Ian Williams Easy Forex Backtest


Hi all, am new to the forum. I subscribe to Ian Williams Easy Forex and find it's simplicity appealing. Has anyone managed to successfully backtest the system? I'm trying to write the code into Probacktest in IT Advanced Charts (on the IG platform) but am coming unstuck (although I must say their support desk has been v helpful). Any one else had any luck?
Hi all, am new to the forum. I subscribe to Ian Williams Easy Forex and find it's simplicity appealing. Has anyone managed to successfully backtest the system? I'm trying to write the code into Probacktest in IT Advanced Charts (on the IG platform) but am coming unstuck (although I must say their support desk has been v helpful). Any one else had any luck?

isnt it simply a moving average system?
That cant be that difficult to program, even on IG
Should be. I'm trying to write in that at least one of the moving averages must be pointing up (as Williams stipulates), IG has recommended a summation of the last 3 moving averages. And also that the candles must be completely clear of the MA once they cross. IG gave me this but it is not doing what it should (using 15 and 25 period moving averages):

If Not LongOnMarket then
If Summation[3] (Average[15](Close) > Average[15](Close)[1]) Or (Average[25](Close) > Average[25](Close)[1]) and (Average[15](Close)Crosses Under Low) and (Average[25](Close) Crosses Under Low) and (Low > Low[1]) then
Buy 1 Cash At Market
Elsif Not ShortOnMarket then
If Summation[3] (Average[15](Close)< Average[15](Close)[1]) Or (Average[25](Close) < Average[25](Close)[1])and (Average[15](Close) Crosses Over High) and (Average[25](Close) Crosses
Over High) and (High < High[1]) then
SellShort 1 Cash At Market
Elsif LongOnMarket then
If (Average[15](Close)Crosses Over Close) and (Average[25](Close)Crosses Over Close) then
Sell 1 Cash At Market
Elsif ShortOnMarket then
If (Average[15](Close)Crosses Under Close) and (Average[25](Close)Crosses Under Close) then
ExitShort 1 Cash At Market