Trading NASDAQ stocks with Jerry Olson & Ian Hodgson

4 fast wild trades just now on that bounce

(1:53 PM) brownbear_1: nq's green now
(1:54 PM) screenshot: L ER 03.10
(1:54 PM) brownbear_1: they have
JerryO3434: NDX
JerryO3434: SAME PRINT
(1:54 PM) screenshot: out ER + .70
(1:55 PM) screenshot: ER is a loaded spring
(1:55 PM) screenshot: L YM 07
(1:55 PM) screenshot: add L YM 97
(1:55 PM) ovetus: hello!!!!
(1:56 PM) brownbear_1: hope so jer
(1:56 PM) screenshot: heheheh BURN BABY BURN
JerryO3434: LONG AAPL AT 62.26
(1:56 PM) screenshot: ym baby
(1:56 PM) ovetus: ICE , last friday 71 , now 53.30
JerryO3434: LONG SNDK AT 58.20
(1:56 PM) screenshot: out partial YM +=
(1:57 PM) screenshot: ER coing to big RES here
JerryO3434: SOLD AAPL AT 62.48
(1:57 PM) ovetus: RMBS gamo
(1:57 PM) screenshot: out bal YM +++
(1:57 PM) ovetus: JOYG big gamo
(1:57 PM) ovetus: BA gamo
(1:57 PM) ovetus: BRCM gamo
(1:57 PM) screenshot: heheheh crazy crazy
(1:57 PM) ovetus: CSCO gamo
(1:57 PM) ovetus: SINA gamo
(1:57 PM) screenshot: look at those FUTS lol
(1:57 PM) ovetus: PEIX gamo
(1:57 PM) ovetus: SNDK gamo
(1:58 PM) ovetus: VSEA gamo
(1:58 PM) ovetus: ALKS gamo
(1:58 PM) ovetus: SNDA gamo
(1:58 PM) ovetus: NYX gamo
(1:58 PM) ovetus: NDAQ gamo
(1:58 PM) ovetus: PHM gamo
(1:58 PM) ovetus: BA lomo
(1:58 PM) ovetus: CRD lomo
(1:58 PM) ovetus: CRDN
(1:59 PM) screenshot: watch AAPL go lol
(1:59 PM) ddtrader11: '
(1:59 PM) ovetus: AAPL ps 62.29
(1:59 PM) ovetus: below
(1:59 PM) ovetus: RMBS rejected at ps
JerryO3434: long aapl at 62.50
JerryO3434: SOLD SNDK AT 58.34
(2:01 PM) screenshot: ER need to break 707
(2:02 PM) brownbear_1: we could go here
JerryO3434: SOLD AAPL AY 62.77
(2:02 PM) itsmevu_: wow!
(2:02 PM) fst415: y
(2:02 PM) itsmevu_: YEA!
(2:02 PM) BSilvey: yipee
(2:02 PM) screenshot: heheheh
(2:02 PM) brownbear_1: he ha
(2:02 PM) fst415: MRVL's turn next to roar!
(2:02 PM) screenshot: be aware they may want to trap longs...
(2:03 PM) brownbear_1: yeah ha
(2:03 PM) screenshot: L ER 707
(2:03 PM) fst415: here comes MRVL!
(2:03 PM) ovetus: i pound on me cause i see this coming and i did nt profit
(2:03 PM) ovetus: i am the dumbest on earth
(2:03 PM) brownbear_1: you ain/
(2:03 PM) ovetus: lol rofl
(2:03 PM) brownbear_1: 't so dumb
(2:04 PM) brownbear_1: you a'int
(2:04 PM) screenshot: ovetus.... MANANA MANA
LevII said:
Grey1 said:
BRCM and APPL went off from the list of being available for short a. That annoyed me a lot because I had an awesome signal on both of them and so i was left with un hedged position./QUOTE]

Just a thought.

Have you considered ditching IB (and other conventonal brokers generally) in favour of trading via CFDs? Gearing up to 10X, no problem with going short. Downside, bigger commissions, not true direct access.

LEV II my man

Thanks for the advise . I might look in to that ,, saying that it is not a big deal at this stage as I am used to IB and they nearly always offer stocks for shorting . To day was exception .

I am all done to day I am up $ 1540 how ever it was a roller coaster and volatile day which i hate. When the market gets volatile the risk increases and this is a blooded water with sharks swimming in it . The reward could be huge so could be the chance of ruin .

I hope i never ever get caught in a trade such as JOYG to wind me up .,,, Saying that ,, VWAP engine did the business > i am really proud of my VWAP ENGINE. IT DOES THE JOB JUST LIKE " MR MUSCLE " PRODUCT .


  • rmbskick.jpg
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Have To Run To The Dentist


(6:02 AM) Paltalk: Hi everyone. All room members are a dedicated group of professional daytraders. It does not matter what your level of expertise is since we are here to help you make a living everyday. We are scalpers for now looking to make a Days Pay. Good Luck Jerry
(8:06 AM) cashmarket: gm
(8:17 AM) cashmarket: gm
(8:17 AM) Evostik: gm
(8:21 AM) dat-cat: GM
(8:23 AM) jitasb: gm
(8:27 AM) cashmarket: futs games
(8:55 AM) II VWAP II: jerryyyyyyyy
(8:55 AM) II VWAP II: iannnnnn
(8:55 AM) II VWAP II: alo alo
(8:57 AM) Dan-NY: GM
(9:00 AM) eam707: Gm all
(9:00 AM) eam707: Hi Vwap
JerryO3434: morning all
(9:00 AM) II VWAP II: eammmmmm
(9:00 AM) cashmarket: check
(9:00 AM) cashmarket: gm
(9:00 AM) iwhistler: gm jery
(9:00 AM) II VWAP II: morning boss
(9:01 AM) eam707: Hi Vwap, looking forward to June
(9:01 AM) II VWAP II: lets makesssssss moneyyyyyyyyyyyy
(9:01 AM) II VWAP II: eam what is ur nick name on the T2w
(9:01 AM) ian_h: gm Jerry, Iraj
(9:01 AM) II VWAP II: hi ian my man
(9:01 AM) eam707: ek1 Vwap
(9:01 AM) Dan-NY: GM Al
(9:02 AM) II VWAP II: oh ok ek1 yeah we had a meeting here yesterday with blue chip trader and fibbo we had an aesome time
(9:02 AM) eam707: Yes Vwap, saw the posts- good stuff as always
JerryO3434: BCRX
JerryO3434: NVAX
JerryO3434: GILD
JerryO3434: WHO
JerryO3434: PEIX
JerryO3434: ANDE
(9:04 AM) grizz_9: maybe 6 or 7 deaths by human to human transmission in Indo I think
(9:08 AM) jamin1111: GM everyone
(9:08 AM) cashmarket: gm
(9:08 AM) itsmevu_: good morning everyone
(9:08 AM) freedom_1000: gm
JerryO3434: hi
JerryO3434: hi there
JerryO3434: CALL
JerryO3434: ANDREW MUI
JerryO3434: AT ESIGNAL
JerryO3434: 1-800-322-1510
JerryO3434: OK
JerryO3434: IAN H
(9:14 AM) ian_h: just on a skype call
(9:14 AM) II VWAP II: ian is on the SKY with snowdj
(9:16 AM) iwhistler: Jerry is next monday holiday monday is the market close
(9:16 AM) southfield_1: yes
(9:17 AM) eam707: Yes market closed Monday 29th as per
(9:18 AM) iwhistler: thx
JerryO3434: akam
JerryO3434: bcrx
JerryO3434: GILD
JerryO3434: NVAX
JerryO3434: WHO
(9:24 AM) watsoman: what stock is the one to trade was on.
JerryO3434: GILD
(9:24 AM) watsoman: ok...thx
JerryO3434: BCRX
(9:25 AM) doggie10: u too loud
(9:25 AM) fst415: sounds more like a hen than a rooster!
(9:26 AM) rooste63: you are so funny
(9:26 AM) wvombaur: lol
(9:28 AM) ian_h: ok, back now
(9:30 AM) ian_h: it is
(9:31 AM) cashmarket: rmbs
(9:31 AM) brownbear_1: weekly petro report about 1 hour
(9:31 AM) grizz_9: those alerts are kicking in
(9:31 AM) fst415: AKAM strong
(9:31 AM) fst415: me too
JerryO3434: rmbs
JerryO3434: GLD
JerryO3434: = GOLD
(9:36 AM) fst415: BRCM/MRVL bucking the trend
(9:38 AM) fst415: watch QCOM for a hook up
JerryO3434: LONG CSCO AT 20.46
(9:40 AM) wwwalker: be careful futs
(9:41 AM) wwwalker: jerry i just took .05 on size qqqq ...but watch out here this am
JerryO3434: PEIX
(9:43 AM) fst415: QCOM moving up
JerryO3434: LONG MRVL AT 52.71
JerryO3434: SOLD MARVL AT 52.93
JerryO3434: PEIX SNDK
(9:46 AM) mplsrmt: gild hod
(9:46 AM) MMags1999: moved fast didnt have time to post
(9:46 AM) MMags1999: bot mrvl 53 out 53.23
(9:47 AM) MMags1999: sorrry
JerryO3434: LONG MRVL AT 52.20
JerryO3434: SOLD MRVL AT 52.36
(9:48 AM) brownbear_1: aapl dead
(9:49 AM) brownbear_1: about time
JerryO3434: PEIX HOD
(9:49 AM) grizz_9: ande moving up
JerryO3434: SOLD CSCO AT 20.56
(9:50 AM) fst415: AKAM
(9:50 AM) wwwalker: jerry i just did the same time
(9:50 AM) wwwalker: jerry watch csco ...
JerryO3434: OK
(9:51 AM) wwwalker: ok jerry i done for this am
(9:52 AM) wwwalker: in cash
(9:53 AM) MMags1999: l mrvl 53.12 just sold 53.35
(9:53 AM) MMags1999: WHEW~!
(9:54 AM) MMags1999: Jer: I will stay flat until I hear your next call okay?
JerryO3434: ANDE
JerryO3434: PEIX
(9:55 AM) mplsrmt: mrvl hod\
JerryO3434: JOYG
(9:58 AM) mplsrmt: I got it
JerryO3434: 10 AM REVERSAL
(10:01 AM) mplsrmt: sndk
JerryO3434: LONG SNDK AT 60.93
(10:02 AM) MMags1999: missed the sndk! enter Jer?
(10:02 AM) MMags1999: een though volatile??
(10:02 AM) MMags1999: seems strong anyway
(10:02 AM) southfield_1: .qqqgn
(10:03 AM) Dan-NY: NVDA
(10:03 AM) brownbear_1: wow
(10:04 AM) brownbear_1: you will make money now
(10:04 AM) bocarat: only .80 and I'll be b/e hehe
JerryO3434: SOLD SNDK AT 59.90
(10:04 AM) MMags1999: thanks. I was just about to enter!
(10:05 AM) MMags1999: even though I had two good trades in MRVL so far it seems there are many opps today
(10:07 AM) MMags1999: which one?
JerryO3434: SNDK BUY STOPSD AT 60.10
(10:08 AM) Dan-NY: KLAC hod
(10:09 AM) MMags1999: k
JerryO3434: ALL 500 SHARE TRADES DUMP AT -100
(10:10 AM) MMags1999: y
(10:10 AM) grobb3: mkt looking good
JerryO3434: REMOVING
(10:12 AM) MMags1999: l mrvl 52.92
(10:12 AM) MMags1999: .20 sto[
(10:14 AM) grizz_9: y
(10:14 AM) BSilvey: Commerce Dept reports sales of new homes rose by 4.9 percent in April
(10:14 AM) mplsrmt: gild
(10:14 AM) MMags1999: out 53
(10:14 AM) MMags1999: took .07 didnt like it
(10:14 AM) MMags1999: still postive profit though
(10:14 AM) MMags1999: right!
(10:15 AM) stevefi: watch bios announcing now
(10:15 AM) stevefi: bcrx
(10:15 AM) stevefi: size better?
(10:18 AM) MMags1999: Jer: I still need to stick with my stops cause I came out early on sndk and if it breaks 53.12 it could run to session high
(10:19 AM) MMags1999: I will go back in 53.13
(10:19 AM) MMags1999: yup
(10:19 AM) MMags1999: right
(10:20 AM) Dan-NY: Jerr you can see our tradses at the very same moment we buy?
(10:20 AM) MMags1999: I meant mrvl earlier not sndk
(10:20 AM) MMags1999: sorry
(10:20 AM) Dan-NY: you will be my next STOP then, good
(10:21 AM) fst415: MRVL running
(10:23 AM) MMags1999: there goes the mrvl over the 53.12
JerryO3434: QCOM
(10:27 AM) harry120: sndk pushing the 200ema
(10:28 AM) grizz_9: nvda was nice this am...may want to do it again
(10:29 AM) MMags1999: I was right on the mrvl...
(10:29 AM) MMags1999: right on
(10:29 AM) MMags1999: still long at 53.13
(10:29 AM) MMags1999: so I take the scalp or wait it out!
(10:29 AM) MMags1999: just kidding
(10:29 AM) MMags1999: out 53.31
(10:29 AM) MMags1999:
(10:30 AM) MMags1999: I actually stayed disciplined. When I saw it after I sold at 53.04 I waited for my 53.12 break to enter and it paid off
(10:34 AM) brownbear_1: yg - 24.80
JerryO3434: LONG AAPL AT 63.38
JerryO3434: SOLD AAPL AT 63.55
(10:37 AM) delfin771: AAPL +.15
(10:37 AM) stockboy2005: paper traded it with you +.17
(10:38 AM) BSilvey: been in and out severeal times
(10:41 AM) screenshot: GM ALL
(10:42 AM) fst415: good TRIN too
(10:46 AM) harry120: y
(10:46 AM) MMags1999: not I
(10:49 AM) screenshot: L EUR 88
(10:55 AM) Dan-NY: y
JerryO3434: can you hear
(10:55 AM) iwhistler: y
(10:55 AM) fst415: y
(10:55 AM) harry120: y
(10:55 AM) BSilvey: y
(10:55 AM) eam707: all ok
(10:55 AM) gboot: y
(10:55 AM) gboot: ok
(10:56 AM) harry120: mrvl on a hammer
(10:57 AM) harry120: mrvl getting stuffed
(10:58 AM) grobb3: oih
(10:58 AM) brownbear_1: ntes looks good
(10:58 AM) brownbear_1: see no news
JerryO3434: gld
(10:59 AM) dat-cat: also GDX jer
(11:00 AM) screenshot: gold june futs -30
(11:00 AM) screenshot: i'll buy @ 500
(11:00 AM) screenshot: lol
(11:03 AM) screenshot: out eur + 8
JerryO3434: 1261
(11:05 AM) MMags1999: yikes
(11:09 AM) MMags1999: jer. How do you see appl here. Either a short again or a long on support??? confusing
(11:11 AM) screenshot: L EUR 90
(11:15 AM) harry120: y
(11:15 AM) stockboy2005: y
(11:19 AM) higgins: wow most of the stuff we watch is rolling
(11:21 AM) Tim76: how many stocks do you keep your eye on?
(11:21 AM) higgins: jerrry do you have any thoughts on people getting margin calls adding to the problem
(11:21 AM) Tim76: yeah
(11:21 AM) Tim76: ok
(11:22 AM) cashmarket: mrvl pos db
(11:22 AM) Tim76: and you get 10:1 leverage on stocks?
(11:23 AM) Tim76: thx
(11:23 AM) Tim76: yup
(11:27 AM) cashmarket: sndk falling wedge too.....
(11:29 AM) cashmarket: qcon holding weel
(11:29 AM) cashmarket: qcom
(11:30 AM) screenshot: they will want to trap the longs again
(11:31 AM) screenshot: seems to work nice... pump in the am kill them in pm
JerryO3434: no longs here
(11:34 AM) fst415: Global Crown, whoever they are, upgraded BRCM to overweight with tgt price of 46
(11:35 AM) fst415: BRCM getting a bounce from this news
JerryO3434: crude down here along with the oih
(11:35 AM) cashmarket: brcm boucne to the 20
(11:36 AM) screenshot: L eur 68 stop 60
(11:37 AM) screenshot: looking for 80
(11:38 AM) screenshot: eur normally trades against US markets
(11:38 AM) screenshot: 75
(11:38 AM) harry120: mrvl quad bottom?
(11:39 AM) screenshot: 77
(11:39 AM) screenshot: 78
(11:39 AM) screenshot: 79
(11:39 AM) screenshot: out eur + 12
(11:39 AM) screenshot: hehehh bye eur
(11:43 AM) screenshot: L YM 28
(11:43 AM) cashmarket: how about mrvl here jer?
(11:44 AM) screenshot: out YM partial +7
(11:45 AM) screenshot: out partial YM +9
(11:46 AM) screenshot: weak but pushjing
(11:48 AM) screenshot: out bal YM +2
(11:52 AM) screenshot: L ER 11.20
(11:52 AM) screenshot: wowow ER flying
(11:53 AM) screenshot: yes small caps
(11:53 AM) screenshot: they must be buying
(11:53 AM) itsmevu_: whats the symbol for the er?
(11:53 AM) screenshot: the got annihilated
(11:53 AM) screenshot: IB ER2
(11:54 AM) itsmevu_: i just want to look at it
JerryO3434: #rut
JerryO3434: $RUT
(11:54 AM) screenshot: you can do ETFs
(11:54 AM) itsmevu_: ok
(11:54 AM) screenshot: or options
JerryO3434: GLD
JerryO3434: ETF
(11:54 AM) screenshot: no options on GLD
(11:54 AM) screenshot: you can do miners on GDX
(11:55 AM) screenshot: with options very new
(11:55 AM) screenshot: ER baby
(11:55 AM) Trader6: IWM is an ETF for the $RUT
(11:55 AM) screenshot: out ER + 2.00
(11:56 AM) screenshot: out right at the 34 lol
(11:57 AM) screenshot: ER pushuing
JerryO3434: csco
(11:58 AM) screenshot: yhoo pushing
(11:58 AM) screenshot: L YM 44
(11:58 AM) screenshot: stop 34
(12:05 PM) screenshot: out partial YM + 5
(12:06 PM) screenshot: out partial YM + 6
(12:06 PM) itsmevu_: screen u trade thruoghtout lunch?
(12:07 PM) screenshot: out bal YM + 11
(12:07 PM) screenshot: lunch? whats lunch?
(12:07 PM) itsmevu_: animal....
(12:07 PM) screenshot: my charts move. i take the trade
(12:08 PM) itsmevu_: hehe cool ill watch
(12:08 PM) screenshot: i dont have a time card to punch lol
(12:09 PM) fst415: ATYT just broke out. slow but steady
(12:18 PM) screenshot: L YM 41 stop 31
(12:22 PM) screenshot: out YM -6
(12:22 PM) screenshot: flat
(12:23 PM) itsmevu_: screen- how long have ya been trading the futures?
(12:24 PM) screenshot: 1998
(12:24 PM) itsmevu_: wow
(12:25 PM) itsmevu_: i was a high school freshman in 98
(12:25 PM) itsmevu_: hehehe
(12:25 PM) screenshot: i like futures better than stocks because they cant really manipulate news and hype as they do in stocks
(12:25 PM) screenshot: i sell options and do some spreads
(12:26 PM) itsmevu_: do u use the same trading style for fut and stock?
(12:26 PM) screenshot: no
(12:27 PM) screenshot: futs you need to look at many time frames
(12:28 PM) screenshot: and you need mementum sensitive indicators
(12:28 PM) itsmevu_: what do u look at? 1,3,5 minutes?
(12:28 PM) screenshot: 3 5 8 13 30 60 daily
(12:28 PM) itsmevu_: woah thats a lot of charts
(12:29 PM) screenshot: yes and i trade YM ER EUR contracts no FOREX
(12:29 PM) screenshot: i use 6 monitors
(12:29 PM) itsmevu_: geez
(12:30 PM) itsmevu_: i get dizzy with two
(12:30 PM) itsmevu_: so u scale in and out with the time frame?
(12:30 PM) screenshot: depends
(12:31 PM) screenshot: first i need to see the trend
(12:31 PM) screenshot: the faster frames get me in
(12:32 PM) screenshot: use Fibos, fractals, some
(12:33 PM) screenshot: squares of 9,
(12:33 PM) screenshot: not recommended for a starter
(12:34 PM) Woolly Bully: i use 11 monitors
(12:34 PM) Woolly Bully: Frederik Keijer/Beedschermen.jpg
(12:34 PM) screenshot: wowoow
(12:34 PM) screenshot: looking to cut down to 4
(12:34 PM) itsmevu_: ill do some research on that fractal ...sound interesting
(12:35 PM) itsmevu_: thats like a space ship
(12:35 PM) screenshot: yes it is
(12:35 PM) itsmevu_: kinda cool
(12:35 PM) cashmarket: wow looks like a cockpit of a 767 ;o)
(12:35 PM) screenshot: all based on fibonacci
(12:37 PM) itsmevu_: so u pick top and bottom with fractals and retrace it with fib? i dont know what im talking about...
(12:37 PM) screenshot: read up on it
(12:38 PM) screenshot: we need to hold 11100 here
(12:40 PM) screenshot: S YM 97
(12:40 PM) screenshot: stop 07
(12:43 PM) screenshot: S ER 05
(12:43 PM) screenshot: out ER + .50
(12:44 PM) screenshot: out YM partial +10
(12:44 PM) screenshot: out partial YM + 5
(12:45 PM) screenshot: out bal YM + 10
(12:46 PM) screenshot: L EUR 77
(12:46 PM) screenshot: stop 70
(12:57 PM) II VWAP II: heyyyyyyyyyy every bodyyyyyy
(12:57 PM) itsmevu_: hello
(12:57 PM) II VWAP II: << in cash
(12:57 PM) II VWAP II: hi its
(12:58 PM) II VWAP II: << all pos closed and noe chilling
(12:58 PM) II VWAP II: now
(12:58 PM) itsmevu_: <want to short sndk but im scared
(12:58 PM) itsmevu_: hehe
(1:01 PM) II VWAP II:
(1:02 PM) itsmevu_: wow!
(1:02 PM) II VWAP II: << kicked ass of RMBS to day
(1:02 PM) itsmevu_: did u pair trade?
(1:02 PM) stockboy2005: man vwap, you make around $1K-2K a day! WOW , that's awesome!
(1:03 PM) II VWAP II: stock i do
(1:03 PM) stockboy2005: i know i've seen your post almost everyday
(1:03 PM) II VWAP II: << is the dare devil
(1:03 PM) stockboy2005: i can't wait to get to that point
(1:03 PM) II VWAP II: stock are you in UK ?
(1:04 PM) stockboy2005: no in the usa
(1:04 PM) stockboy2005: unfortunately..if i was in the UK i would;ve gone to visit you
(1:04 PM) II VWAP II: yeah stock
(1:04 PM) iwhistler: vwap if you don t mind how many entry do you average to get this kind of results
(1:04 PM) II VWAP II: whisler depends to day around 10
(1:05 PM) iwhistler: on total or each stock
(1:05 PM) Tim76: vwap, where in the uk are you?
(1:05 PM) II VWAP II: total
(1:05 PM) iwhistler: thx
(1:06 PM) gjeinc100: hey vwap what techincals are u using for entry? thks
(1:07 PM) gjeinc100: go where?
(1:07 PM) gjeinc100: can u type it in
(1:07 PM) itsmevu_:
(1:07 PM) iwhistler: thx
(1:07 PM) itsmevu_: im gonna move to the uk, ur giving me a section iraj
(1:07 PM) gjeinc100: thks it'smevu
(1:07 PM) itsmevu_: hehehe
(1:08 PM) itsmevu_: no prob section for grey1 posts ton of info on vwap
(1:08 PM) itsmevu_: search*
(1:08 PM) stockboy2005: what do you charge?
(1:09 PM) gjeinc100: so vwap u use trade2win techinicals? from the site?
(1:09 PM) itsmevu_: youre so nice...train everyone for free
(1:09 PM) itsmevu_: no vwap is grey1 the moderator
(1:09 PM) itsmevu_: posts all his setup on trade2win
(1:09 PM) Tim76: free??
(1:09 PM) itsmevu_: yea if u read his post hes very cool
(1:09 PM) gjeinc100: why not in jer's room posting?
(1:09 PM) Tim76: not used to such generosity!
(1:10 PM) stockboy2005: me neither
(1:10 PM) itsmevu_: very diff style from jerrys
(1:10 PM) ian_h: gj, he trades so fast it is not possible to post
(1:10 PM) gjeinc100: it'smevu, was wondering what he was using for techincals for entry exits, etc?
(1:10 PM) ian_h: and so focused
(1:10 PM) ian_h: a pleasure to watch
(1:10 PM) gjeinc100: trade2win training on there? just looks like community?
(1:11 PM) itsmevu_: no no let me explain....grey1/vwap ...posts a great deal of info on his strat there
(1:11 PM) itsmevu_: but if u ask him about his stuff hes willing to show u in person
(1:12 PM) stockboy2005: vwap, i didn't hear you when you stated where you are in the UK? can you please type it. thanks
(1:12 PM) iwhistler: vwap under which tab can we read your set up...ld look and dont seem to find it
(1:12 PM) II VWAP II: under JERRYYYY
(1:13 PM) Tim76: i moved from the midlands to london - wrong direction!
(1:13 PM) itsmevu_: haha
(1:14 PM) itsmevu_:
(1:14 PM) itsmevu_: there are a lot more posts...make some cofee
(1:14 PM) screenshot: L YM 97 stop 87
(1:21 PM) cashmarket: .
(1:22 PM) itsmevu_: is anyone shorting?
(1:23 PM) ian_h: vu, dont you mean is there anyone long????
(1:23 PM) itsmevu_: i hope not
(1:23 PM) itsmevu_: look at all the red
(1:24 PM) itsmevu_: ian are u free?
(1:25 PM) itsmevu_: can u compare l2 with me
(1:25 PM) ian_h: depends what for?
(1:25 PM) ian_h: ok, shout it out vu
(1:25 PM) itsmevu_: about not seeing MM
(1:25 PM) itsmevu_: lol
(1:26 PM) itsmevu_: pms ok...
(1:26 PM) ian_h: mm's are all at lunch vu
(1:26 PM) ian_h: look at qcom
(1:26 PM) ian_h: 45.00 bid
(1:27 PM) ian_h: wchv
(1:27 PM) ian_h: lehm just underneath
(1:27 PM) itsmevu_: wchvt size and bestt
(1:27 PM) ian_h: none of them really playing atm
(1:27 PM) screenshot: S YM 83
(1:27 PM) ian_h: wchv = Wachovia
(1:27 PM) screenshot: stop 93
(1:28 PM) ian_h: lehm at 44.94
(1:28 PM) itsmevu_: oo ok as long as theyre there
(1:28 PM) itsmevu_: ok i see it
(1:28 PM) ian_h: you see them better when volume is there
(1:28 PM) ian_h: ok
(1:28 PM) screenshot: out partial YM + 10
(1:28 PM) itsmevu_: stupid ecn is every where
(1:29 PM) itsmevu_: thanks ian
(1:29 PM) screenshot: out bal YM + 20
(1:29 PM) ian_h: they process most of the orders, thats why
(1:29 PM) screenshot: dow gettin killed
(1:29 PM) itsmevu_: everything is down
(1:30 PM) itsmevu_: we need jerry to buy
(1:30 PM) itsmevu_: and theyll bounce
(1:30 PM) screenshot: sure enough same as tues, trap the bulls
(1:31 PM) screenshot: L EUR 78 stop 70
(1:32 PM) screenshot: S ER 98.20
(1:34 PM) screenshot: out ER + .90
(1:34 PM) itsmevu_: screen youre a machine!
(1:35 PM) screenshot: the market is the engine
(1:35 PM) mrblue_7: n
(1:35 PM) screenshot: put your order in, set your stops.... let it run
(1:36 PM) screenshot: go with the trend..
(1:36 PM) screenshot: it it turns on you, you will be stopped out, is all
(1:37 PM) itsmevu_: hehe
(1:37 PM) screenshot: eur baby
(1:38 PM) screenshot: out eur + 10
(1:38 PM) screenshot: heheheh thats 12.50 us per tic
(1:38 PM) itsmevu_: 120.50 bucks?
(1:38 PM) screenshot: per contract
(1:38 PM) itsmevu_: thats awsome
(1:39 PM) screenshot: same against you lol
(1:39 PM) itsmevu_: yea thats not so awsome
(1:39 PM) screenshot: i try to get 5 tics, unless EUR wants to run lol
(1:40 PM) screenshot: YM is only 5$us per tic
(1:40 PM) screenshot: ER 10$
(1:40 PM) itsmevu_: what about es?
(1:41 PM) screenshot: forget ES, very small range... havent traded it in years
(1:41 PM) itsmevu_: o
(1:41 PM) screenshot: i go where the money is
(1:42 PM) screenshot: eur baby still ramping, oh well
(1:42 PM) screenshot: 1.2795
(1:42 PM) screenshot: us$ getting clobbered
(1:45 PM) screenshot: YM could ramp here
(1:46 PM) screenshot: L ER 701.30
(1:46 PM) screenshot: out ER + .60
(1:47 PM) screenshot: L YM 71 stop 61
(1:47 PM) screenshot: out partial YM +5
(1:47 PM) screenshot: out partial YM + 15
(1:47 PM) screenshot: heheheh
(1:48 PM) itsmevu_: gj
(1:48 PM) screenshot: out bal YM + 30
(1:48 PM) screenshot: hehehehhe
(1:48 PM) screenshot: what is going on?
(1:49 PM) screenshot: they want to take them higher before killing them again lol
(1:49 PM) stockboy2005: y
(1:49 PM) itsmevu_: y
(1:49 PM) jamin1111: y
JerryO3434: hello
(1:49 PM) brownbear_1: hear ya
(1:49 PM) ddtrader11: y
(1:49 PM) screenshot: jerry, you missing the fun lol
(1:49 PM) brownbear_1: heard that before
(1:50 PM) brownbear_1: lol
(1:50 PM) fst415: we should be trading fo .10-.15 per move in these mkts
(1:50 PM) fst415: for
(1:50 PM) screenshot: right fst, i do all the time
(1:51 PM) screenshot: SMALL NEAT LITTLE BITES
(1:51 PM) fst415: more so in these wacky mkts
(1:51 PM) screenshot: MANY TIMES ALL DAY
(1:52 PM) fst415: see how quickly SNDK reversed direction in past 5-7 min
JerryO3434: cpmox at 2140 bottom of the 10 week
JerryO3434: COMPX
(1:53 PM) brownbear_1: nq's green now
(1:54 PM) screenshot: L ER 03.10
(1:54 PM) brownbear_1: they have
JerryO3434: NDX
JerryO3434: SAME PRINT
(1:54 PM) screenshot: out ER + .70
(1:55 PM) screenshot: ER is a loaded spring
(1:55 PM) screenshot: L YM 07
(1:55 PM) screenshot: add L YM 97
(1:55 PM) ovetus: hello!!!!
(1:56 PM) brownbear_1: hope so jer
(1:56 PM) screenshot: heheheh BURN BABY BURN
JerryO3434: LONG AAPL AT 62.26
(1:56 PM) screenshot: ym baby
(1:56 PM) ovetus: ICE , last friday 71 , now 53.30
JerryO3434: LONG SNDK AT 58.20
(1:56 PM) screenshot: out partial YM +=
(1:57 PM) screenshot: ER coing to big RES here
JerryO3434: SOLD AAPL AT 62.48
(1:57 PM) ovetus: RMBS gamo
(1:57 PM) screenshot: out bal YM +++
(1:57 PM) ovetus: JOYG big gamo
(1:57 PM) ovetus: BA gamo
(1:57 PM) ovetus: BRCM gamo
(1:57 PM) screenshot: heheheh crazy crazy
(1:57 PM) ovetus: CSCO gamo
(1:57 PM) ovetus: SINA gamo
(1:57 PM) screenshot: look at those FUTS lol
(1:57 PM) ovetus: PEIX gamo
(1:57 PM) ovetus: SNDK gamo
(1:58 PM) ovetus: VSEA gamo
(1:58 PM) ovetus: ALKS gamo
(1:58 PM) ovetus: SNDA gamo
(1:58 PM) ovetus: NYX gamo
(1:58 PM) ovetus: NDAQ gamo
(1:58 PM) ovetus: PHM gamo
(1:58 PM) ovetus: BA lomo
(1:58 PM) ovetus: CRD lomo
(1:58 PM) ovetus: CRDN
(1:59 PM) screenshot: watch AAPL go lol
(1:59 PM) ddtrader11: '
(1:59 PM) ovetus: AAPL ps 62.29
(1:59 PM) ovetus: below
(1:59 PM) ovetus: RMBS rejected at ps
JerryO3434: long aapl at 62.50
JerryO3434: SOLD SNDK AT 58.34
(2:01 PM) screenshot: ER need to break 707
(2:02 PM) brownbear_1: we could go here
JerryO3434: SOLD AAPL AY 62.77
(2:02 PM) itsmevu_: wow!
(2:02 PM) fst415: y
(2:02 PM) itsmevu_: YEA!
(2:02 PM) BSilvey: yipee
(2:02 PM) screenshot: heheheh
(2:02 PM) brownbear_1: he ha
(2:02 PM) fst415: MRVL's turn next to roar!
(2:02 PM) screenshot: be aware they may want to trap longs...
(2:03 PM) brownbear_1: yeah ha
(2:03 PM) screenshot: L ER 707
(2:03 PM) fst415: here comes MRVL!
(2:03 PM) ovetus: i pound on me cause i see this coming and i did nt profit
(2:03 PM) ovetus: i am the dumbest on earth
(2:03 PM) brownbear_1: you ain/
(2:03 PM) ovetus: lol rofl
(2:03 PM) brownbear_1: 't so dumb
(2:04 PM) brownbear_1: you a'int
(2:04 PM) screenshot: ovetus.... MANANA MANANA
(2:04 PM) itsmevu_: haha
(2:04 PM) ovetus: i mean i was sure the mkt some moemnt was to turn bearsih cause the rates and inflation jitters, now is upon us
(2:04 PM) screenshot: yhoo strong
(2:04 PM) ovetus: and is sell the rallies
JerryO3434: LONG CSCO AT 20.39
(2:05 PM) ovetus: instead of buying dips ?
(2:05 PM) screenshot: program buyers buy at lunch time lol
(2:05 PM) ovetus: csco 200EMA 20.53
(2:05 PM) ovetus: COULD GO TEHRE
(2:05 PM) screenshot: L YM 20
(2:05 PM) screenshot: zoom to ze moon
(2:06 PM) screenshot: add L Y13
(2:08 PM) ovetus: if FED rises rates in June, the mkt fall´s you will see, wil be at least double than what we ve seen already
(2:08 PM) ovetus: a truly bear mkt
(2:08 PM) ovetus: if they raise again
(2:08 PM) screenshot: ovetus, then WE WILL SHORT lol
(2:08 PM) ovetus: s señor
(2:08 PM) ovetus: si
(2:09 PM) ovetus: need cuadruple cosmos shot as we speak.....
(2:09 PM) screenshot: stopped out ym
(2:11 PM) MMags1999: yep
(2:11 PM) itsmevu_: great!
(2:12 PM) MMags1999: waiting for the next trade
(2:12 PM) TradingDuke: y
(2:12 PM) MMags1999: ready
(2:14 PM) screenshot: L YM 101
(2:15 PM) screenshot: out partial YM + 5
(2:15 PM) MMags1999: still getting used to this counter trend stuff
JerryO3434: keith are you here
(2:16 PM) brownbear_1: should we be rolling more after the bottom - jer ??
(2:17 PM) screenshot: out partial YM + 8
(2:17 PM) brownbear_1: ok with ya
(2:17 PM) ovetus: at some moment in time you will be right
(2:17 PM) ovetus: but we have been saying that for may days ago
(2:17 PM) screenshot: ovetus flip a pesos
(2:18 PM) ovetus: we r daytrader
(2:18 PM) ovetus: what the heck
(2:18 PM) MMags1999: I see that..
(2:18 PM) ovetus: IRAs must be haircutted lol
(2:18 PM) ovetus: and should become bald at all
(2:19 PM) screenshot: YM coillllllllllllllllllllllll
JerryO3434: LONG AAPL AT 62.70
(2:19 PM) fst415: futures going now
(2:19 PM) MMags1999: l at .70
(2:19 PM) ovetus: Rockky horror show will begin when Dow will crush 10 k barrier to the downside
(2:19 PM) ovetus: we stil have plenty of room
(2:19 PM) ovetus: to fall
(2:20 PM) MMags1999: .20 stop Jer?
(2:20 PM) MMags1999: k
JerryO3434: 1257 IS A MUST
JerryO3434: ES
(2:22 PM) MMags1999: k
(2:22 PM) MMags1999: out of apply IF it breaks 62.50
(2:22 PM) brownbear_1: have in past and got scars to prove it
(2:23 PM) brownbear_1: do we need semis to participate - they not good here
(2:24 PM) MMags1999: out at .49
(2:24 PM) MMags1999: np
(2:24 PM) mplsrmt: mrvl lod
(2:24 PM) screenshot: L EUR 93
(2:24 PM) brownbear_1: ok
(2:28 PM) MMags1999: Man...Jer AAPl pulled way back
(2:28 PM) MMags1999: yes
(2:28 PM) MMags1999: but seems off 62 it bounces nice usually
(2:30 PM) screenshot: out EUR + 5
(2:30 PM) brownbear_1: july crude just closed 69.85 -1.90
(2:30 PM) brownbear_1: sure is
(2:30 PM) MMags1999: double almost tripple bottom on csco
JerryO3434: OIH
(2:30 PM) brownbear_1: -4.06
JerryO3434: 2.30 REVERSAL
(2:32 PM) screenshot: EUR 1.28 not cheap to go to Europe these days
(2:33 PM) brownbear_1: massive distribution in a very short time
(2:33 PM) brownbear_1: that's it
(2:33 PM) brownbear_1: amazing
JerryO3434: 11,050
(2:36 PM) ragic_1: amzn trying
JerryO3434: 1257 IS THE KEY RIGHT NOW
(2:39 PM) screenshot: L ER 05
(2:39 PM) screenshot: coil coil coil om futs
JerryO3434: HUGE BATTLE AT 1257 ES
(2:41 PM) screenshot: out ER +.50
(2:41 PM) II VWAP II: << all done in cash
(2:41 PM) II VWAP II: no more trading for me
(2:41 PM) II VWAP II:
(2:41 PM) ragic_1: klac line of spike tops at 39.34..
(2:42 PM) II VWAP II: OPPS my speakrs was off just noticed
(2:42 PM) screenshot: er 707 brick wall
(2:45 PM) screenshot: er baby
(2:45 PM) ragic_1: l klac .36
(2:45 PM) screenshot: L ER 707.50
(2:46 PM) screenshot: out ER + .60
(2:46 PM) screenshot: hehehh
(2:46 PM) fst415: semis very strong come back now
(2:46 PM) screenshot: get in be out
(2:46 PM) fst415: we need them!
(2:47 PM) Nastradeer1_1: Greed - LOLLLLLLLLLLL
(2:47 PM) Nastradeer1_1: lol
(2:47 PM) screenshot: L YM 34
(2:47 PM) screenshot: to ze moon
(2:47 PM) MMags1999: See Jer...huge pop off the 62
(2:48 PM) screenshot: putch putsch
(2:48 PM) Nastradeer1_1: OK JER watch AAPL
(2:48 PM) screenshot: out partial YM +5
(2:48 PM) screenshot: out partial YM +10
(2:48 PM) screenshot: hhehehehhee
JerryO3434: SOLD AAPL AT 62.85
(2:48 PM) ragic_1: out of klac +.16
(2:48 PM) kidcul: rolling stops here
(2:48 PM) kidcul: long tons
(2:48 PM) screenshot: out bal YM + 12
(2:49 PM) grobb3: in size here jerry
(2:49 PM) screenshot: man GREAT MARKET
(2:49 PM) screenshot: volatility is what we NEED LOL
(2:49 PM) ragic_1: rmbs flying
(2:50 PM) ferniee3: rofl ,,,, there's that murdalize :>:>
(2:50 PM) screenshot: ER 710 brick wall
(2:50 PM) ferniee3: I luv ya, man :>:>
(2:50 PM) Nastradeer1_1: The NAS Adv/Dec Vol has been shifting back & forth like craayin the last two hrs
(2:50 PM) MMags1999: partial on my csco here
(2:50 PM) MMags1999: moved stop on balance to 1/4
(2:52 PM) MMags1999: Jer: Day like today I should have went larget size
(2:52 PM) screenshot: L ER 707.40
(2:53 PM) Nastradeer1_1: If you take a look at AAPL's 5 Min chart patern, it looks the same as the QQQQ's today, in the past it hasn't always.
(2:53 PM) screenshot: out ER +1.40
(2:53 PM) screenshot: heheheheh
(2:54 PM) screenshot: this is the way the markets should behave everyday LOL
(2:54 PM) screenshot: yep
(2:54 PM) screenshot: this is FUNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN
(2:55 PM) screenshot: L EUR 04 stop 00
JerryO3434: 1261.50
(2:56 PM) itsmevu_: ya
(2:56 PM) grizz_9: y
(2:56 PM) brownbear_1: back to the battle zone here
(2:57 PM) harry120: sndk pop
(2:57 PM) ragic_1: sndk looks handy if futs break up
JerryO3434: LONG SNDK AT 58.50
JerryO3434: SOLD SNDK AT 58.60
(3:00 PM) ragic_1: wd very nice
(3:00 PM) cashmarket: brcm
JerryO3434: LONG SNDK AT 58.70
(3:01 PM) mrblue_7: Just had a beautiful thing happen. My brokers price stuck at YM 11137. I shorted then called them and closed over the phone for +20 points!!!
(3:01 PM) mrblue_7: LOL
JerryO3434: SOLD SNDKJ AT 58.83
(3:02 PM) screenshot: hope you had 20 contracts lol
(3:02 PM) iwhistler: y
(3:02 PM) grizz_9: out at 79
(3:02 PM) iwhistler: were following
(3:02 PM) screenshot: L YM 36
(3:03 PM) ragic_1: sndk at y/days LOD
JerryO3434: HARRY
(3:03 PM) harry120: i am hear
(3:04 PM) harry120: no chance
(3:04 PM) itsmevu_: hehe
(3:05 PM) screenshot: add L YM 26
(3:06 PM) screenshot: go ym BABY GO GO
(3:07 PM) screenshot: ym coil
(3:07 PM) ragic_1: 63.00 is aapl y/day LOD
JerryO3434: ALEXEY
(3:09 PM) mrblue_7: OH God, My broker quote stuck on YM 11124
(3:09 PM) brownbear_1: battle zone - doji still in effect
(3:09 PM) screenshot: 11114
(3:10 PM) mrblue_7: hehehe
(3:10 PM) brownbear_1: yes sir
(3:10 PM) screenshot: 110
(3:10 PM) screenshot: 07
(3:10 PM) screenshot: 05
(3:10 PM) mrblue_7: Can't do it to them again. Thats taking the ...
(3:10 PM) screenshot: 09
(3:11 PM) Dan-NY: yes
(3:11 PM) screenshot: 04
(3:12 PM) screenshot: 09
(3:13 PM) mrblue_7: Couldn't do it to them twice. Don't want to cheat really
(3:13 PM) screenshot: YM 11111
(3:14 PM) mrblue_7: price still stuck. Must have serious probs
(3:14 PM) mrblue_7: aahh moving again now
(3:14 PM) harry120: 17500 buy contracts went sndk
(3:15 PM) screenshot: WHO ARE YOU USING?
(3:15 PM) mrblue_7: HEHEHE
(3:15 PM) mrblue_7: Broker in London
(3:15 PM) screenshot: yhoo NICE
(3:15 PM) grizz_9: brcm
(3:15 PM) screenshot: 11113
(3:16 PM) screenshot: AND A- RAMPING WE GO
(3:16 PM) Dan-NY: one on SNDK 3c loss
(3:17 PM) Dan-NY:
(3:17 PM) Dan-NY: i did twice that time +11. +14
(3:17 PM) brownbear_1: can't take it down then take it up
(3:18 PM) brownbear_1: me neither
(3:22 PM) grizz_9: dt forming on yhoo
(3:25 PM) Dan-NY: Jerr on 3 min chart FUTS i have 30 min MA, r u using 34 MA?
(3:25 PM) Dan-NY: y
(3:26 PM) Dan-NY: nothing can do
(3:30 PM) screenshot: l er 708.50
JerryO3434: 3.30 REVERSAL BACK UP
(3:31 PM) screenshot: OUT ER + .80
(3:31 PM) screenshot: HEHEHE
(3:31 PM) screenshot: ER GOING CRAZY
(3:31 PM) screenshot: l ym 20
(3:35 PM) screenshot: OUT PARTIAL YM + 7
(3:35 PM) screenshot: OUT PARTIAL YM + 10
(3:36 PM) screenshot: OUT BAL YM + 15
(3:36 PM) screenshot: BANG BANG BANG
(3:36 PM) screenshot: 11150 11150 11150
(3:37 PM) screenshot: l er 10.50
(3:38 PM) screenshot: OUT er + 1.00
(3:38 PM) screenshot: HEHEHH
(3:39 PM) ovetus: who is short ?
(3:39 PM) wwwalker: jerry i just took a barrle of out of csco
(3:39 PM) screenshot: l ym 36
(3:39 PM) wwwalker: and happy
(3:39 PM) screenshot: OUT ym PARTIAL _+12
(3:39 PM) ovetus: CRDN long 43.93>>>>>>
(3:39 PM) fst415: . i'm in QCOM
(3:39 PM) wwwalker: ok jerry i am goner on 5k
JerryO3434: SOLD CSCO 20.57
(3:40 PM) screenshot: OUT PARTIAL ym +20
(3:40 PM) screenshot: 11200 11200 11200
(3:40 PM) wwwalker: wtg jerry
(3:40 PM) grizz_9: $390 up for the pm
(3:40 PM) screenshot: UNREAL
(3:40 PM) wwwalker: ok i am done jerry
(3:40 PM) brownbear_1: we will have an up bias for tomorrow
(3:40 PM) harry120: aapl has resistance at 200
(3:40 PM) screenshot: FUTS GOING CRAZY
(3:40 PM) ovetus: ALKS gamo
(3:40 PM) grizz_9: how often do we get those last 20 minute pops up?
(3:41 PM) Dan-NY: yes
(3:41 PM) ragic_1: sndk has prev resis in teens
(3:41 PM) Dan-NY: jerry did not hear u
(3:41 PM) screenshot: A DAY TO REMEMBER LOL
(3:41 PM) ovetus: sold CRDN 44.13 +.20 cents
(3:42 PM) stevefi:
***** Start Whisper
e-sig has a online seminar at 4:30 for newbies like me
***** End Whisper
(3:42 PM) ovetus: in this room ?
(3:42 PM) ovetus: we r only Bulls how come?
(3:42 PM) brownbear_1: those sndk m/m were loading up shaking out the little guy
(3:42 PM) mrblue_7: Massive Volume on this up move
(3:42 PM) ovetus: the mkt only moves up
(3:43 PM) ovetus: lol
(3:43 PM) brownbear_1: lol
(3:43 PM) ovetus: da bos is getting mad
(3:44 PM) ovetus: nuts
(3:44 PM) brownbear_1: could be long for few days
(3:44 PM) ovetus: AAPL is a long all the time
(3:44 PM) Dan-NY: I cant belive i lost 20 on AAPL 20min ago'
(3:44 PM) Dan-NY: no i did not and am sorry
(3:44 PM) ovetus: SNDK strong
(3:45 PM) ovetus: AAPL rocketing
(3:45 PM) ovetus: no sellers out there
(3:45 PM) screenshot: L ER 715.40
(3:45 PM) fst415: SNDK also very strong
(3:45 PM) ovetus: screen , yo became short size leete
(3:46 PM) ovetus: letter font i mena
(3:46 PM) screenshot: YES, SOMETHING HAPPENED
(3:46 PM) ovetus: r you long ?
(3:46 PM) screenshot: Y
(3:46 PM) ovetus: ok fine
(3:47 PM) ovetus: if you short AAPlat 63.50 and coever now you will make a nice 22 cnets profit also
(3:47 PM) ovetus: even if she is going up
(3:47 PM) mrblue_7: High of day on YM 11184, we may take that out in next 10 mins
(3:47 PM) mrblue_7: ?
(3:48 PM) mrblue_7: prob not
(3:48 PM) ovetus: still waiting to 10900
(3:48 PM) BSilvey: should be nice day tomorrow
(3:48 PM) grizz_9: are these questionable trades from class members?
(3:48 PM) grizz_9: good
(3:48 PM) harry120: I am done see you tom...HOORAY
(3:48 PM) ovetus: how is oil?
(3:48 PM) ovetus: how is 5 year int rates?
(3:49 PM) harry120: Ok +$662 before costs
(3:49 PM) grizz_9: nice
(3:49 PM) koza2: wtg
(3:49 PM) mplsrmt:
(3:49 PM) brownbear_1: wtg harry
(3:49 PM) grizz_9: how many trades?
(3:49 PM) stockboy2005:
(3:49 PM) itsmevu_: lol
(3:49 PM) harry120: you sound like my mum....
(3:50 PM) brownbear_1: me mum
(3:50 PM) harry120: surrogate mum
(3:50 PM) itsmevu_: i love it jer
(3:50 PM) MMags1999: I am done for today.
(3:50 PM) MMags1999: see ya in the morning Jer
(3:50 PM) harry120: greed has been a major problem for you are spot on
(3:50 PM) MMags1999: bye everyone
(3:50 PM) mrblue_7: i am +51 points for today.
(3:51 PM) itsmevu_: bye
(3:51 PM) delfin771: one out of four down $80.00
JerryO3434: CSCO
(3:52 PM) itsmevu_: i did
(3:52 PM) mnick_1: y
(3:52 PM) bocarat: y
(3:52 PM) easyeddie: y
(3:52 PM) Samuel 155: yes
(3:52 PM) stockboy2005: yes
(3:52 PM) stevefi: a bit
(3:52 PM) BSilvey: just a little
(3:52 PM) delfin771: I tried to enter at 20.24 but genesis said I was at my limit loss
(3:53 PM) delfin771: yes
(3:53 PM) grizz_9: how many trades (in / out = 1 trade) is too many?
(3:53 PM) delfin771: I called them and they fixed it
(3:53 PM) delfin771: y
(3:53 PM) delfin771: yes
(3:53 PM) brownbear_1: gotta get that 34 to rise - don't want to test it after hours
(3:54 PM) wvombaur: could you lose money today?
(3:55 PM) grizz_9: lol
(3:56 PM) ovetus: overtrading
(3:57 PM) ovetus: AAPL going down , how come? is that possible ?
(3:57 PM) ovetus: i made half a trade
(3:57 PM) bocarat: none he is broke koza
JerryO3434: LOL
(3:57 PM) ovetus: im out of the game.
(3:58 PM) ovetus: im waiting for mkt to fall
(3:59 PM) ovetus: CRD n left 20 cents on da table jesss
(3:59 PM) ovetus: on eminute
(3:59 PM) ovetus: to the bell
(4:00 PM) fst415: ok. tomorrow will be fun.
(4:00 PM) ovetus: up 1300
(4:00 PM) emg3emg3: great thx
(4:00 PM) emg3emg3: 1700
(4:00 PM) Dan-NY: Juan still celabrating Barcelona's win?
(4:00 PM) ovetus: tkx OJ
(4:01 PM) ovetus: lol danny
(4:01 PM) screenshot: HEHEHEHEH WHAT A GREAT DAY
(4:01 PM) koza2: 500 paper
(4:01 PM) bocarat: best day for me +538 440 of it from CSCO ty
(4:01 PM) bocarat: i"ll love it
(4:01 PM) bocarat: csco has been good for me ty for suggesstion to trade it
(4:01 PM) stockboy2005: 18 trades 5 losses 13 winners + $400 paper trading
(4:01 PM) ovetus: is the spike in NYX reall ?
(4:02 PM) koza2: no
(4:02 PM) TradingDuke: ok today - some stupid trades though
(4:02 PM) screenshot: BIGGEST VOLUME DAY OF YEAR
(4:02 PM) ovetus: NYX wasssupppp?
(4:02 PM) fst415: cnbc says today was the biggest volume day
JerryO3434: GERNOT
(4:02 PM) ovetus: wowo now came right down NYX
JerryO3434: SURE
JerryO3434: SNDK
JerryO3434: CSCO IN SIZE
(4:03 PM) TradingDuke: never made any mony with aapl - don'n know why
JerryO3434: MRVL
JerryO3434: BRCM
JerryO3434: PEIX
(4:04 PM) TradingDuke: allways get stopped out with aapl
(4:04 PM) Dan-NY: Jerr that is good that u can see our trades, now I feel more secure
JerryO3434: ADMIN
(4:05 PM) ovetus: the all seeing eye
(4:05 PM) harry120: I heard that
(4:05 PM) Dan-NY: lol Juan
(4:05 PM) harry120: dead right it is....listen to the man
(4:05 PM) ovetus: nice close on PEIX
(4:05 PM) Samuel 155: traded JOYG for +$700 and CSCO for $384 after commissions
JerryO3434: NICE SAM
(4:06 PM) bocarat: vn sam
(4:06 PM) brownbear_1: testing the 34sma
(4:06 PM) ovetus: wtg sam
(4:06 PM) koza2: bravo sam
(4:06 PM) brownbear_1: wtg sam
(4:07 PM) ovetus: lol
(4:07 PM) koza2: thx
(4:07 PM) ovetus: da big brotha
(4:07 PM) delfin771: that's why I love it here
(4:07 PM) ovetus: in the fut we all be death, any disagree?
(4:08 PM) ovetus: is the most accurate call for the futs
(4:08 PM) ovetus: i ve ever heard
(4:08 PM) brownbear_1: juan ???
(4:08 PM) bocarat: you wont be wrong Juan
(4:08 PM) ovetus: im 100 in the money
(4:08 PM) ovetus:
(4:09 PM) Dan-NY: actualy 7 trades . one lost 200sh for 20cent, wins was for 10c 100sh each. mean am even after comission
(4:09 PM) brownbear_1: touched that 34 here jer
(4:09 PM) ovetus: being serious: mkt was due for a bounce. it got one
(4:10 PM) ovetus: now we should hope to substain its gains
(4:10 PM) ovetus: lets see what tomorrow brings
(4:11 PM) ovetus: be in cash, and be reaqdy to react soon as the mkt changes direction
(4:11 PM) ovetus: yes
(4:11 PM) ovetus: biggest vol dya so far
(4:11 PM) brownbear_1: 2.24billion
(4:11 PM) ovetus: maybe a floor sign
(4:12 PM) ovetus: when is fed o june?
(4:12 PM) ovetus: what day?
(4:12 PM) Nastradeer1_1: > Vol was on 5/24/06, w/2.68 Bil
(4:12 PM) ovetus: fed is the 28th June?
(4:13 PM) gjeinc100: thks jer super job today way to coach! wtg!!!
(4:13 PM) bocarat: ty for the day
(4:13 PM) ovetus: that will be the next top in mkt
(4:13 PM) ovetus: fed day
(4:13 PM) Nastradeer1_1: sounds good Jer, thx
(4:13 PM) ovetus: 4 cosmos please
(4:13 PM) Dan-NY: sound perfect
(4:13 PM) ovetus: c u jerr
(4:14 PM) ovetus: bye all
(4:14 PM) mrblue_7: I'm already half way through my Chinese take away and bottle of white wine
OK guys , From today on wards I wont be posting any more P/L. I needed to show to our traders that there is more to trading than entry /exit and risk and money mangament is every thing for long term success. Please notice the word long term as this is the key .

Any body can make 2 good trades, Any one can throw a dice and get three heads. BUT IS THIS HOW YOU WANT TO MAKE A LIVING ? IS THROWING DICE GOOD ENOUGH FOR YOU ?

Would you borrow money from your bank and go to casino ? if not why are you doing it on stock market ?

you ought to sit back and wise up. you really do .

Enough has been said. From here on ward the choice is all yours.

During the course of next few month I will discuss various aspects of day trading techniques . I will be discussing the kind of methodologies that you are all familiar with and not any thing fancy like the VWAP ENGINE. Things like relative strength and stuff like that . Hope fully it will help our young traders to become better traders.

Hi Grey1,

i just wanted to say i enjoy this thread and all the helpfull knowledge you share with all of us.

one question i would like to know is...
what is you postion size?? i happened to notice that you have over 3800 share default on booktrader that seems kind of high 😱
moreagr said:
Hi Grey1,

i just wanted to say i enjoy this thread and all the helpfull knowledge you share with all of us.

one question i would like to know is...
what is you postion size?? i happened to notice that you have over 3800 share default on booktrader that seems kind of high 😱


I block trade any thing from 1 block ( 1000 in each block ) to 10. Yesterday i had 6700 on RMBS. My postion size various a lot depending on the risk aassesed by VWAP. If the risk is high I only Trade 1 block .

Grey1 said:
I had a fantastic day meeting up with BLUE CHIP Trader ( a high calibre technician ) as well as FIBBO who made a specially journey from Sweden to come to this meeting.

Hi everyone. Forget the DaVinci Code and crack Iraj’s “Mighty VWAP Engine” code and build yourself a successful trading business.

On Tuesday, I had a phenomenal day with Grey1. I am very grateful to Iraj for his very warm and gracious welcome and for allowing me to share his trading room live and trade with his real money! We discussed strategies, RISK, POSITION SIZING, TRADE AND MONEY MANAGEMENT techniques.

The mighty VWAP engine is truly awesome. The multi-timeframe alert with dynamically adjusted position sizing allows control of risk and maximise gains with appropriate level of volatility. His MACCI trend exhaustion and VWAP engines make a formidable trading tool. Throughout the day he emphasised the importance of proper RISK and POSITION SIZING with several “what if” scenarios. I found this really helpful as I believe the risk of ruin is all too real for traders the longer they stay exposed to the market.

The combination of these two engines means that it’s not essential to use level II or know where the market is. More importantly it takes away in my view about 90% of trader psychology/emotion which is the cause of ruin for most traders.

The system produced several excellent signals though we did not trade all of them either because the exhaustion engine did not quite confer or we were busy chit chatting and missed the signal or we were too busy watching pigeons instead of the market. Pigeons are the other passion of Iraj’s life!

Ten hours went by so quickly. We had such good fun, lots of laughs and yes, quite a few $$$ too!

Iraj many thanks indeed for the awesome experience and best wishes for the future.
BlueChip Trader said:
Pigeons are the other passion of Iraj’s life!
I also have a backup for contacting my broker. As long as he holds his can really tight, we get quite a good connection.
VWAP Engine

Please forgive my ignorance regarding the VWAP Engine however I am left a little confused regarding some of the discussions on it.

Having read and applied the VWAP process on technical trader I felt that my understanding of MDP and VWAP was quite good. The recent posts on timeframes and MCCI readings on those timeframes have left me puzzled.

Has the VWAP process encorporated multiday timeframes? If so how are these built into the process?

Steve, the MACCI reading has always been an element of VWAP trading as discussed on these boards. What aspect of MACCI interpretation is confusing in relation to timeframes?

Hi Bramble

I've only used the CCI reading against +MPD/ -MPD bands because of quotetracker not being able to modify it and slow it down.

I was trying to explain, rather badly, that I don't understand how we can use Grey1's methodology in multiple timeframes.

Can we use CCI or MCCI readings from 5 minute, 1 minute, 15 minute and hourly timeframes and use these to provide the confirmatory triggers to upper and lower VWAP band breaches?

How do these elements fit together as I've only ever used 5 minute charts?

Sorry if I have missed any information on other threads regarding this, I have read everything that I have come across.

BlueChip Trader said:
Hi everyone. Forget the DaVinci Code and crack Iraj’s “Mighty VWAP Engine” code and build yourself a successful trading business.

On Tuesday, I had a phenomenal day with Grey1. I am very grateful to Iraj for his very warm and gracious welcome and for allowing me to share his trading room live and trade with his real money! We discussed strategies, RISK, POSITION SIZING, TRADE AND MONEY MANAGEMENT techniques.

The mighty VWAP engine is truly awesome. The multi-timeframe alert with dynamically adjusted position sizing allows control of risk and maximise gains with appropriate level of volatility. His MACCI trend exhaustion and VWAP engines make a formidable trading tool. Throughout the day he emphasised the importance of proper RISK and POSITION SIZING with several “what if” scenarios. I found this really helpful as I believe the risk of ruin is all too real for traders the longer they stay exposed to the market.

The combination of these two engines means that it’s not essential to use level II or know where the market is. More importantly it takes away in my view about 90% of trader psychology/emotion which is the cause of ruin for most traders.

The system produced several excellent signals though we did not trade all of them either because the exhaustion engine did not quite confer or we were busy chit chatting and missed the signal or we were too busy watching pigeons instead of the market. Pigeons are the other passion of Iraj’s life!

Ten hours went by so quickly. We had such good fun, lots of laughs and yes, quite a few $$$ too!

Iraj many thanks indeed for the awesome experience and best wishes for the future.

Blue chip my man ,

Thank you for taking time to listen to a TA Frick who has been putting most his life in modelling financial time series. From the moment Mrs Thatcher privatised BT and i made my first £300 during which i was doing my Msc degree, i got hooked to trading till today . I nearly gave up in 1993 thinking market was a big giant CASINO with random behaviour and never thought such an efficient system could be tamed , But now I know.

On our meeting as well as other live trading days with IAN and JULIAN I meant to demonstrate

1) you donot need L2
2) you donot need to guess the market direction

to be able to make a living from the market. In fact on the day the only subject we did not cover was market direction and L2. L2 was an effective tool before decimalisation . Not any more.( however it is not useless. I would never say using L2 is a disadvantage , ..)

To be quit honest , it is not difficult to design a system to give you 50 % plus calls on the market direction but do we really need that ? Nope.

ALL THE INFORMATION INCLUDING THE FUTURE MARKET MOVES IS IN CURRENT STOCK PRICE AND YOU WILL ALL LEARN THAT IN TIME > Give yourself a few years of trading then you know i am not bull craping you . ( WHAT IS NOT IN THE CURRENT PRICE IN COMETS SUCH AS , 911 incident, Antrax found in white house , JFK shooting , sunami and stuff like that ) . Even Brittney spear' s second pregnancy is in the price , I bet you did not know that lol )

Oh well . I wont be posting any more P/L as i explained but my daily target is around $1900 which increases as the capital increases. ( Anti Martingle ).

May God bless all your souls. stick to that stop loss. learn how to put the stop and as you both noticed on the trading day i only had a technical stop LX and SX and price fell 99 % of the times right after my stop .. AM i right Bluechip ? lol

they liked that gdp number

Morning all

so far the street liked that GDP number. Lert's see if can have a full day of follow thru.

There is a lot of resistance overhead so be cool.

we have a 3 day weekend as the markets are closed Monday

rest up folks you'll need it..................................... :cheesy:

Let's make some money today ok?
lloydsc said:
Hi Bramble

I've only used the CCI reading against +MPD/ -MPD bands because of quotetracker not being able to modify it and slow it down.

I was trying to explain, rather badly, that I don't understand how we can use Grey1's methodology in multiple timeframes.

Can we use CCI or MCCI readings from 5 minute, 1 minute, 15 minute and hourly timeframes and use these to provide the confirmatory triggers to upper and lower VWAP band breaches?

How do these elements fit together as I've only ever used 5 minute charts?

Sorry if I have missed any information on other threads regarding this, I have read everything that I have come across.

OK. I've jumped in misunderstanding what you were asking and I'm probably not the one to answer your question. I only use a 5min chart when trading VWAP and I use MACCI on that same 5min chart. When trading VWAP I don't use any other timeframes or confirmation signals.

I believe Grey1 is using a somewhat higher spec VWAP engine these days than that method which we used to playfully trade a couple of years back. His current concoction appears to pump out numeric levels for trading rather than relying on (any?) chart based indicators for his trading signals.

So, I'm using the equivalent of an oil-lamp while he uses a laser to trade this beastie. Now, must go and sharpen my quill so that I can write my broker and place an order...
Grey1 said:


I block trade any thing from 1 block ( 1000 in each block ) to 10. Yesterday i had 6700 on RMBS. My postion size various a lot depending on the risk aassesed by VWAP. If the risk is high I only Trade 1 block .


wow thanks for your response grey1!!
some one sent me this link about VWAP .. Is not it amazing that suddenly VWAP has become a bench mark where three years ago when i first discussed it no one even heard of the it .

PS:-- I will reply to other posts after the market hours as i am in the middle of kicking the bottom of bugger BRCM .. No shorting problem to day .

Just A Thought

What with the negative current readings on Crdue up big, bonds got hit hard today, and generally the markets are tryinbg to hold on here.

The real question for me is can they ignore this negativity and buy it anyway today and tomorrow

we shall see in hindsight right?

let's see if sentiment has chenged here for the better.
so far we are holding here..

EBAY YHOO big news there!!!

i am long EBAY and AAPL in to the close

so so day so far....sooooooo.............................. 🙄
Todays Trading In The Room

(4:08 AM) Paltalk: Hi everyone. All room members are a dedicated group of professional daytraders. It does not matter what your level of expertise is since we are here to help you make a living everyday. We are scalpers for now looking to make a Days Pay. Good Luck Jerry
(8:44 AM) freedom_1000: good morning.
(8:47 AM) cashmarket: gm
(8:48 AM) dat-cat: GM
(8:48 AM) filpa: Good Morning Jerry & everyone
JerryO3434: morning all
(8:55 AM) stevefi: gm
(8:55 AM) cashmarket: question jerry so when the buy triggers all go off before market on brcm sndk aapl and mrvl like today do you wait the first five or set buy stops in over the btls???
(8:55 AM) cashmarket: because they can move so fast you cant get them after open
JerryO3434: yhoo & ebay
JerryO3434: CSCO
(9:07 AM) jamin1111: GM everyone !
(9:11 AM) grizz_9: gm jerry
(9:11 AM) eam707: gm Jerry and all
(9:11 AM) stann8: man these gaps are getting a bit old
(9:15 AM) watsoman: gm steve, everyone
(9:16 AM) watsoman: gm jerry
(9:17 AM) BSilvey: joyg big drop prior to earnings call at 11 AM
(9:24 AM) screenshot: GM ALL lets make $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
(9:24 AM) cashmarket: gm
(9:24 AM) persistent1: any sound?
(9:24 AM) Nastradeer1_1: Sound = only when someone speaks, LOL
(9:25 AM) persistent1: anyone speaking?
(9:25 AM) persistent1: got it, thx!
(9:26 AM) brownbear_1: abbey to be on CNBC soon - bad news - sorry
(9:27 AM) screenshot: she? he? it?
(9:27 AM) Landlala: you have 3 days
(9:28 AM) brownbear_1: abbey cohen - she
(9:28 AM) screenshot: oh, i see... lol
(9:28 AM) brownbear_1: lol
(9:28 AM) screenshot: very confusing
(9:28 AM) brownbear_1: not stepping on that one
(9:28 AM) screenshot: splat
(9:29 AM) screenshot: yhoo unreal
(9:29 AM) fst415: wait for pullback
(9:31 AM) Paltalk: sreno reddotted by: JerryO3434
JerryO3434: do njt chase the gap
JerryO3434: not
(9:34 AM) brownbear_1: aapl gap for real
(9:35 AM) brownbear_1: semis not doing so well
(9:36 AM) fst415: AKAM looking ready to pop
(9:37 AM) emg3emg3: jer do you have any pos?
(9:37 AM) emg3emg3: tu
(9:37 AM) cashmarket: QCOM
(9:38 AM) screenshot: YM 11225 will take us higher
(9:39 AM) fst415: AKAM!
(9:40 AM) screenshot: L EUR 98
(9:40 AM) screenshot: stop 90
(9:40 AM) stockboy2005: JOYG db
(9:40 AM) fst415: took .12 off AKAM. now moving
(9:41 AM) brownbear_1: amd mrvl brcm all -
(9:41 AM) stockboy2005: JOYG in .80 out .01 +.21
(9:42 AM) stockboy2005: MRVL lod
(9:42 AM) brownbear_1: july crude 70.325 +.50
(9:43 AM) screenshot: oh oh abby's on he looks mean
(9:43 AM) brownbear_1: lol
(9:44 AM) stockboy2005: BRCM LOD
(9:44 AM) harry120: 83000 buy contracts on aapl
(9:45 AM) fst415: oj, AKAM very strong
(9:46 AM) cashmarket: STALKING ANYTHING?
(9:47 AM) stockboy2005: QCOM HOD
(9:47 AM) screenshot: out EUR + 7
JerryO3434: LONG AAPL AT 64./04
(9:49 AM) screenshot: L ER 722
(9:49 AM) screenshot: BADABING
JerryO3434: SOLD AAPL AT 63.94 LOST 10 CENTS
(9:51 AM) screenshot: out ER + .50
(9:54 AM) grizz_9: y
(9:55 AM) MMags1999: didnt enter
(9:55 AM) watsoman: yes
(9:55 AM) Dan-NY: just did
(9:56 AM) watsoman: yes
(9:56 AM) brownbear_1: heading for the 40's
(9:56 AM) Dan-NY: mrvl cover +24
(9:56 AM) watsoman: that's my plan
(9:56 AM) brownbear_1: good stop aapl - jer
(9:57 AM) ragic_1: aapl at y/days LOD
(9:57 AM) ragic_1: HOD sorry
(9:58 AM) Dan-NY: LRCX lod on hi CCI
JerryO3434: LONG AAPL AT 63.79 20 CENT STOPS
(10:00 AM) screenshot: L EUR 06
JerryO3434: LONG CSCO AT 20.64
JerryO3434: SOLD AAPL AT 63.86
(10:01 AM) delfin771: AAPL +07
(10:02 AM) stockboy2005: would KLAC be 5 dojis
(10:03 AM) brownbear_1: tough day so far
(10:04 AM) fst415: i would not be surprised if we fill the gap
(10:05 AM) ragic_1: aapl +11 sell stop at .64
(10:05 AM) MMags1999: aapl just doesnt stay par with the market and the sectors... it is weak
(10:05 AM) MMags1999: I think the stock will be 30 in less than two years
(10:05 AM) MMags1999: no
(10:06 AM) MMags1999: I know
(10:06 AM) MMags1999:
(10:06 AM) fst415: maybe with a stock split!
(10:06 AM) ragic_1: doji on sndk
JerryO3434: NTES
(10:09 AM) watsoman: it's in pending
(10:09 AM) watsoman: out
(10:10 AM) watsoman: which
(10:10 AM) mplsrmt: joyg power trend down
JerryO3434: MA
(10:10 AM) watsoman: yes
(10:10 AM) watsoman: was watching it
(10:11 AM) grizz_9: aapl
(10:11 AM) mplsrmt: you cant short a ipo? can you
(10:11 AM) Nastradeer1_1: No Mpl
(10:14 AM) brownbear_1: we just closing gap
JerryO3434: LONG AAPL AT 63.57
(10:16 AM) MMags1999: Long too Jer at .60 just now
(10:16 AM) MMags1999: .10 stop though
(10:16 AM) MMags1999: ok
JerryO3434: SOLD AAPL AT 63.70
(10:17 AM) MMags1999: out .70
(10:17 AM) MMags1999: just now too
(10:17 AM) MMags1999: Ah!
(10:17 AM) MMags1999: its okay
(10:18 AM) MMags1999: Jer are you referring to the 20 ema?
(10:18 AM) MMags1999: okay
(10:18 AM) ragic_1: only trading sndk and aapl today as discussed last night .. see how we go..
(10:18 AM) fst415: oj, 220 MA on the daily?
(10:18 AM) fst415: 200
JerryO3434: 5 MINUTE
(10:19 AM) fst415: i saw it toch the 20 SMA on the 5-min.
(10:19 AM) fst415: touch
(10:20 AM) screenshot: L YM 71
(10:20 AM) fst415: that's right
(10:20 AM) fst415: i see it now
(10:23 AM) persistent1: Jerry, I forgot, is it 20, 50, 200 SMA OR EMA?
(10:23 AM) persistent1: OK, THX!
(10:23 AM) fst415: home sales 6.76M vs 6.75M
(10:24 AM) brownbear_1: nat gas 10:30
(10:24 AM) brownbear_1: missed answer to persistent question SMA or EMA ??
(10:25 AM) persistent1: Do you want the EMA's calculated from the Open, Close, High, Middle, or Low, please?
(10:26 AM) persistent1: ok, what about the "Study Shift"?
(10:26 AM) brownbear_1: got my answer
(10:27 AM) fst415: i show 63.45 for AAPL as strong support level. that's where 20/200 MAs' converge
(10:27 AM) ragic_1: sndk big vol on prev candle
(10:27 AM) stevefi: nat gas report comin in 5 min
(10:28 AM) stevefi: ok
(10:30 AM) wvombaur: Jerry I have found amzn the best trader of the far
(10:30 AM) wvombaur: the only one I trade
(10:30 AM) ragic_1: amzn been nice trading lately
(10:30 AM) fst415: AAPL bounced off support in last two 5-min bars. looks good if futures bounce
(10:31 AM) brownbear_1: nat gas 83 vs. 89 build
(10:32 AM) grizz_9: i thought it would run after the up swing in futs
(10:33 AM) grizz_9: sndk
JerryO3434: LONG AAPL AT 63.764 20 CENT STOPS
JerryO3434: SORRY 63.64
(10:34 AM) ragic_1: sndk hammer
(10:36 AM) ragic_1: bit of div on sndk as well
(10:38 AM) delfin771: Jerry, I reached my maximum open positions at 500 shares and I can't trade anymore, I called genesis and they told me I can't change it, it has to be you and I'm stuck in CSCO with 500 shares and I don't want to sell it with a loss
(10:39 AM) delfin771: thank you, ok
(10:39 AM) MMags1999: long aapl here 63.36
(10:40 AM) MMags1999: tight stop
(10:40 AM) fst415: AAPL broke support
(10:40 AM) MMags1999: .10 stop for myself
(10:40 AM) stann8: aapl just filled gap
(10:41 AM) MMags1999: out.50 for .14
(10:41 AM) MMags1999: whew!
(10:41 AM) MMags1999: made .14 on that one Jer
(10:41 AM) brownbear_1: so 461.50 - 3.54
(10:41 AM) brownbear_1: sox
(10:42 AM) MMags1999: thats how I bought it
(10:42 AM) MMags1999: I waited though Jer cause I wanted to keep a tight stop
(10:42 AM) MMags1999: figures...usually what happens!
(10:42 AM) MMags1999: wow!
(10:42 AM) MMags1999: figures
JerryO3434: oih rally
(10:43 AM) brownbear_1: 70.275 +.43
(10:44 AM) brownbear_1: ok
(10:44 AM) MMags1999: here comes an opportunity in aaple again
(10:45 AM) mplsrmt: akam
(10:45 AM) stevefi: jer, u still sitting on csco?
(10:46 AM) stevefi: ok
(10:47 AM) brownbear_1: sure crushed joyg - 7.79
(10:47 AM) brownbear_1: man
(10:48 AM) cashmarket: ntap beat big and still getting b slapped
(10:49 AM) cashmarket: ntap .23 vs .18
(10:49 AM) MMags1999: Jer: I think CSCO is a good company technically here and fundamentally?
(10:49 AM) MMags1999: I think it can go to 22.
(10:50 AM) emg3emg3: sndk jer
(10:50 AM) brownbear_1: 34 sloping down ES will hit without going up in price soon
JerryO3434: LONG SNDK AT 58.15 20 CENT STOPS
(10:51 AM) roger3041: pretty anemic
(10:52 AM) MMags1999: l sndk 57.98
(10:53 AM) MMags1999: .10 stop
JerryO3434: LONG AAPL AT 63.75
(10:53 AM) screenshot: go ym baby
(10:53 AM) MMags1999: finger on the button to sell my sndk
(10:53 AM) stevefi: aapl on
(10:54 AM) stevefi: opps
(10:54 AM) MMags1999: staying patiently with the sndk
(10:54 AM) MMags1999: keeping my stop at .10
(10:54 AM) MMags1999: Jer.. I am getting much better than I was in Nov
(10:55 AM) MMags1999: !
(10:55 AM) MMags1999: out for a .10
(10:55 AM) MMags1999: 57.08
(10:55 AM) MMags1999: whew!!!!!!
(10:55 AM) MMags1999: some at 57.07 for .09 mostly
(10:55 AM) MMags1999: but np on that
JerryO3434: 1268.50 ESS NEEDED
(10:56 AM) screenshot: ym needs to take out 11185 with force
(10:57 AM) fst415: oj, SNDK looks weak
(10:57 AM) MMags1999: going back in sndk
(10:57 AM) MMags1999: 57.99
(10:57 AM) MMags1999: .10 stop again and if I get stopped it is okay but it would be a wash from last one
(10:57 AM) fst415: i think so
(10:57 AM) MMags1999: I have an order in to sell at 58.09 for a dime
(10:58 AM) fst415: no buyers in SNDK
(10:59 AM) ragic_1: failed hammer 5 bars back on sndk, if es goes down
(11:02 AM) ragic_1: +10 on sndk short
(11:03 AM) grizz_9: y
JerryO3434: BRCM'
JerryO3434: AKAM HOD
(11:07 AM) Trader6: Is MRVL a better Long or Short?
(11:07 AM) MMags1999: out sndk for .06
(11:07 AM) MMags1999: 58.05 had to take it
(11:08 AM) MMags1999: of course it runs!
(11:09 AM) MMags1999: did you see sndk pop after I sold it!
(11:09 AM) MMags1999: unbelievable!
(11:09 AM) MMags1999: I know..I had a dime stop but didnt do it
(11:09 AM) MMags1999: wow
(11:09 AM) brownbear_1: tick 900+
(11:10 AM) fst415: cnbc says enron jury has reached verdict.
(11:10 AM) MMags1999: in my csco at .49
(11:10 AM) MMags1999: what do think Jer?
(11:10 AM) screenshot: out partial YM + 8
(11:10 AM) MMags1999: hold it?
(11:10 AM) MMags1999: only up .06 on it
(11:10 AM) ragic_1: +11 on sndk
(11:12 AM) screenshot: L ER 718.70
(11:12 AM) delfin771: CSCO sure moves like a snail
(11:13 AM) MMags1999: sold my csco here at .56
(11:14 AM) ragic_1: aapl trying..
(11:15 AM) fst415: oj, i had given an AKAM alert earlier today.
(11:15 AM) fst415: i got out too soon!
(11:16 AM) fst415: i was unsure about the futs at that time
(11:16 AM) grizz_9: up 280 after comm
(11:17 AM) ragic_1: 2 low vol vol bars on futs
(11:18 AM) mrblue_7: Low ADX so wait until break out and go whichever way it goes. Prob UP at the mo...
(11:18 AM) fst415: i think KLAC is ready to move up. best of the semis today due to upgrade
(11:28 AM) screenshot: out partial YM + 9
(11:28 AM) screenshot: go ym baby
(11:28 AM) screenshot: need to ctrack 11180
(11:29 AM) screenshot: bang thru
(11:29 AM) screenshot: could do it
(11:29 AM) Trader6: rimm
(11:30 AM) screenshot: L EUR 802
(11:31 AM) screenshot: heheheh right thru
(11:31 AM) fst415: watch KLAC
(11:31 AM) screenshot: out bal YM +17
(11:31 AM) screenshot: 11200 11200 11200
(11:34 AM) screenshot: remember wed? was dead too until after lunch
(11:34 AM) Dan-NY: OVTI hod
(11:35 AM) screenshot: heheh
(11:35 AM) screenshot: out ER + .50
(11:37 AM) screenshot: L YM 88
(11:37 AM) screenshot: looks like it wants 11200
(11:37 AM) Dan-NY: cant belive this AAPL, as soon as it took me out went back to my number
(11:37 AM) screenshot: out YM partioal +6
(11:38 AM) ragic_1: +13 aapl
(11:39 AM) ragic_1: win 1, lose 1 today
(11:39 AM) screenshot: BADABING
(11:40 AM) screenshot: out bal YM +12
(11:40 AM) screenshot: 11200 11200 11200
(11:41 AM) screenshot: flat
(11:41 AM) ragic_1: L sndk .34
(11:42 AM) screenshot: next brick wall YM 11250
(11:43 AM) ragic_1: sndk +13
JerryO3434: sold aapl at 63.90
(11:43 AM) brownbear_1: tough .15
(11:43 AM) brownbear_1: you would think aapl be up at least .50
(11:44 AM) roger3041: short er2 at .50
(11:44 AM) ragic_1: its a grab-it quickly day
(11:46 AM) ragic_1: is it worth watching tick/trin regularly?
(11:46 AM) ragic_1: a glance..
JerryO3434: long aapl at 63.90
(11:48 AM) sreno: SBUX running
(11:50 AM) grizz_9: appl is putting me to sleep
(11:51 AM) Dan-NY: lunch time
(11:51 AM) grizz_9: ya
JerryO3434: tick +900
(11:59 AM) jamin1111: ebay is looking weak
(12:00 PM) brownbear_1: futs up stocks not
(12:01 PM) brownbear_1: stow used to say there is something wrong
(12:01 PM) brownbear_1: sure is
(12:01 PM) ragic_1: scratch aapl for 1 cent
(12:02 PM) fst415: skilling guilty
(12:02 PM) brownbear_1: skilling guilty of conspiracy - yeah
(12:02 PM) fst415: enron rally coming
(12:04 PM) fst415: lay gulity too!
(12:04 PM) brownbear_1: get those bas...ds
(12:05 PM) Nastradeer1_1: Ya, i don't know nothing, Skilling & Lay
(12:05 PM) Nastradeer1_1: lol
(12:06 PM) Nastradeer1_1: Enron Founder Ken Lay convicted on all 6 counts - CNBC
(12:08 PM) brownbear_1: hang 'em
JerryO3434: NTES
(12:10 PM) Nastradeer1_1: SKilling paid $28 Mil for his defense, and ran out of $$ for it, reading WSJ, a week ago or so
(12:12 PM) brownbear_1: yes
(12:12 PM) brownbear_1: won't need money where he is going
(12:12 PM) brownbear_1: lol
(12:13 PM) fst415: they need to throw scrushy in jail too.
(12:18 PM) mplsrmt: ebay
(12:19 PM) brownbear_1: how far back can we retrace - jer - 1268 ??
(12:20 PM) brownbear_1: yeah
(12:21 PM) brownbear_1: you could hve made .04 on aapl - jer lol
(12:21 PM) brownbear_1: i see it now - ok
JerryO3434: i am holding for now
JerryO3434: LUNCH
(12:24 PM) screenshot: L ER 21.30
(12:35 PM) grizz_9: Can one of the Genesis traders here tell me (or IM me if thats better) what there commissions are....ex: on a 1000 trade of it .01 in and .01 out? Meaning $20? I dont have a problem with that at all...executation is more important than finding the lowest buck broker...just need to know for my own trade tracking on the demo.
(12:37 PM) sreno: figure an average of .013 per share in and again out
(12:37 PM) sreno: .03/share roundtrip is safe
(12:38 PM) grizz_9: so $ 30 on a 1000 share trade when its all done?
(12:38 PM) sreno: exactly, usually a couple of bucks less
(12:39 PM) grizz_9: ok...thanks.
(12:39 PM) ctran9: its less than 25$
(12:39 PM) sreno: but for estimating I use $30/1K shares
(12:39 PM) sreno: no surprises
(12:39 PM) grizz_9: right....just good surprises
(12:40 PM) sreno: depends upon the stock and whether the trade increases or decreases liquidity
(12:40 PM) sreno: My average for a month (Feb?) was $26 and change.
(12:40 PM) grizz_9: does your "trade report" give you an accurate number?
(12:41 PM) sreno: You really need to look at the Genesis account summary on the web site.
(12:41 PM) grizz_9: ok...tanks
(12:42 PM) sreno: Info in the trading platform is gross in and out.
(12:42 PM) sreno: Laser does NOT account for commissions and expenses.
(12:43 PM) sreno: You're welcome Grizz
(12:48 PM) Earl the Pearl: video on YM's using the trin
(12:48 PM) Earl the Pearl:
(12:49 PM) Earl the Pearl: overview of market from yesterday close
(12:49 PM) Earl the Pearl:
(12:49 PM) Earl the Pearl: very good 2ns video
(12:49 PM) Earl the Pearl: nd
(12:49 PM) Earl the Pearl: 2nd
(12:56 PM) screenshot: ER badabing
(12:58 PM) screenshot: L YM 95 stop 85
(1:08 PM) ctran9: thnx for the TRIN video!
(1:08 PM) ctran9: very informative
(1:14 PM) stevefi: appl is on big down again
(1:14 PM) brownbear_1: stowboat (dances.....) may be gone, but his thoughts on futs moving without price movement in stocks being trouble is priceless
(1:17 PM) stevefi: aapl in at .62 out at .73
(1:43 PM) fst415: anyone trade GOOG? it's been going up steadily.
(1:53 PM) Earl the Pearl: you can go here and get the videos daily sent to you.
(1:54 PM) mplsrmt: joyg pop
(1:55 PM) fst415: AKAM straight up on the 5-min
(1:57 PM) Earl the Pearl: HANS 8 pts. today
(1:58 PM) Nastradeer1_1: JOYG big pop
(1:59 PM) Nastradeer1_1: on upgrade = Joy Global: Hearing JOYG upped to Buy from Neutral at UBS (47.30 -7.00) -Update
(1:59 PM) mplsrmt: there is a call on joyg now
(2:00 PM) Nastradeer1_1: don't understan mpl
(2:00 PM) mplsrmt: I think there is a conference call mid day
(2:00 PM) Nastradeer1_1: ok a cc, thx
(2:00 PM) mplsrmt: that why the pop
(2:03 PM) screenshot: L ER 21.80
(2:03 PM) screenshot: stop 21
(2:05 PM) cashmarket: jerry here?
(2:08 PM) screenshot: out ER +.50
(2:08 PM) screenshot: L YM 91
(2:08 PM) screenshot: stop 81
(2:13 PM) fst415: SNDK moving up
(2:15 PM) fst415: take off for SNDK
(2:16 PM) mplsrmt: ebay near hod
(2:20 PM) Earl the Pearl: go sndk
(2:26 PM) stevefi: akam is still going wpw
(2:28 PM) wwwalker: any one here .......ok jerry
JerryO3434: HELLO\
(2:28 PM) wwwalker: i just came in
(2:28 PM) wwwalker: no internet thisw am
(2:28 PM) harry120: hi J
(2:28 PM) stevefi: welcome back
(2:28 PM) harry120: waiting for it to pop
(2:30 PM) stevefi: luv apple
(2:30 PM) mplsrmt: yep ebay
(2:30 PM) stevefi: tomm I am going to go real
(2:30 PM) stevefi: acct is ready
(2:30 PM) stevefi: I'll be riding your coat tails big time tomm
(2:34 PM) cashmarket: sndk 2 doji on the 200
JerryO3434: BIDU
(2:34 PM) mplsrmt: ebay hod
JerryO3434: EBAY NICE
(2:35 PM) MMags1999: didnt print it but went in ebay 13.01 sold 13.16
(2:35 PM) MMags1999: excuse me 33.01
(2:35 PM) MMags1999: went in xmsr 13.20 and 13.40 sold at 13.60
(2:36 PM) MMags1999: but going higher anyway
(2:36 PM) watsoman: up
(2:39 PM) stockboy2005: vlo hod
(2:40 PM) mplsrmt: joyg flag
(2:42 PM) koza2: akam ^^^^
(2:43 PM) mplsrmt: power trend ebay
(2:44 PM) harry120: trin 0.62
(2:44 PM) fst415: oj, AAPL looks ready to run.
(2:45 PM) fst415: forget the old ladies. we need the radio city rockets! better legs.
(2:46 PM) mplsrmt: joyg gammo
(2:46 PM) koza2: ndaq ^^^
(2:48 PM) delfin771: Jerry, u still in CSCO
JerryO3434: sold aapl at 64,.08
(2:50 PM) brownbear_1: hardest .18 you ever made
(2:50 PM) brownbear_1: i know
JerryO3434: tougest .33 cents in 2 trades i had to make in the week so far
(2:53 PM) mplsrmt: joyg gammo
(2:56 PM) mplsrmt: I think they were in a conference call too
(2:57 PM) brownbear_1: remember when ebay used to be up 3.00 everyday !!!!!
JerryO3434: LONG EBAY AT 33.47
(2:59 PM) cashmarket: everyone get knocked offline paltalk?
(3:00 PM) mplsrmt: shorts covering for sure too
JerryO3434: OIH
(3:05 PM) MMags1999: I know you don tlike swing trades but ebay is great potetial
JerryO3434: OUT EBAY AT 33.57
(3:06 PM) MMags1999: I went in at 33.01 and sold partials, .20 and .52
(3:06 PM) wwwalker: good jerry
(3:06 PM) MMags1999: still holding some with my stops up
(3:06 PM) wwwalker: pushing my soch here
(3:06 PM) MMags1999: it is safe though withthis much room
(3:06 PM) MMags1999: yes
(3:07 PM) MMags1999: if it pulls back to .40 then I will sell the balance
(3:09 PM) MMags1999: out balance ebay 33.53
(3:10 PM) wwwalker: jerry i use the get stoch ....its very good on over sold and bought conditions on a intraday 1,3,@5 minutes charts ...just thought i would pass it on ...thanks jerry
(3:10 PM) wwwalker: see what i mean with ebay right here
(3:12 PM) wwwalker: ...i did 0 trades today internet this am and just did not see any thing i liked ...ty jerry and all ....
(3:13 PM) wwwalker: jerry you introduced me to the adx and i love it works wonderful wiht my get stoch .....fthank you
(3:14 PM) gjeinc100: interesting how they take csco down here
(3:16 PM) wwwalker: i in here @ 20.36
JerryO3434: LONG AAPL AT 64.10
JerryO3434: LONG EBAY AT 33.51
JerryO3434: PLUS 300 TICK
JerryO3434: .67 TRIN
JerryO3434: SOLD AAPL AT 64.23
(3:26 PM) mnick_1: out aapl +.25
JerryO3434: SOLD EBAY AT 33.62
JerryO3434: SELL IT
(3:27 PM) brownbear_1: crude trading 71.35 + 1.50
(3:27 PM) brownbear_1: open again
(3:27 PM) ragic_1: +12 from sndk
(3:28 PM) brownbear_1: opens 3:15
(3:30 PM) MMags1999: I said that at 33.50
(3:30 PM) MMags1999:
(3:32 PM) MMags1999: yes
(3:33 PM) BSilvey: turning out to be a good day
JerryO3434: 3.30 REVERSAL
(3:34 PM) mplsrmt: akam
(3:36 PM) wvombaur: mrvl a real dog
(3:38 PM) bocarat: you sold CSCO?
(3:39 PM) stevefi: still think cisco is gonna rebound?
(3:39 PM) gjeinc100: agree steve
(3:39 PM) gjeinc100: good vol in it
(3:40 PM) stevefi: holding cause the man is usually right
(3:40 PM) stevefi: yes
(3:40 PM) ragic_1: aapl -15
(3:41 PM) bocarat: this stevef agrees with the other stevef
(3:41 PM) ian_h: yes
(3:41 PM) watsoman: I'm here
(3:41 PM) stevefi: to funy
(3:41 PM) watsoman: no
(3:42 PM) ian_h: dont think so
(3:42 PM) watsoman: don't think so....
(3:42 PM) watsoman: I don't have them on my sys
(3:42 PM) watsoman: ok
JerryO3434: kb
(3:43 PM) kb123: I'm here
JerryO3434: cme e-mini
JerryO3434: $30
(3:43 PM) kb123: JUust got them from A
(3:43 PM) kb123: $23 per m
(3:43 PM) mplsrmt: mrvl lod
(3:43 PM) kb123: esignal
(3:45 PM) stevefi: gj csco starting to move
(3:46 PM) kb123: can we trade optinons with Laser?
(3:48 PM) gjeinc100: steve she's trying
(3:48 PM) watsoman: do you know the time frame?
(3:48 PM) gjeinc100: good vol in last sev 5min bars
(3:48 PM) kb123: are you going to call them as well?
(3:49 PM) kb123: YES!!!!
(3:51 PM) stevefi: sure is trying
(3:53 PM) MMags1999: Hey Jer..another nice day for sure... I am gonna cut out so take it easy and see ya int he am
(3:54 PM) Nastradeer1_1: House votes to allow oil, gas drilling in Alaska arctic refuge- Bloomberg
(3:55 PM) Nastradeer1_1: they rejected this only a few years ago, now we'll only have to wait another 5 or so years for driling & a pipeline
(3:55 PM) MMags1999: man..look at ebay!
(3:55 PM) BSilvey: peix just jumped up
(3:55 PM) gjeinc100: need the hydrogen technology as primary mode for future, wish we could max it now
(3:56 PM) jamin1111: Jerry, if you add 9ema MA on 5 min chart of EBAY, you see how it bounces from it.
(3:58 PM) gjeinc100: great job jer, all see ya in am!