Trading the US the Naz/Mr. Charts Way

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Hi Naz,

Not sure whether your being a little patronising there or just appreciating a friendly view.

It would appear to me then, you are using the fibs for exits from a trade. But using what method.

Break of a fib retrace if so which one?

Anyway its Friday night and I dont know what the hell I'm still doing here at the k/b, it would be good to continue discussing these trades next week though, so have a good weekend all.

Good on ya, Naz.
I do hope some of the detractors are at the Xmas party.........;-)))

Not you Jay - don't worry ;-)))
Hi Blash

Yes it was a friendly view.

Mr C I agree lets see some of these detractors at the Christmas party to explain why they continue to snipe at things or do they like hiding behind the anonymity of a web name.The balls in your court guys.
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closed 32.16 +2


  • intca 5min 05-12-03.png
    intca 5min 05-12-03.png
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Good on ya, Naz.
I do hope some of the detractors are at the Xmas party.........;-)))

Not you Jay - don't worry ;-)))

Mr Charts.......ok no worries,

though I do hope u mean u r not referring to me......& not that u just dont want me at the Christmas party!


Your trade was excellent.. you shorted INTC well above its VWAP on a DOWN day ..

Two questions:--

1) Why did you close early ?
2) what was your entry technique

The reason I am asking this question is because it coincides with my own VWAP strategy and wondered if you use similar technique..



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Jay - at least you put your photo up so people can recognise you ;-)
It's so easy to misunderstand postings, isn't it?

Way to go, man!
Of course some people do have bottle - a baby bottle.
Oh am I looking forward to the evening..................;-)

Not you, Jay - don't worry ;-)))

C'mon Sharky - publish the list of attendees. I know about half the people coming - it's the other half I want to know about.

Are we going to have badges with our real names on them AND the handles used on this board?
I do hope so.
Chop sticks at dawn? More like cleavers.............

The last comments above are for educational and entertainment purposes entertainment.
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If it takes other traders to show the detractors how to trade CECO it doesn't say to much for their knowledge of trading.

Some people have wickedly said the detractors complain because they cant trade and criticise everyone else except where the real problem lies which is within themselves.Thats an awful thing to say isn't it? 😆
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Hi Naz / Mr. Charts

I would just like to join this thread by first saying thanks for the charts that you post.

One of the reasons that I like seeing the charts is because it shows that it can be done and provides encouragement to the rest of us.

My thinking is that If the both of you (along with a few other members) can find and excute the trades then I certainly should be able to do the same eventually 😀

Thanks guys.

p.s Enjoy the xmas party :cheesy:

Hi Dave

Thanks for joining the thread and finding the time to post.

Enjoy the Christmas party? i will.

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Don’t worry all comments are aimed at me although I don’t understand Naz’s comment about not recognising a good trade opportunity because I did trade CECO as I had stated earlier so I obviously knew it was a good stock to trade.

In terms of the threats made to me if I were to dare to come to the Christmas party, well as I am a martial arts instructor it may not be best for the safety of others so I will decline.

Mr Charts we have met before and I know your trading techniques better than you think which is why I asked for clarification because I had assumed (wrongly I admit) that you would have closed the CECO trade at the first retracement at 3.15pm. I also post my own trades extensively on other forums and I am a director of a trading related company but there is only so much time during the day for doing this. But I will shut up and let your network continue in unabated glory.

Looks like I'll be spending my time at the party playing referee..... Seriously , though, I think we will all have a great time, whichever side of the fence you shoot from.
Longshot, I am totally with u. And exactly the reason I come here. If Mr.C and Naz make money, I feel good for some reason. Strange, isn't it? And I know I can do the same.
But, man, this forum is something else. Very entertaining to read. I can imagine what the party will be like. BTW, when is it on? Can I come?. I'll bring my pair of chop sticks.
I love u all here.
"Some people have wickedly said the detractors complain because they cant trade and criticise everyone else except where the real problem lies which is within themselves.Thats an awful thing to say isn't it?"

Absolutely ;-)
Few detractors grow big enough to be retractors.
Perhaps some should consider that admitting you might be wrong is good training to trade the markets and is worthy of respect.

I think if I can trade successfully everybody else can too.
I wish you good trading.

If anyone has been threatening someone I hope you will throw them off these boards.
As for shooting, I'm more of a sniper, rarely missing my target.
Another can shoot from the hip, riddling the target with many rounds.
The end result is the same.
Every time.
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