Trading Seminars

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.. you could have pm'd me your concerns...................


It doesn't bother me, I have nothing to sell and I have no intention of going on any trading seminars. Reading this thread hasn't changed my mind.

Now, where's that pm button................
BBB said:

I just don't agree with the concept of ANYONE selling their methods or stating they will work for anyone else. If they are only ment to provide a grounding, then the student is better off buying a few books for half the price. Should they have any questions, then there is this BB called T2W! The rest my friends is down to the individual and how hard he is prepared to learn.

No free lunches in this life - especially trading.

Agree with the bit about methods or systems, trading is personal.

Disagree about the basic grounding part. If it was the case that everything could be learned from books or from T2W then everyone here should be a winning super trader.

Fact is they aren't, having some real life discussion, examples and basic tuition to bring the subjects to life is worth the investment - imho. One of the reasons I 'teach' is the pleasure that it brings when people genuinely get something out of it.

If I can show someone how to make £400 a month then it is worth at least £400 to that person..........surely ?

Buying a few books might teach the newbie about TA it does not show him how to make money

I'm not talking about being really successful. Plenty of people get by on modest incomes. Branson, Gates etc are not the guys I'm talking about.

I trade very basic systems/patterns and I'll bet that if I taught someone to follow one of my systems that person would make money..................presuming of course that my instructions were followed to the letter.

I am a serious cynic but maybe Chart Man has a simple system that will give his students an is possible !

Trader BBB - you have obviously not had any dealings with the authorities in financial services - Try convincing them - its gambling advice ! Spreadbetting Companies are already worried that Mr Brown has left them alone for a long time - it is why they all adopt a low key profile and try to give the impression they are superior to bookmakers- I fear not much longer! Rumour has it that All UK spreadbetting traders are within the Chancellors Sites!!

Wrong on two fronts:

1) I am a qualified IFA but have never used my qualifications for
commercial benefit.

2) I have also been involved (as a witness), in a FSA investigation
of someone who was giving advice out for investments and
guess what ? they got off on the grounds that they were giving
advice on Gambling as opposed to investments.

Also educating people to use a Spreadbetting strategy is not the
same as saying they should do the same and there have been
many cases of this sort of thing none of which, to date, have
resulted in any successful prosecutions that I am aware of.

You may well be right about Gordon Brown but I am talking about
the law as it is now not what it may become in the future near or
far. Also Gordon already taxes the SB companies on corporation
tax but if he decides to hit those who make profit from SB then all
of a sudden the 95% who lose can start offsetting their losses
against other gains they make. It is far more profitable for him to
keep things as they are.

Dont forget that it was Betting Tax that made so many bookies
go offshore and if he reintroduces it then you will get people
moving companies and punters their funds offshore again which
defeats the object.

I think things will stay as they are for a while yet.

TBS - Yea I agree with you to some extent. I don't believe reading a few books will help much either, but they will give a base from which to progress. If anything in these popular books was worth anything, making money would be easy - as you suggest. Maybe I am biased because I started my trading career on a trading floor where I surrounded by people with many years of on the job experience. I doubt any of them had read much more than a handful of books if that, and definitely never went to any seminars. If you dont have that background, then maybe I should eat my words. BUT I still cant see why any SUCCESSFUL trader would charge for their knowledge. Going back to my days on the floor, no one ever said I'll only tell you for £500! Just like they wouldn't in any other line of work. Maybe the knowledge was handed down as the individual gets recognition that fills their ego by helping others for nothing - very admirable.

qaza - If I had a sure fire way to make £400 pw, I'd sell it for a LOT more than £400 - wouldn't you! (IF I was to sell it at all - i.e. when it no longer worked for me and I had past results to suggest it still did!)

You have hit on a VERY important point about learning to make money. You are 100% right in what you say there. Have you EVER read a book that teaches you to make money in the markets, rather than entry points? That is what I'm trying to get at I guess.

I also trade very simple set ups. Too many people complicate trading.

I do ask you though (and all other profitable traders)...

I do ask you though (and all other profitable traders)...


that is not actually that bad an idea and does raise a thought or two.

lets get hypothetical:- (assume a free, liquid market and perfect knowledge)

if everyone was selling their methods, laws of supply and demand would eventually mean that the good methods would end up pricey, and the cr&p ones would end up free, or on buy-one-get-eight-free.

however, in the real world we can see that in fact it is pretty much the other way around - (gross generalisation, but bear with me). this indicates that the public doesnt have perfect knowledge as to the merits of a particular system. which is why BB's like this one are invaluable for people to sort the wheat from the not-so-wheat.

im just thankful i started trading in an era when all this information was freely available on the interweb. Lord only knows what it must have been like starting out 20/30/40 years ago!!

would anyone like to share their experiences? what were teaching/coaching methods like back then?? were there as many sharks as there seem to be now??

sorry if this is a bit off topic. like all my posts, i seem to ramble away in my own little world..


obviously a system that makes 400/month is worth more than £400........reason i made the pt was in response to your earlier post
BBB yes I once was one of you - (MDRT & TOT etc.) All points noticed - I agree with you in the main its just that if theres a will Brown will find a way! - !!
Zenda - Don't get me started on the govt. There just isn't enough room on the servers!

FC- Oddly enough, I entered the trading business in 1998. Beforehand, I never knew the first thing about trading (do I now? we're always learning) so I cant say I have any knowledge of trading & the internet until 2001 when I started trading off floor - so maybe my earlier post therefor answers your question?

As for making the ideal system commercially available and the free market. Imagine. Whoever develops it does so well, they decide they they dont have to bother trading anymore. Its more profitable to sell the system for only the cost/risk of a few ads. The system will speak for itself, and the author sells even more via word of mouth. Soon it becomes in the public domain and everyone is using it. Will it still work?


People trading in a smaller time frame will look for that systems entry prices, take a position beforehand as prices move towards, waiting for price to reach the ideal target where they exit knowing there are orders for the other side there - easy less risky target, thus little slippage either.

Eventually everyone realises this and trades the lesser time frame - fading the system. It then ceases to work.

This is one reason why oscillators dont work.

Its also another reason why the ES is such a mess. To many people looking for the indicies to fall in line - against too many people fading it when they do.
Trader 333

Can you explain this - 1) I am a qualified IFA but have never used my qualifications for
commercial benefit.

Then why bother? 😕
I became interested in becoming an IFA about 3 years ago and so took all of my FPC qualifications and then joined a company to get competent advisor status.

I was then headhunted for a senior management position in the manufacturing sector which was more in line with my managerial background. During this time I was also trading futures and then I left my last company. I was getting offered a lot of work as a continuous improvement and personal life coach as well as a general business advisor. So I never really made use of my status as an IFA because I trade now although I would still consider requests from companies for other work as it is quite lucrative.


I see you still havn't managed to bother answering the questions. Are you going to bother? If so when, If not, why not?
I don't know what you will make from the seminar coming up,but I hope it's substantial. If I wasn't such a tight Yorkshireman I would pay the seminar fee regardless of attendance.

I have pored through what must be weeks maybe months of your time spent on posts, and I could now trade the Dow cash according to a system and be well in the money.

I ALMOST feel guilty sucking your experience /skill that way.

For any would be critiques of the above seminar "the labourer is worthy of his hire". As a footnote for any who disagree with my view save us both the time and post on something we could agree on.

My pleasure.

Whether your 'system' works or not is not the issue. Whether people want to pay money to hear you explain it, is not the issue.

The issues are the fact that the manner in which you have advertised has boardered on fraudulent, the change in content with no reissue of the original advert - or mention on the boards, the spurious discount, the claim that you have been trading this for ‘many years (with respect, I thought you switched from theory to reality only recently) and finally the actual legality of your offer.

You have not addressed any of these issues, simply put up an un-signed PM, if it is a post, then lease link to it, which confirms that you are selling a system, not – as you mentioned before – encouraging others to think for themselves.

Now – can you address the issues directly or will you continue to dance around them?

Some details for you:

FSA Handbook

0207 066 1000 - FSA Switchboard

Herfordshire County Council Trading Standards – 01727 813 877 (these are the ones that would cover Hatfield)

West Yorkshire Trading Standards – 0113 384 8848 (based in Leeds – these are the ones that may ask T2W about the ‘adverts’)

Worth checking your facts before you start these things – after all you wouldn’t want skim to start calling you ‘Doji’ Martin……..

I can't understand why you are pursuing this so aggresively. It sounds like you have a personal vendetta against Chartman.

I think most people on this board who have had contact with Chartman would say that he is a most helpful, sincere and knowledgeable person. He has given out a huge amount of advice for absolutely nothing at all and I can see no problem in him now charging for a seminar.

Personally, I wish him every success with the event . And I think it would be in everybody's best interest if you now laid this matter to rest.

Personally I agree with a couple of your points of view. That does not, however, detract from the facts:

a) The old saying that there is one born every day is as true now as it always has been. So give up the crusade.

b) Anyone offering seminars on this BB will not produce any form of credentials of trading success.

c) If people want to part with their hard earned then that is their lookout.

In defence of your position (which has already touched your stop-loss), I wonder how any of the rest of us would be treated if we wished to sell a seminar ? This also leads to ny next point:

SKIM - you have no right whatsoever to make the comments towards TBS that you have.



The General.
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