compressed quantity of bodily gas. The result was a briefly visable long blue flame. No blowback seemingly.

A clear case of hindsite in flame.
ducati998 said:
True, and with DBP, it's simply a personality thing. Could be sorted out in private. 1
However, more germane to the issue is the seeming protection and bias afforded to any criticism of Mr Charts / Naz. 2
I would assume that you wish the website to be taken seriously, and provide the best information possible, given the unpredictable nature of financial markets. 3
This is manifestly not happening in the aforementioned case, and has serious implications as regards impartiality. The problem of course is that they ADVERTISE their coaching service via trades posted on T2W that have no verifiability, other than, 4
2....Refutation of criticism via analysis, logical argument, a certain amount of transparency. 5
The structure of the trades are opaque due to the total lack of information, lack of transparent analysis, and basic trade related information. They are therefore failing in test #2 6

Now of course this sort of information to someone contemplating engaging their services is vital, as it gives some basis of expectation of the sevice they will be paying for, in more ways than one possibly. 7
As it stands, I would have the expectation of becoming immediately profitable, based on being "taught" micro-analysis, that reveals slightly ahead of time, the "probable" outcome. This is the sort of language that appears on the threads on a regular basis. I for one would feel entirely justified in my expectation of being taught this method. 8
By way of example, this was posted on a large move made on GOOG,

No information as to if he was short, long, just that it was handled. As for an inexperienced trader reading that...............rubbish. 9
Now by removing them from the mainstream boards, a number of things happen.

1.....They have censorship power. And, indeed they do. Nothing like blocking out difficult questions.
2.....They can refuse entry to potential criticism from critical posters
3.....They indirectly receive an endorsement from T2W as being bona fide educators.

To my mind, any trader or investor worth his salt, welcomes criticism, tackles it head on, as if your methodology is ROBUST, and you have true success with your outcomes, you will welcome attacks on it, as of course, you can through logic, analysis, experience provide refutation of the criticism, or evidence of the methodologies robustness via transparent, real-time results in a public forum. 11
With the removal to a "Private Members" forum, it just looks like it got too hot in the kitchen.
If you can't take a little BB flame, what hope in the market........what a joke.
d998 12

HINDSIGHT...............ok, cheers Salty.

Whilst patrolling at periscope depth, the above was spotted and brought to my notice.

First of all and beyond anything we are very grateful to you for having coined a new word whose significance will be understood by all members very clearly at the end of this post, and for which royalties will be afforded in the sense that if and when there is a requirement to use it, you can be guaranteed it will be done so in connection with its origin and originator.

I have split up your post into 12 segments. This is because I normally use single ord'nance.
meaning the firing of single cannonballs, but in the case of your post above it merits a volley of 12 rounds.

As here we are very practised in market gunnery, all cannonballs hit their targets ( I am not doing this for your benefit you understand, but for the delight of members who know that any cannonball I fire always hits the target squarely, with a lot of noise, dust and splinters flying about as a result ) and, what is more always with unerring accuracy

So here goes :~

1. I am sure that DB does not need to sort anything out as you claim, either in public or in private. You are in no position to cast aspersions on anybody, least of all someone you do not personally know. This not only applies to DB, but to all members on this site, including me. You are best suited to introspectively reflect that you ought to sort your own self out first and then, if there are any aspersions you wish to cast you ought to consider where to put them, yourgoodself, truly, I mean it.

2. Very experienced traders who are truly battle hardened and have attained the highest levels of proficiency and expertise do not need protection as you imply. What they can do and demonstrate they can do live and otherwise, and can be absolutely verified from any angle that can be chosen to examine their proficiency, judgement and ability, is sufficient testament that they are able to protect themselves in the arena of trading first and in the arena of criticism from detractors if neccessary, as the delivered results speak for themselves.

They are not obligated to explain everything, because I can tell you first it is not necessary and secondly if they proceeded to do so in minute detail, very few indeed would be able to understand or indeed replicate, so it is pointless to even try in a public forum. Therefore any explanations have to be restricted to what is basically rock bottom basic mechanical, with which already many members and visitors have considerable difficulty, without considering anything higher.

Anything higher is not appropriate for disclosure or discussion in a public domain but only suitable for discussion and illumination in a chosen circle to which very few earn the right to be admitted. This is because of the way that all of this is constructed which is not automatically for the public benefit, because if it were, any idiot with a degree could just coast along in this and make a fortune in a week.

The market selects who shall stay and benefit and who will not.

There is no repair, no excuses, or any other nonsense, and what is more, the verdict is, perversely it may seem to you, to be delivered before the trial is heard and there is no appeal. This cruel aspect of its nature is what really upsets those who do not posess the correct faculties for this profession. And as a consesquence of not posessing the correct faculties for this profession they are unable to rationalise and overcome this obstacle.
This obstacle is but a turnstile for the few.

Everyone is searching for a "system". The number of hits threads devoted to this nonsense here, is testament to the collective propensity to try to take short cuts. We know there are no short cuts, therefore those of us who know all the safe and correct routes have a right to be selective in what we choose to post in a public forum so that the result can be shown but the method, rather, the intellectual machinery that is behind the method, (like the clockwork mechanism behind a complicated clock that chimes, has a moonphase, tells the date, and even plays Happy Birthday on the chosen date but only shows the case, the dial, and the hands) has to be and must be protected.

Therefore there is no crtiticism that can be legitimately levelled, but only acceptance should be offered instead, but your level of awareness does not allow you to consciously accept this. This is not anybody's fault but yours. You ought now to carefully again introspectively consider and think about it, and reflect.

3. Only very minute sectors of the website, in terms of contributions, can be taken seriously.
This is because of everything I describe above, and in addition, there are many people who ought not to be expressing opinions, because that is all they are, instead of views offered as a result of irrefutable supportable evidence and of merit. This lack of merit does not attract incisive professional commentary but instead is a magnet to beginners asking questions, and what is worse, asking the same questions over and over again ad nauseam, even when the questions have been answered accurately and in great detail and with care, in all sincerity in the past. This only serves to induce boredom with persistent nonsense. It causes the perpetrators of this nonsense to talk to themselves throughout the threads they originate and fill with absolute drivel. Again you would benefit greatly if only you would again introspectively reflect, consider, and act accordingly.

The best information cannot be given for all the reasons I give above.

Insofar as your statement with regard to markets being unpredicatable. This is nonsense.
Markets are perfectly predictable. They may seem perverse, difficult, random, unpredictable, baffling, unfathomable, contradictory, because according to your frame of reference it is very clear that as you percieve all of it incorrectly your conclusions will lead you to utter such silly statements about what is patently obvious, at least obvious to a handful of us, if not to you.
Again, this is your own fault. You ought to carefully consider before making such daft pronouncements. Again you would benefit from carefully introspectind and reflecting, and what is more carefully considering the validity of what you intend to post before you do it and not after. I am not here to teach you by the way, I am certain the sentiment is mirrored by those also who are in a position to grant you the gift of knowledge but whom you alieniate with your attitude.

4. There are no serious implications over anything, quite the opposite. What all of this is able to reveal is who is who in the zoo in terms of ability, conduct, and knowledge and who is not.

5. You have got it again completely "hindsite upwards", the question of trust is not something you understand. The tutor is the one who has the knowledge and is willing to give it. The tutor is the entity ready and able to choose. The aspirant may be willing or not.
The aspirant is not in control of being chosen or not. The tutor is empowered to choose or not to choose.It is his prerogative. It is the tutor who has to be satisfied that the aspirant can be entrusted with knowledge intended to be used correctly. It is the tutor who has to trust first, and not the way you imply, according to your frame of reference, which is the wrong one.
It would be the correct one only if the material was not appropriate, which is not the case.
The tutor also has to make a judgement, a very difficult one I may add, of whether the aspirant encapsulates all the personal attributes and faculties condusive to success.
The difficulty is that people are apt to tell outright lies about the levels of commitment, study, patience, integrity, persistence, interest, determination, that they are willing or able to self generate, without considering self governance of the highest order including unrelenting focus of attention, attention to detail, multitasking abilities, realism, and self control. What you do not realise is that people shown an effective proven route will stampede instead of walk it as that is the natural propensity of ordinary people driven by greed, impatience, insincerity, irresponsibility and other commonplace imperfections in character and personality that have to be worked on very hard to be able to overcome and ultimately succeed. That is why I no longer bother to teach. The individual who truly display and prove the correct faculties of Ability Merit and Conduct are in the minority and not the majority.
Again you ought to carefully introspectively examine, reflect, logically deduce and reason, before you utter such pronouncements.

There is no room for argument. All of it is patently obvious. All of it is transparent. This leads to further nonsense in 6. This is because the result of the reasoning and logical deduction and enactment is that of the enactor and not you.His frame of reasoning is his intellectual property and part of his biomind faculties and not yours. He can only be himself and not you,
though I doubt he would wish to or need to. Again, you ought to carefully consider what you say before you say it. You ought to again introspectively consider before you make statements of this sort.

7. If all of what is done is obvious and verifiable, the only obstacle to replication is the ineptitude or inability of the aspirant himself to replicate. This is beyond the powers of the tutor. You are asking the tutor to be you. This is an impossibility. You ought to again quietly contemplate the nonsense this is.

8. Yes this is the common virus with which modernity is infected. You expect to get fastened on it straight away, "just like that ! ", as the a late Tommy Cooper used to say....this is without realising you have to bring yourself to accept, not according to your frame of reference but according to the frame of reference of what is presented, which requires acceptance, impartiality, judgement, as a consequence of having developed expertise, which is beyond shallow knowing, to be able to enact according to a vast database of understanding underpinned by knowledge, understanding and the ability to act in a nanosecond. This takes time and is a skill above knowledge. But that knowledge has to be complete and absolute.
This requires effort, and a lot of it. Secondly, and what is more difficult still is to know yourself and to be in control of yourself at all times when in front of a screen. I am not here to teach you. But again, you would benefit from quiet introspection and reflection in this regard. and this may serve you to jump to the wrong conclusions in the future, the future being a very long time.

9. All ineperienced traders have a lot of opinions, just like you have opinions. In this profession there is no room for opinions. There is room for other faculties as described above. What matters is the ability to pick entry and exit points and to execute these with the correct timing. It does not matter whether the position's direction is explained or not, what is of value is the bite.

10. This is nonsense again. What they actually do is to remove themselves from being within range of idiots and detractors and unpleasant individuals. They have every right to do so.What they are doing is taking control of whom they admit to discussions and who not.
I am wholly in favour of it. I do not do this via the same route. I use a different route. When after experiencing the "hindsitery" of which the public is capable, we are forced to resume discussions of topics from angles and perspectives that interest usexclusively in peace and tranquility and absolute privacy, and out of reach of the unsuitable, the inept, the ignorant, the rude, and other categories of "hindsites".

11. Again, this is according to your frame of reference, which is not the correct one, because by displaying this frame of reference you show your unsuitability to be included in really incisive and pertinent exchange of information and intelligent structured discussion at a professional level. All of this nit picking and gossip and chit chat and back answers and arguing and confrontation and criticism and nonsense is only suitable for what is freely available to the public, which must be disregarded as the public opinion is invariably wrong, and not of any interest but instead overloaded with tedium and nonsense, which is very boring and becomes very tiresome after a while.

12. As for it being a joke, it is a joke in very bad taste, again within your frame of reference as it must carry a very bitter taste to make a joke of being excluded and invalidated.

All of the above is put to you with the best intentions for you to carefully reflect, consider, in deep introspection on your own, and expect it to be of benefit if you are so capable of doing' and having said that the orders to the crew are as follows :

"Periscope down...flood all tanks....midships...etc.,
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They wouldn't let you in either Bertie?

"Periscope down...flood all tanks....midships...etc.,

You only flood the tanks to dive. The implication being you're already on the surface.

So why would you have the periscope UP while on the surface?

All you need to do is open your eyes and look.

You must have looked a right old sight... paddling around the Solent with your periscope hoisted for all to see😆

I'm not letting you anywhere near my sextant...
You read everything and you understand nothing, as usual. And that, makes you the most helpful member of all Ha ! Ha ! Ha !
I feel that one or two of the more astute and meticulous members who are not afraid of voicing their personal opinions have also realised what is going on around here.

For what its worth, I dont waste my time following threads that are nothing less than an advert for additional services. I use this web site for transparency and freedom of sharing collective information. The question I must ask myself, what am I actually doing here ? And more to the point, which is directly relevant to the pertaining issue of this particular thread, what are people offering services in exchange for a currency return doing on this web site ? I am really struggling to answer that last question, maybe my introspective analysis in my brief encounter with life is maybe fundamentally at fault somehow ? Possibly someone may point out where I am also lacking in terms of introspective analysis !

Watch out for my new book folks ! its called, Money, Motiviation and accurate introspective analysis. Oh btw its not free HO HO HO HO
Perrington said:
I feel that one or two of the more astute and meticulous members who are not afraid of voicing their personal opinions have also realised what is going on around here.

For what its worth, I dont waste my time following threads that are nothing less than an advert for additional services. I use this web site for transparency and freedom of sharing collective information. The question I must ask myself, what am I actually doing here ? And more to the point, which is directly relevant to the pertaining issue of this particular thread, what are people offering services in exchange for a currency return doing on this web site ? I am really struggling to answer that last question, maybe my introspective analysis in my brief encounter with life is maybe fundamentally at fault somehow ? Possibly someone may point out where I am also lacking in terms of introspective analysis !

Watch out for my new book folks ! its called, Money, Motiviation and accurate introspective analysis. Oh btw its not free HO HO HO HO
Yes precisely, but these realisations are not the ones you expect. I will proceed to clarify.
There is a lull in the proceedings so I have a couple of minutes to answer your questions.
First of all may I point out to you that you are under a grave misconception that has two very important ramifications:~

The first one is that sharing in this profession, unless it is structured exchange of information between willing parties who have expertise to discuss and knowledge to impart, does not work. The reason is a very simple one being that eligible counterparties do not engage unless it can be shown that the recipient fulfils criteria which are sympathetic and in harmony with the requirements of the donor. I have said it before and I will say it again, it is the donor of the information who has the right to choose the recipient and not the other way around.

The second one is that everyone and his cat has an opinion. Donors do not have opinions.
Donors have views. These views are held as a result of knowledge and hard earned experience. What is more, these views held are as a consequence of knowledge and hard earned experience and not the result of ego as is the case with the opinionates. The opinionates just have opinions according to their frame of reference which may or may not be correct, but invariably are totally incorrect. The holders of views express these views as a result of irrefutable supportable evidence to support them, instead of just posting for the sake of posting. The donors of views express the views because they are hard facts, and can stand up to the most ferocious and detailed scrutiny and found to be correct. This serves to infuriate the recipients of such facts. This is very curious as the response is invairiably the opposite to the one it should rightly be. It leads to endless cyclical argument for the sake of it. This is very boring and tedious in the extreme. The result of this is that the experts stop posting and instead revert to communicating by other means.

The third one is that as a consequence of the above, the really powerful stuff does not get ventilated in public, like you would wish or expect despite trolling the website from thread to thread looking for the key to instant success and wealth. The really powerful stuff is jealously protected from pying eyes and loose tongues and inappropriate persons. Therefore you will go round again and again and find finally that with very few exceptions, most of what is posted is nonsense. It is nonsense because it is. The posters who post nonsense do so because either they know no better or, are seeking to have the nonsense rectified. And if,
(which is the smallest word in the English Language but the one that means the most) their nonsense can be rectified at no cost to them, Ha ! Ha ! , well, so much the better.

It follows that the majority of posts on this website are absolute drivel. That is why you are wondering what it is you are doing here. When you finally have the realisation that nearly all of it is indeed drivel, you will learn that there is no point in trolling any further, you understand, are you now beginning to get my drift ? And so it is that these websites have a life cycle all of their own. Newbies join and then hope they will be mentored, given the key to riches, treated preferentially and so on. Nothing of the sort.

What happens instead is the opposite, this is because their motives are not the correct ones. Their motives, driven by greed and impatience are the wrong fuel to drive the engine, that motivates in the pursuit of absolute mastery instead of instant results. When they are told the facts, they do not like it. But they are told the facts, for sure, blunt and to the point.
This is not what they want to hear. In fact the great majority by virtue of their own inabilities in this regard are not able to recognise what is of true value.

In some respects it is quite safe to leave the diamonds lying around on the boards as most will only view them as pebbles and completely disregard them in favour of some nonsense or other suddenly introduced as a device to deviate the thread. I have seen this happen many times, and thought it delilberate. I now come to the conclusion that is it subconscious and subliminal, caused by the inabilities of people to properly put their attention on what is relevant. I am very sorry to tell you that the route you are following leads to a blind alley.

Finally, where you are lacking in introspective analysis is that you overlook the significance of the obvious.

If a successful trader is willing to teach you his methodology, his techniques, his views, and he is willing to impart to you the benefits of his expertise, he deserves to be rewarded. I am not willing to do it for any of you, whether paid or unpaid. But he is allowed to be rewarded in whichever way he chooses to compensate him in a way that will satisfy him. There is a popular misconception additionally on these boards that all sorts of things are available for free. If you expect to get freebies you will end up with dross.

I have spent one year on these boards in a sincere attempt to help people who aspire to progress. I have never sought remunaration of any sort. It has been a talent scouting excercise and I am very satisfied with what I have found and discovered, no less than what I have been able to verify as a consequence. I am not interested in granting licences for my software, running courses or writing a book either, so do not persist in asking.

You have to give time to time, if you do not give time any time, how do you expect time to give you any time at all ? But with the passage of time, you will, if you are intelligent, focused, resolute, and if you have natural ability, have the right character, and conduct yourself in a proper manner, eventually succeed and proceed to the other side of the looking glass, and if you do not, will not.
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SOCRATES,...........the return of the Commentator!

As here we are very practised in market gunnery, all cannonballs hit their targets ( I am not doing this for your benefit you understand, but for the delight of members who know that any cannonball I fire always hits the target squarely, with a lot of noise, dust and splinters flying about as a result ) and, what is more always with unerring accuracy

Is this with the same accuracy you call the market?
Oooops, you have never actually provided a trade, either in hindsite, or any other kind.
In fact all you do is waffle endlessly about, your considerable experience, uncanny accuracy, deadly, pinpoint, and a host of other self conglatutory nonsense.

am sure that DB does not need to sort anything out as you claim, either in public or in private. You are in no position to cast aspersions on anybody, least of all someone you do not personally know. This not only applies to DB, but to all members on this site, including me. You are best suited to introspectively reflect that you ought to sort your own self out first and then, if there are any aspersions you wish to cast you ought to consider where to put them, yourgoodself, truly, I mean it.

I can cast whatever I wish...........with the provisio that I can back that with a factual, logical and accurate argument. As regards DBP, as he pulled his post, there it shall lie.
You however are just hot-air.
Can I substantiate that accusation?
Gee, I don't know, lets look at some of your trades, or examples of methodology.

Guess what, apart from some hindsite analysis on Mr Charts trade, there's nothing but FAIRY TALES........and thats about you.

Very experienced traders who are truly battle hardened and have attained the highest levels of proficiency and expertise do not need protection as you imply. What they can do and demonstrate they can do live and otherwise, and can be absolutely verified from any angle that can be chosen to examine their proficiency, judgement and ability, is sufficient testament that they are able to protect themselves in the arena of trading first and in the arena of criticism from detractors if neccessary, as the delivered results speak for themselves.

Possibly you had better spend a little more time on learning to read with some comprehension
The "Protection" is from experienced traders, who, on reading Mr Charts posts, are somewhat concerned as to the message being sent to new traders, who have not yet learned to distinguish between a bona fide trade, with transparency, and a dubious play for business. Nothing whatsoever to do with trading......wake-up.

This "Protection" is now being extended to a private forum, where they will be further protected from any dissenting posters, who may question the validity of the message being promulgated via hindsite trades being posted.

A quote from Mr Charts,

Active contributors, people who read but don't post, newbies are ALL VERY WELCOME.

Look at the clients being recruited.......66% are newbies, and non-posters, the odds are definitely being weighted here..................and oh dear!

The idea is that the new forum is open to absolutely everyone who is interested apart from a very tiny number of deliberately disruptive people.

DISRUPTIVE people...........naughty, now there are always disruptive people aren't there SOCRATES, people who just pop into a thread with no relevant point to make, no argument, nothing to add, critical or otherwise.........

No, it is just boring and tedious, and it goes on and on, ad nauseam, really, it does. I'm off to nodland, goodnight Roberto.

One of your little gems.That means, as a disruptive poster that you will be refused admittance?
I don't think so, you're so busy kissing ****, I'm sure they'll make room for you.

Insofar as your statement with regard to markets being unpredicatable. This is nonsense.
Markets are perfectly predictable. They may seem perverse, difficult, random, unpredictable, baffling, unfathomable, contradictory, because according to your frame of reference it is very clear that as you percieve all of it incorrectly your conclusions will lead you to utter such silly statements about what is patently obvious, at least obvious to a handful of us, if not to you.

Fair enough, where will the DJI be on May 31 2005, I'll be generous and give you 25pts either side.

There are no serious implications over anything, quite the opposite. What all of this is able to reveal is who is who in the zoo in terms of ability, conduct, and knowledge and who is not.

This lacks all penetration of thought. Entirely what I have come to expect from an intellect such as yourself.

You have got it again completely "hindsite upwards", the question of trust is not something you understand. The tutor is the one who has the knowledge and is willing to give it. The tutor is the entity ready and able to choose. The aspirant may be willing or not.

I think that the trust displayed towards the hindsite charts posted has been exemplary.
I personally think they are tosh........but thats me.
As to the TUTOR choosing, sure, if he has something valuable, a waiting list, and preferrably not charging. However, as they are touting for business, I suspect, there is no waiting list, how valuable is their knowledge, and how much are they going to charge, and what are the conditions of sale? As a medical practitioner, my patients have prognosis, if not satisfied, they can question, or complain. As a money manager, my 2 clients have a target actualised return, if not satisfied, they withdraw their money.

Now, by posting hindsite trades, and claiming success, and detailing that the success is due to "micro-analysis", and that even in a failed trade, the losses are small due to the same "micro-analysis" what you have done is directly link success to micro-analysis. A holy grail.

If this is the case, then your tuition fees are well spent.
Now, successful scalpers, professional scalpers, who inhabit the floors, can make 100's perhaps 1000's of trades a day, trading ticks, however, they have zero commission, have been trained in that style, are well capitalised, and monitored in many cases.
That to me is "micro-analysis" you are playing a market makers game.
Can this be done from home, direct access or not, $1 commissions, possibly, but I'm not so is a stressful way to trade..........plenty of burnouts.

The difficulty is that people are apt to tell outright lies about the levels of commitment, study, patience, integrity, persistence, interest, determination, that they are willing or able to self generate, without considering self governance of the highest order including unrelenting focus of attention, attention to detail, multitasking abilities, realism, and self control. What you do not realise is that people shown an effective proven route will stampede instead of walk it as that is the natural propensity of ordinary people driven by greed, impatience, insincerity, irresponsibility and other commonplace imperfections in character and personality that have to be worked on very hard to be able to overcome and ultimately succeed. That is why I no longer bother to teach. The individual who truly display and prove the correct faculties of Ability Merit and Conduct are in the minority and not the majority.

Actually I probably agree, but that is irrelevant to the granting of a PRIVATE FORUM.

There is no room for argument. All of it is patently obvious. All of it is transparent. This leads to further nonsense in 6. This is because the result of the reasoning and logical deduction and enactment is that of the enactor and not you.His frame of reasoning is his intellectual property and part of his biomind faculties and not yours. He can only be himself and not you,

If they were not using T2W as a medium for marketing their seminar, coaching business, I would have no argument. They could post as much or as little as they wish.
That however is patently not the case.
There were criticisms of their teaching ability, methodology, and materials. All those criticisms were censored by T2W.
Now, they are getting a Private Forum to insulate them from any further criticism. That smells bad.
Criticisms of their methods, trade information, all go unanswered by them.
Off to a Private Forum.

If all of what is done is obvious and verifiable, the only obstacle to replication is the ineptitude or inability of the aspirant himself to replicate. This is beyond the powers of the tutor. You are asking the tutor to be you. This is an impossibility. You ought to again quietly contemplate the nonsense this is.

It's not verifiable. It has to be taken on trust, and reasoned, logical, rational and insightful analysis, that is discussed in a way that illuminates, rather than misleads.

All ineperienced traders have a lot of opinions, just like you have opinions. In this profession there is no room for opinions. There is room for other faculties as described above. What matters is the ability to pick entry and exit points and to execute these with the correct timing. It does not matter whether the position's direction is explained or not, what is of value is the bite.

Demonstrating your complete lack of understanding of markets again.
There are all sorts of populations in the market, daytraders, are just one subset.
Wall St and opinions walk hand in hand.
Some opinions are very valuable, some can be discounted as rubbish. You fall to the latter.

This is nonsense again. What they actually do is to remove themselves from being within range of idiots and detractors and unpleasant individuals. They have every right to do so.What they are doing is taking control of whom they admit to discussions and who not.

Of course, and valid criticism, people who have a differing opinion, discussion...........
They want to lecture.
They want the position of AUTHORITY, as from psychology we know that, people in authority can unduely influence those they seek to exploit.

Again, this is according to your frame of reference, which is not the correct one, because by displaying this frame of reference you show your unsuitability to be included in really incisive and pertinent exchange of information and intelligent structured discussion at a professional level. All of this nit picking and gossip and chit chat and back answers and arguing and confrontation and criticism and nonsense is only suitable for what is freely available to the public, which must be disregarded as the public opinion is invariably wrong, and not of any interest but instead overloaded with tedium and nonsense, which is very boring and becomes very tiresome after a while.

Well there you go. A bad egg.

As for it being a joke, it is a joke in very bad taste, again within your frame of reference as it must carry a very bitter taste to make a joke of being excluded and invalidated.

Bad eggs are always left out.
But in all seriousness, implicit in the protection from any and all criticism T2W have provided implicit endorsement of their teaching, methodologies etc.
Why would T2W assume RISK without a REWARD.
Basic trading equation............

All of the above is put to you with the best intentions for you to carefully reflect, consider, in deep introspection on your own, and expect it to be of benefit if you are so capable of doing' and having said that the orders to the crew are as follows :

Let me think..................ok, thought about it.
Really go back to your fairy tales.

I have spent one year on these boards in a sincere attempt to help people who aspire to progress. I have never sought remunaration of any sort. It has been a talent scouting excercise and I am very satisfied with what I have found and discovered, no less than what I have been able to verify as a consequence. I am not interested in granting licences for my software, running courses or writing a book either, so do not persist in asking.

Maybe they should give you a private forum as well.
Just in case anybody's wondering, none of this would go on in a private forum, which is why the private forum is desirable for those who want to work, as opposed to those who'd rather just talk about it.

Now back to your regularly-scheduled program . . .
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