Trading the US the Naz/Mr. Charts Way

Stocks trade on the ECNs from around 0800 Eastern, (1300 UK time), that is 1.5 hours before market open.
With a direct access account you can trade pre-market. There is also a post market in the evening.
Hello boy,
Mixed day for me.
Small losses on BIIB and APOL, small gains on ADCT and NTRI, larger gains on MERQE.
Currently open short HGSI nicely profitable
hello there, mr c. i think i will just watch for the day, the market in general cant seem to make up its mind.
I'm finding it uncertain too, boy.
Out of HGSI now. Got out just after my last post when the hammer formed on the 5 min
Boring day actually.
choppy day so far

Too choppy to trade the stocks on my screen
Sandisk breakout failed - surely looking for a correction on this soon
Cannot believe how far it has travelled north last few weeks
Rimm looks temperamental
Maybe check back after lunch break
Hello robq,
No I didn't look at it again. Interestingly it again fell, formed another hammer and bounced nicely off it.
I traded the two stocks I gave members the heads up about in the 4.30 post y'day.
SCSS bounced 10 minutes after that post and DPTR bounced immediately after that post, giving me some rather nice addiotional gains.
I hope some people picked up good money on them too 🙂
Best wishes,
Forex day trade

Hi Folks,
Here is a nice break out of support reasistance channel:


  • weds1.JPG
    172 KB · Views: 268
neil said:
Hi Folks,
Here is a nice break out of support resistance channel:
Hi Neil,
Sexy chart: may I ask what your package is - darling?
P.S. I refer, of course, to your charting 'package', just in case there are any mods lurking and prone to get on my back for lowering the tone of this fine forum!
please tell me that some of you sharp US traders bought GOOG before the results last night.
I nearly did, but at the last minute chickened out. What a plonker I am!!
Lost a $45 per share gain.
regards, G McA
gmca686 said:
please tell me that some of you sharp US traders bought GOOG before the results last night.
I nearly did, but at the last minute chickened out. What a plonker I am!!
Lost a $45 per share gain.
regards, G McA

No, if you went short then a plonker you'd be. Sitting on the side is ok imho.

If you consider the alternative scenarios, you might have had a lucky escape - if the results had come in below expectation you might now be sitting on a $45 per share loss! GOOG has continued to rise in pre-market trading and now sits just below 350 - could be an interesting day!!


timsk said:
Hi Neil,
Sexy chart: may I ask what your package is - darling?
P.S. I refer, of course, to your charting 'package', just in case there are any mods lurking and prone to get on my back for lowering the tone of this fine forum!

Wotcha mate ( in a deep gruff voice) :cheesy:

Oanda charts pasted onto "Paint"