Oh...Oh...I did mention Swingers before, didn't I? Oh yes, it happens here.
I know... your wife told me.
Oh...Oh...I did mention Swingers before, didn't I? Oh yes, it happens here.
Frinton on sea is full of not quite nearly people, really vile and cowardly, I lived there for 46 years and I am so glad to be out, they bear baited my brother when he had Bi-polar which eventually resulted in his suicide, I sure hope all the small minded little club members are proud of themselves.Dingleberry
I went there once and it was definitely one of the most unfriendly snobbish places I have ever visited. Add to that the small minded rudeness
and worst still the apparent desperation to flaunt these 'values and attitudes to outsiders by just about everyone in town -- Shopkeepers cafe owners, people in pubs, anyone asked for directions and my visit resulted in an unpleasant few hours. Left bad memories
By all means enjoy living in Frinton if you do, but get out and about now and then.
There's a big wide world with plenty to enjoy.
As I said before, best wishes for the New Year to all in Frinton especially those who have lost out in that venture / ripoff.
It never ceases to amaze me how easy it is to take millions off gullible people by just promising a ridiculous return.
I totally agree with your summing up of frinton, they comprise of little gangs who are all for you when doing well and vile when you are not. Their schadenfreud is beyond all boundaries. Don't get me wrong there are a handfull of people in frinton worth speaking to but your summary is so accurate you must know the place well. They bear baited my late brother who had bi-polar to the extent that his exclusion from their private clubs was a definite contributing factor to his suicide in 2010.From the bowls of Frinton on Sea, I bring you news of 'FrintonGate' (Pun very much intended!) 😉 I can assure you all that these 'victims' are indeed nothing less than a greedy bunch of previously smug bigotted lemmings. GLYDER: You are so right. For the love of God, stay away. To return could easily turn you into a bullet-spraying lunatic. The place is swarming with rude, (previously)smug, self-satisfied and unfriendly people!
For the sake of refusing to accept responsibility of FRINTONGATE, these smug bigots took Dicko (AKA Ian Dickinson) from the lofty heights of Hero to the lowly depths of Zero in a matter of minutes once the news broke. I MEAN...REALLY <said in the fashion of Stephen Fry!> 🙂
I imagine that it was incredibly difficult for Our Dicko to stop this incredulous snowball from rolling, gathering more and more snow as it travelled through the Avenues of the once-respected town of Frinton on Sea. It is understood that he actually had people arriving at his door, pushing cheques into his hands.
Apparently, trading began some years ago quite legitimately, but once a loss was made, as smooth as silk, in came the Ponzi. And who could actually carry that off in such a fashion - Our Dicko! Smooth tongued, confident, loud, plummy, pillar of the community....Whether he liked it or not, he was in...
And so, the fallout is that HE is the Sinner. God forbid that all those greedy, greedy investors should be at all responsible....they were quite happy receiving a Word document each month showing their money increasing by 10% EACH and EVERY month.
An amusing view, I found, is that all the signs have been very evident around here that this had indeed become a Ponzi scheme, ticking all the boxes of the best known previous bandits, Ponzi himself, and more recently, our old mate, Bernie Madoff. Yet, Dicko's investors continued to literally throw money at him. I MEAN...REALLY <Again, in the tone of Stephen Fry>
The scale of this is pretty, pretty huge. I am willing to bet (and only a fool or rogue bet!) that everybody will know someone who has been one of Dicko's Dopey Dunces!
Traders out there, reading this, surely can only be happy, for 'one man's loss is another's gain'. So, YOU just may have won some of Dicko's money (loose description!). Good for you! 😉
As for Dicko....Where is he? There was a rumour that he was spotted in a Burger King restaurant, but as punter or employee is currently unknown...
As for the Investors (AKA Greedy Bigotted Muppets), they can be found daily attending 'Group Therapy' (Crying into their beers) at the following locations: Frinton Golf Club, Frinton Cricket Club and, when in session, at the Frinton Rotary Club.
Your humble servant,
The Whistleblower 😉