a320 said:
Harsh statements for the open boards regarding a former pupil sandy :?:
Justifiably so too.
Consider this:
1. Naz - years of experience, a specific product, well known throughout the industry, teaches the subject at Guilford Uni etc... 1-2-1 training £395, £345 if there are two of you.
2. Mr Charts - plenty of experience, vouched for by Roger M and Naz (which is good enough for me), specific trading technique and style Don't know much about him, but those whom he has taught on a 1-2-1 basis rate him. Perhaps a tad expensive at £800, but he comes to you.
3. My own TA in a Nutshell course - designed to give a good grounding in TA, I've been trading for some 10+years (some good some bad!) and it is my living - not a hobby! My presentation 'pedigree' is through teaching the subject at City University Business School and some private work with City Institutions - as well as running occasional courses for individuals (£185):
Now consider this.
The offering by CM and FB together does not work and is very expensive.
1. CM could probably run a day course on its own for those that are interested in his very specific and personalised trading system, anyone turning up on the day without a very good grasp of both basic TA and a good working knowledge of indicators may as well not bother.
2. CM does not need FB doing basic TA, Risk Management, Psychology of trading as a warm-up act, these are extensive subjects which require an authorotative knowledge and probably a day course on each one rather than an hour or so.
3. FB is so far out of his depth it ain't funny, he does not posess the knowledge, experience or ability to lecture on these subjects to the extent of 'teaching' some one about them, as has already been mentioned, standing on your hind legs for 30 minutes in front of a room full of people at a traders day is one thing. Producing and presenting for a professional fee is quite another.
Now look at the mix and compare to the potential audiences.
'Newbies' are going to have to listen to FB gloss over some of the most important pieces of the trading jigsaw, then be completely lost when CM starts on divergent indicators etc.... by the time they get out of the door they should be on suicide watch - at the very least banned from driving until their brains defrost, because this amount of info in one go to a newbie trader is just impractical.
'Experienced' traders will be very specific in their requirement - they want to listen to Martin go through his Dow systems and explain them in some depth. They don't want to listen to a failed trader bang on about risk management and the psychology of trading when he has no depth of experience nor 'track record'
The 'newbies' are going to get hacked off with the superior attitude of the 'experienced'. The 'experienced ' are going to get hacked off with the 'newbies' for asking blatantly stupid questions.
Both are going to realise that they have just been conned out of £295 - or should that be £395 with a 25% discount!
I personally do not believe that this course/seminar has been thought through in terms of content, audience ability & mix, available presentation skills and value for money.
Because of the mix it is obvious that neither have really thought this through or done much presenting otherwise they would realise the above
Oh - and limiting the numbers to 40? Like you are really going to be able to present this lot effectively to 40 people.
So why should I care?
Quite simple, the potential knock-on effect on this site and therefore the credibility of those of us who wish to offer our own courses/seminars becomes further tarnished.
T2W can distance themselves as much as they want, but at the end of the day both CM and FB are senior moderators on this site, it is effectively seen as a T2W sponsored event and as such T2W should be absolutely sure what they are offering as a duty of care towards the members.
There are enough people out there offering 'financial' courses that don't have a clue about the subject they are espousing without adding to the list, many of them already have disparaging threads on this site.
Perhaps if those offering the course were prepared to do a 'dress rehearsal' to say Naz and Sharky or someone else who knows both and is independent of the site - say Helen Q. So that it could recieve some form of review before others part with what is quite a large sum of cash for what on the surface appears to be a potential disaster.