Trading the US the Naz/Mr. Charts Way

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yes funny really, though I think someone is looking for something that just isn't there..........but I am open to question as I do not believe I have done anything dis-honest.


p.s. I also have the ability to teach the guitar.........but never do because no-one who has come to me 'wants it bad enough' or is willing to pay enough for my time. Never ever wanted to teach anybody, but when u play u attract others who want the same.........I have played for 20 years 3-4 hours a day when I was younger & I put value on this.......if u c what I mean, I have only taught a few friends & of course did not charge them & I never teach now.

I also thought twice about including the web name in my profile as I thought this may happen , there u go my mistake......if sharky considers this link as advertising then I will remove it without argument.......though I am sure he will do that himself if he wishes

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I am a laurel & Hardy fan myself, kings of comedy them 2......I still nearly wet myself when I see that clip of them in the nightclub when laurel has sneaked hardy out.........when laurel gets laughing 😆 ......what a star!

no, coincidence I'm afraid, I wanted to change my username because I had used my name.......was flicking through an old 1977 'Beano' annual & came across ''baby face finlayson", which I thought was apt.

though very good coincidence & well spotted......& Thx for the link

And how much are Guitar Lessons?

Now £500 a day Finlayson! plus I take it they need to partake of Martin Coles "PAT" system - (usually costs £thousands) I think its about time you showed us your trading records as everyone who tries self promotion gets asked this! and it would be honest if you told us how much Martin Cole Charges for his system that you are going to teach - Just how much is this going to cost the newcomer (if you teach newcomers) - Just how much does he outlay! - Do you teach on a 1-2-1 trading without the Martin Cole system - How about telling us who you have taught on a 1-2-1 basis and produce some modest references - your link is here if you want to check -- Now call me a traditional cynic but..........Z

PS just how much are Guitar Lessons! 😕

as I said I do not teach guitar anymore, I am self taught & when I did it was turning a love into a job which I did not enjoy.

the reference to Martin coles PAT is a link & nothing else, if u want to use it u will have to pay whatever he charges u. I do not use the software.

yes I have studied with MC for some time, so I have learnt from him, taught myself & learnt from other sources..

Zenda..... I have not hidden anything or 'claimed' anything to anyone, & yes if u wanted me to sit down with u for a full day & sit & trade live & pass on all the knowledge that to acquire nearly broke me & had to put my life on hold for u would have to pay me this sum..........believe this is called business.

if u do not want to pay this u do not ask me, simple ..........have I asked u?

I exchange info with close friends for free & they exchange it with me as they know, no doubt as we all do...... but would u expect me to spend a whole day with a complete stranger & teach them all I know for free.

nobody would even know this existed if it had not been for somebody else bringing it up. this is why I do not post any trades on here I would consider this unfair advertising, anything of this nature will go on my website that is Funded & updated by myself. I had no intentions of even doing this but when I started to be approached by people who I did not know this became necessary in a way.

& why should I show records, I am not claiming anything but as I have said if somebody approached me it would be live......I wouldn't expect anything else so why should I give it. I would not expect anybody to come to me for guitar lessons without hearing me.......but they would not get them.....unless they Like 'Stevie Ray Vaughan' , then they might twist my arm

All simple & clear really.......I believe anyway

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Momentum trader,

Keep your eyes on MCD ( higher sale forcast) , MHS,ORCL ( 20mill deal )

Donot forget the second pull back from the new high or low rule..
Went long on AMZN on back of the risk analysis.. May I ask traders to watch this trade in real time


  • amzn.jpg
    79.5 KB · Views: 867
Paul , Did you analyse the trade? The reward/risk in my trade was 4.3 .. what was yours ?

The analysis is dynamically generated ..

PS:-- I should have taken the trade for DOW > 50 but didnot realise> i had messed up the settings weekend ..

I have set the settings to 50 to comply with (80 _A rule )

AMZN is rising the current reward/Risk is 1.5 .. I will close as soon as risk overtakes rewards
Reward/ risk is now reduced to 1.2 So I am getting ready to close


  • amzn1.jpg
    92.3 KB · Views: 841

Now look at the reward/Ratio been reduced to 0.7 so I closed

I am happy and comfortable with my trade .. This is the art of risk analysis.. All posts in real time and you can check the time stamp on th2 T2W..


  • amzn2.jpg
    90.7 KB · Views: 803
All eyes on DOW 2 morrow for the 10000 level .. Go long on the second pull back from 10 000, .. This is only a psychologial level and means nothing technically, however market become irrationally exuberant when these levels are met..

Bio sectors are undervalued compare to tech ..Keep you eyes on this sector 2morrow...( AMGN,MEDI,DNA,GILD)

Medi is around 35 % down from its High , with AMGEN 20%..GILD 18%)

All above have beta of around 1 compare to some of Tech stocks of 3 or 4. Hence even on a strong DOW institutions might not show any interest ...( more appropriate for swing traders )
Hey, coffee, man
IPO, sadly not yet on interactive brokers :-((
I hope you've been able to trade it today!
Take care
News Traders,

Keep your eyes on CSCO , .. CSCO is meeting with analysts to day and 2 morrow to announce new product development and strategic alliances.. Market seems to like the news by 31C up to day ..
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