T2W - Naz & Mr Charts Seminar

  • Thread starter Thread starter Zenda
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Well-known member
I was wondering if I'm missing something? I was reading the Seminar details - and got to the Q & A section:-

Q, Is the seminar pitched at a particular experience level? A, This seminar is suitable for both beginning and advanced traders.

Q, Do I need to take anything with me on the day? A, You just need to bring a note book and pen on the day.

Q, Will I receive any course materials or on-going support? A, No materials are included but e-mail support for 1 month commencing from the date of the seminar is included.

First Point - Both of these presenters stress the importance of 1-2-1 and they can adapt their teachings to the individual ! how can they run a Seminar on Trading Techniques one on Level 2 (which only a very small minority of private traders use) the other on US stocks which again seems to forget we are in the UK. Just how do they teach down to a beginners level and then secret techniques to level 2?? Given that the morning session is very short at 2 x 60 mins - I was wondering why they havn't produced a detailed Schedule of the topics they are going to cover? Total for mr Charts 2 hours 30 mins and for Naz 2 hours 15 mins !!A total of 4 hours 45 mins !! I'm missing something was it not a Day seminar!

Do I need to bring anything on the day? Q2 - Can't they even supply a pen and a notebook?, these are usually provided by the hotel anyway! - Now because its a Saturday their is no live trading so we do not have a clue if these special techniques work and the chance of any of the attendees remembering any of them is remote and limited!

:arrowr: It is a well known teaching fact that most people forget 70% of what is taught within 3 days (especially without handouts or notes) also within 3 months only 3% of the information is retained. :arrowl:

Now there is a variety of reasons why no materials or handouts are included. :arrowr: The seminar is a new one and the presenters are going to "play it by ear!" knowing the audience is naive and they do not have a structured schedule, and can easily be impressed with the top two teachers in the UK (your claims)

:arrowr: Another reason is that they have not prepared any due to the fact it involves a lot of work on your behalf to write and produce course material - I suggest that for £595 for just a few hours of listening to you both this is poor value, giving your time and effort into producing course material is essential to assist attendees to put your advices into actual trading action when they get back in front of their home computers.

We all know the argument that one small piece of wisdom learnt on the day will more than pay for the seminar - I believe this argument to be rubbish and is said to just to justify the high cost.

I have looked at various other seminars and courses on offer - you are the only one I can find that provides NO course material whatsoever. Even VS and DW give course material (yes they charge more, but a least students can take something home to study.)

You state that they are saving money on the two of you by attending the seminar? personally I would prefer to have a full day with just one of you on a 1-2-1 than an abbreviated seminar with no defined itinerary shared between many. Oh I forgot 1 month online support. Assuming of course they follow your advices on data feed, brokers etc. which no doubt you will give them.

I personally trade the Forex - so am not familiar with level 2 - but after many years I am often told by fellow professionals that level 2 is for the "Full Time" Trader not the "Home Beginner" Of course there will always be the exception- I am trying hard not to be too critical because I believe another thread has mentioned a few things similar.

This could end up being a not to successful an enterprise for the attendees - without "Real Trading" and can be viewed as a cash generating exercise which is to promote both of your personal 1 - 2 - 1 services. I sincerely hope I am wrong. but I cant see the planning is supported with the backup - There will always be the gullible & Naive hoping to learn the holy grail techniques - and I realise that putting these "Secret" techniques down on paper will enable others to use these techniques without paying! (remember the phone) and any speaker worth his salt can wind an audience up and place attractive pictures of success in their minds!

I wish you luck - and for the sake of those attending I'm hoping I am completely wrong - (I doubt it) - we will only know in a couple of months - Z
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Phew, thats a heck of a read.

Who took the jam out of your doughnut?? 😉
Good evening Zenda,
I see you have only just joined, unless you've been here under a different name?
Welcome to T2W anyway ;-)

I thought you might like some clarification.

" how can they run a Seminar on Trading Techniques one on Level 2 (which only a very small minority of private traders use) the other on US stocks which again seems to forget we are in the UK."

As can be read on the course description this is about trading US stocks intraday. We are talking about Nasdaq level 2.
Actually a lot of people in the UK trade the US markets.
And I haven't forgotten which country I live in. The only one I really love and want to live in.

"Just how do they teach down to a beginners level and then secret techniques to level 2?? "

The day is structured to help people at different levels and we have both taught many people at all levels of skill, knowledge and experience. We do actually know what we are doing.

" why they havn't produced a detailed Schedule of the topics they are going to cover?"

That's in the course description.

"!!A total of 4 hours 45 mins !!"

The day lasts 6.5 hours and Naz and myself will be available to talk to attendees during the two breaks and answer any questions. I would be grateful however if I could be allowed to visit the loo briefly. Once, twice, thrice if I get time to get a sip of coffee.

"Can't they even supply a pen and a notebook?, "

Indeed the hotel should supply those, but we would feel happier if people brought their own as well.

"we do not have a clue if these special techniques work and the chance of any of the attendees remembering any of them is remote and limited! "

There I must disagree with you. You have only to read the various threads on these boards to see people whom we've coached saying positive things. I respect the abilities of people to make notes about what they hear and see, so I also have to disagree with the last phrase you've used.

"The seminar is a new one and the presenters are going to "play it by ear! knowing the audience is naive and they do not have a structured schedule, and can easily be impressed"

Sir, we have a highly structured seminar and if we were to do as you have suggested, we would be lynched.
Actually people are not easily impressed at all and I find your description of the audience as being "naive" insulting to their intelligence. Surely you didn't really mean that........

"Another reason is that they have not prepared any due to the fact it involves a lot of work on your behalf to write and produce course material"

You are quite right in saying that a lot of work is involved and there are some aspects of the day which would benefit by some course material handouts. Well, actually that work has been done and there will be some handouts, though it won't be a manual.
If I wanted to write a book, I would. It's just not my thing.

"personally I would prefer to have a full day with just one of you on a 1-2-1 "

You'd be welcome, Zenda, provided you answered the questions I normally pose to prospective 1-2-1 students to ascertain whether they are likely to benefit or not. If you come within the three groups of people I decline to coach, please understand it's nothing personal. Yes, I actually refuse to coach some people, but I wouldn't expect many to believe that. We live in a very cynical world.

"one small piece of wisdom learnt on the day will more than pay for the seminar "

Yes I agree one small piece of wisdom is far, far too little. That's why we are imparting a very great deal of practical advice.
Good to see we have some areas of agreement.

"Oh I forgot 1 month online support. Assuming of course they follow your advices on data feed, brokers etc. which no doubt you will give them."

Sir, your assumption is totally inaccurate. I shall simply repeat what I have said before on these boards many times if asked who do I personally use. We are not sponsored by any firm of brokers or data suppliers.

"I am trying hard not to be too critical "

Oh good..........

"can be viewed as a cash generating exercise which is to promote both of your personal 1 - 2 - 1 services."

Again your view is mistaken. Neither Naz or myself will be promoting 1-2-1s. We don't need to.

"There will always be the gullible & Naive hoping to learn the holy grail techniques " and "any speaker worth his salt can wind an audience up and place attractive pictures of success in their minds!"

Zenda, not at our seminar there won't be because we don't "target" those people like some of the disreputable so-called trainers do.

Please don't disrespect those who choose to attend. You do them a disservice.

And to anyone saying they thought there weren't going to be any course materials, that's correct.

Sorry, we decided to provide additional help to those coming so the course will be even better.
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....the other on US stocks which again seems to forget we are in the UK

Many UK people trade US stocks and it does have many advantages over trading UK stocks. Also it is just as easy to trade US stocks if not easier than UK ones.

Zenda - welcome to T2W. This is a board with over 6000 members, and there is a wealth of priceless information contained in the list of threads.


There were 2 other threads, one of which (A typical day's trading in the US) was absolutely priceless and which very regrettably has been removed by the moderators. In any event, the subject of Naz and Mr Charts seminar had already been done to death before you registered, to the extent that many will, I am sure, be thinking "oh no - not again!".

FWIW, Naz and Mr Charts are 2 long standing and highly respected members of this board whose postings have been of a calibre and timing sufficient to remove any doubt as to their skill and knowledge from all but the most overtly cynical. Comment from their 1:2:1 clients has been universally positive, and this from a group who would no doubt be quick to be critical if their experiences had been anything other than entirely positive. Mr Charts has been a personal friend for many years from whom I have learned a great deal. Whilst I have only met Naz on a couple of occasions, I believe the quality of his input speaks for itself.

This is my first and final word on this subject! Let's get back to things positive.
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I agree with many points u make & admire your gumption for posing direct question's, however as RogerM says I think this has been almost exhausted. I do not know Naz or Mr Charts & have no desire to attend the course, so I dont really have a personal stance on the matter.

1 point that people should think on & I give this as an example: I asked my wife who goes on many day courses & seminar groups for her work, what would her opinion be of a day course of this length, with little study material- I made no reference to this course but gave a comparable subject. her opinion was 'not' a good one as it was not long enough, if the subject was important, & obviously the shorter the course the more 'home study' material should be given out. ( no course fee was mentioned).

not that my wife's opinion has any bearing on this course, but I thought an interesting point from another perspective.....I could give more example's but wont.

I think Zenda if u r seeking solid validation, rather than opinion, of these tutors from them or past students u just will not get any. At the end of the day it is down to personal choice, I wish the people attending luck & if they r happy to attend so be it. the course will prove itself over time through the results of the students.


Agree with RogerM...who I must add is of the same calibre as two gentlemen in question....

I remember I had organised a meeting with Alan Rich..(Naz)...for some odd reason I was not able to meet at his home so I asked him if he would come a Hotel to discuss these courses...He could have said no...but he agreed to come and meet me there to discuss the courses and materials...With my busy life I was not able to book 1 2 1 session with him...But I was impressed with my meeting and level of his knowledge. I consider myself as a beginner in this matter so anything I know or learn will be an added bonus. That's the way I see it.....

For any newbie this board will give a lot of info on various aspects of trading/investment etc etc...

Sorry RogerM...I thought I would add few words for our new member...
I am quite happy with the replies I was just seeking clarification - if now attendees are to receive notes and handouts - great - No personal insults were intended - I felt the whole day was rather vague - I wish the two gentlemen well - I can see that they have excellent references - well deserved - I appreciate Mr Charts responding to each point - Good luck to all attending I hope we have a New post after the event ! Roger M - I was not aware that subjects are removed - or I would probably not bothered and I apologise if this has been done before.

I think Mr Finlayson's Good Lady - is rather astute. Obviously a follower of the 5 P's principal.

Rossored - I find it very easy to write as it one of my income sources. I have always believed in everyones right to place clearly in a direct (face to face way) any doubts I may have, on any published subject, suppose we newcomers should not knock Senior members - Back to Forex BB - a lot easier! Incidentally I think "R" is a brilliant assett to have - in your Forex section

Maybe this is the last comment on this thread - it should be! - Z